Monday, April 27, 2020

Let's do another week

It's payroll day today.....will this one finally be easy? LOL. One annoying part of our new system, is PTO requests sometimes get left in the systems as "pending" instead of getting approved by the manager, so I have to take time to track down whether they actually took/taking the time off. So, that's what's delaying me right now with it.

I'm still tweaking my Walmart pick up order. I did find some Libby and Great Value green beans, limit 4 of each, so I'm ordering both to try (usually get Del Monte). Worse comes to worse the dogs absolutely love green beans, so they can be their treats if we (and by "we" I mean DH, I really don't like any green beans, LOL) don't like them, for some reason. One thing I can't find either, is the Classico pizza sauce I like for my homemade pizza. Are there really that many people who are now making their own pizzas? 

In the meantime of writing this (and putting it on hold to do actual work) payroll is done! No real issues and it's not even noon. Yay me!

Somehow in the last 2 hours I have pulled a muscle or something in my left calf. I didn't wake up with it, nor was I having any problems when I was outside with the dogs around 9:30am. I can't imagine what I could have done just sitting here at my desk. I could barely walk down the stairs with it. It seems to be loosening up a bit now, but weird.

I think our neighbor is enjoying her new Covid-19 work schedule. She works one week on and one week off and gets paid for the weeks off. She's outside today working in her yard, which she always seems to enjoy. And speaking of banks, I need to call my bank to set up an appointment for Wednesday morning, after my eye exam, so I can get the document my mom's retirement broker sent me, notarized and mailed back to them.

Taking a lunch break. Working on MTurks. Up to $4.55 so far today. This morning a little over $18 got transferred to my bank account, so I'm getting back on track now.


  1. Sounds like your work week is off to a good start! Enjoy the rest of the day.

    1. other than that weird thing with my calf muscle, which mostly is gone now, it's been a good day.

  2. I love any kind of green bean. I can eat them straight from the can, room temperature. However, I will not eat a brand of green beans once I find the stems in them when I try to chew them. yuck. Are these reduced or on sale. Do all stocking up only when price is lower.

    1. at this point, being out completely, I'm just going to buy some. And being that they always seem to be out of stock now being on sale doesn't do me much good, if they are out :(

  3. For your calf muscle, you might want to invest in some magnesium if it continues to plague you. I used to get them all the time and found magnesium worked like magic on leg cramps.

    1. I've heard about magenesium too, as DH gets cramps all the time with his muscle problems. I'm not sure mine was a cramp, it only hurt when I walked, LOL. it's much better today, just a tad tight, but no pain. It was weird.

  4. I should have looked into M Turks, seems a nice way t tuck a little extra money aside. I'm not in a money making mindset though. I think it will be at least another two weeks before I am in the office at all, and then it will be intermittent staggered, and likely now with masks.

    1. It's definitely something that has a learning curve, so you probably wouldn't start out making much until you figured it out. With me working f/t it took me quite awhile to finally figure out how (and find the extra time to do it) to use the tools for MTurks to help earn more.
