Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday this and that

My mom went to the grocery store with her senior living group/bus on Tuesday morning. One of the things she put on her list is some hydrocortisone itch cream, as she has a rash on her arm. When she called me Tuesday afternoon she said "of course I forgot to get it while I was there!".  So, I ordered her some from Amazon Prime. I was hoping since she's in such a metro area, it would get there in a day or two, but it's not showing up until tomorrow. I just got her a tube of Cortaid cream and hopefully that will help. She said she's had the rash before, but it's been awhile.

I'm not exactly sure what all she needed at the store, since DS went for her on Saturday, but in her usual fashion, I'm sure she just told him a couple things on her list, rather than all she needed. I know every time I or dd visited and would take her to the store she'd have a list but suddenly decide she's not going to take the time and was always like "oh, I'll just get the rest another time" LOL.

Tuesday afternoon/evening she was really having a hard time knowing what was going on with her bank accounts and retirement account. I think she called me 5 times with questions. She thought she was waiting for a check from her retirement account. I had to remind her that money was transferred directly to her checking account a couple of weeks ago and then I transferred part of it in her savings, rather than leaving it all in checking. See that savings balance listed below your checking balance? ya, that's that money, LOL. Then she's confused by her retirement accounts "cash balance". "Should I leave my money with them still?" (we've had this conversation a few times) I'm like (and dad) have used this broker for 25 some years now and he's done a great job with your investments. Let's just let him keep doing his job". Then I had to explain to her that that "cash balance" part of her retirement funds is just money he allocates between cash, stocks and bonds. He uses it to buy/sell when necessary, so that balance is always changing. Just leave it there as part of the investments. I also had to remind her she has another account with them, too. A money market savings type account that all her money went from the sale of her house.

It's payday today. So nice to have that extra $1000 from my side job! It's raining. It was almost 80 degrees out yesterday but got very cloudy by afternoon and dark clouds by evening. DH continued to work on the shed yesterday, putting up the sheets of plywood for the ceiling. I guess he's waiting on some batting type insulation from the lumber store, which won't be in until tomorrow. Then he can put that up and put the plywood sheeting up to cover the walls.  He seems to be taking today off, so far, since it's raining (and he's tired).

DD's auto insurance company sent them a $50 refund check per vehicle, so they got $150. My insurance company is just doing 20% of April and May and still hasn't done it yet. So, I'm only going to see about $30 back, in total. She's been wanting a new kitchen sink and got one online at Lowe's. The description online said it has "cut outs" which they assumed meant what they needed for their set up (I guess like a vent type hole and something related to their dishwasher) but when they got it opened to look at, no cut outs, so she had to return it. She was very bummed. They went looking for something else at Lowes and Home Depot last night and found something, but of course it was quite a bit more money than she had originally planned. She wants a big single bowl stainless sink with a pull down faucet, like I have. They are also going to put in a garbage disposal, which she is excited about.

I didn't do any MTurks yesterday, since I was in taking care of my eye appointment and other errands yesterday and didn't get home and to work until after 11am. I did earn $29 the previous 3 days though. 

I need to give our nearby meat/butcher place a call to see about ordering some meat for our freezer. I've never ordered from a butcher place before. I just want some ground beef and some steaks. I have newbie questions for if I order 25# of ground beef, is it all in one chunk or do they package it up in individual sizes? Can I order thin steaks?  I hate talking to people and asking questions....hence I haven't called yet, LOL.


  1. while I am sure it was a little unnerving for you mom to go out, it might have been a good emotional boost. Good for your family all helping her out.

    1. yes, I'm sure it was good for her to get out a bit and do something.

  2. I suppose your mother's shopping needs have to work themselves to the top of her list. I am surprised they took her the group out to shop.

    1. I'm not surprised. They all still need things. Many of them that live there have their own vehicles and can come and go when they want, but those that don't still need to be able to shop.

  3. You hate asking questions?! Why, how else are you supposed to learn? Any service industry should be happy to answer a first time customer's questions, and if they aren't, then that's a sign you shouldn't do business with them, in my opinion.
    Anyway, when we have ordered from the butcher, the 50 lbs. of ground beef came in 1lb. rolls. The steaks are generally pre-cut--when you send a cow to be processed, you pick your package, the package gives you different quantities of different types of cuts. So, the butcher should have a variety of cuts on hand, and you should be able to pick your type, but the cut will be standard, ie: No thin cut New York strip. The only time (here anyway) you are able to customize that is if it is your own cow sent to process, and then, you pay extra for that service.

    1. Just me being an introvert - pretty sure all us introverts are similar in that way, haha. Mostly I just hate talking on the phone. The 1# would be perfect. I know they also sell (per their website) ground beef and steaks separate from buying a package. I don't want a package as there are a lot of cuts we don't typically eat. If the ribeye steaks are regular cut, I'll probably just order a few to try out.

  4. When you order a side of beef or something along those lines, they will ask you how you want it packaged. Some places have different assortments they offer-- such as so many pkgs. of rolled rump, patties etc. for a certain price. Since you live nearby, you might go in and see what all they offer. There's usually signs around describing what's available. Of course you can get just what you want and no more. I used to like to get a 10 lb. box of beef patties to have on hand for quickie meals. I now live in a senior
    independent living apartment. We are really buttoned down and can't leave the premises because of the pandemic. I'm surprised that your mom can. By the way, it sounds like she now needs assisted living. Perhaps that it what her new place will be.

    1. I decided against ordering like 1/4 of a beef as I don't want all those various cuts. Just want ground beef and ribeye steaks, so I will just get those. Her new place is independent, but they have some outside services that quite a few use. Mostly, I'm going to be her "assistance" to start with and then I will hire the extra help as needed, once we see how she does after getting settled in.

  5. At the meat market I have ordered from they ask how I want stuff packaged. And I can get whatever thickness of steaks that I want. If I went in there right now and they didn’t have the thickness of ribeyes I wanted they’d go cut me a couple however thick I wanted. I do this with pork chops when Dh wants to smoke some. He likes really thick ones to smoke and they never cut them that thick so I just ask. My meat market sells 10 lb bags of ground beef so that’s what I usually buy, and then I just wrap it however I want, but if I called them and put in an order they’d do whatever I wanted.

    1. Good to know! I'm sure this place is helpful and flexible too :)
