Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Rent, flowers and TP

This morning I emailed the gal at my mom's new apartment senior living place. Since we aren't going to be able to move my mom later this month, as planned, I told her that my mom is stressing out a bit over having to pay rent on 2 places starting May. Boy, if I had known that a week after I signed her rent agreement that all this craziness was going to happen we sure would have waited it out. Would it maybe be possible to defer her rent for now?

She replied back that she is sure they can do something for that. She will talk to her boss this week and get back to me. She also asked if my mom does email, as they have video tour introduction they can send her and she said she could also send my mom a video of her apartment to show her. I said that would be great! She does do email, though I might have to help her with accessing the video and I mentioned how I can remote into her computer to help her and what a godsend that has been. She replied back asking what the name of the program is, she thinks that would be a great tool to recommend to families of their residents.

As expected, I did have an episode of pain with my eye again last night. Since I scratched it again yesterday morning, I figured it would do it again, but at least it was short lived pain again (as usual, seems to most often happen around 4:30 am). The vision in the eye is fairly good, still, so at least that didn't get worse.

DH worked on the shed/coop all day yesterday.  The lumber he still needed got delivered yesterday, by the owner himself. He's a nice guy and dh brought him in to show him the inside of our house. DH had added some nails and stuff to the order so it needed to be paid and then either he forgot a box of nails or something, so DH had me drive back into town behind him, so I could pay for the rest of it and pick up the box of nails. I said I'd been wanting to go to town and get a few groceries anyway, so all good.

The little grocery store is doing a good job with the cleaning and social distancing. They have wipes just inside the door. Signs on the floor and plexiglass shields now installed at the registers. The checker would ring up the customer and then wipe down her station, even the conveyor belt and then the next person can set out their groceries on it and get rung up. While I was waiting for her to ring my stuff up I noticed some cut flowers for sale. So pretty and I decided they were a necessity!

I was able to get some bananas, apples and grapes. I also was able to get a can of each of the different beans I need for my taco soup, so I am going to make that for dinner tonight and several nights of future meals as I can freeze some of it, too.

I'm thinking as a little "treat" to myself with my raise and retro pay I would sign up again for a month or two of Ancestry.com. I really enjoyed it when I did it several years ago and would love to work on it some more. But, I want to wait and make sure my eye is better because I know if I start on it, I'll end up gluing myself to the computer.  Between work and that I'll probably over do the screen time, so I'm impatiently trying to wait a bit and see if my eye starts improving some more. But, I think with a month service, I could get a lot more done with the research and enjoy it.

I've been watching/refreshing my screen on Walmart online for days now, with it set at "toilet paper for home delivery." Every so often something will pop up, but dang - you gotta be fast! By the time I get it in my cart or try to add it - it's gone! But, I think this morning I maybe managed to snag a 12 pack of Charmin Mega rolls. Wooo! Let's see if it actually ships or end up canceling on me. Any bets?


  1. I hope the new place can do something to help defer the rent until your mom is actually moved in. Those flowers are very pretty and so is the vase they are in! I hope your eye continues to heal.

    1. I hope they will defer it too. The vase I got from the flowers dh had delivered for our anniversary a couple months ago. I like the vase, too :)

  2. I was admiring those flowers - and then I noticed that table. Man is that beautiful!

    1. I love the table! and it was from trees we had to cut down on our property, so it's even more special :)

  3. I hope you get your TP! I haven’t needed any since the hoarding began. My Walmart has had toilet paper on the shelf for a couple weeks now. Safeway still doesn’t have it though. I think it’s great that lots of stores are telling all the hoarders they cannot return toilet paper, rice, and a few other things people were over buying for no rational reasons. The only thing I can’t find is spray cleaners. I need fantastik but it’s nowhere to be found.

    1. I'm sure if I could check the stores often, I'd probably find some TP, but boy it's hard when you live so far away from them. We still have some left, but I don't want to keep waiting to find some and get stuck being out, that's for sure. That little 4 pack I got at Target is pretty awful stuff, LOL, but it'll do.

    2. The table is exquisite. What are the measurements? That would be a good treat, having Ancestry. I have a treat planned for me if things work out. TP is back here, not in abundance but there are no more runs on it thanks to only one per person. I certainly hope your eye gets better soon.

    3. The table is 7 ft long. I can't remember on the width - whatever is standard. The only thing I wish I would have paid more attention to in telling the craftsman who built it was to put the legs farther from the ends of the table. They are a bit to close to the ends, so makes it a bit hard to sit there or put a chair on ends.
