Friday, April 24, 2020

It's TGIF again

The insulation guy got finished at like 9:15 last night. If he would have gotten here at 7:30 or 8 am, like he was supposed to he wouldn't have had to invade our whole evening. DH is pooped, because of course he spent the day as his helper. Helped lay down and attach all the visqueen, helped him maneuver the super long hose he uses to spray the foam, etc, helped clean up. When he had to come up inside our attic areas, they had to bring the hose in through our bonus room window and then run it down the hallway (floor covered in plastic). But, all those cracks to the outside are now filled in and the shed is insulated. DH can sleep in and rest today. But he does himself zero favors. The guy had his stuff put away and ready to leave probably around 9:30 or so, yet DH stands outside for 2 freaking hours chatting with him! Then complains to me he's in so much pain. Well, then you should have said goodbye at 9:30 and came in and rested.

My eye is still doing well. My dogs seem to be over their throwing up and diarrhea. Earlier this week I changed how I am feeding one of the dogs, the one who doesn't chew the food. I've been letting it soak in water for a bit, before I give it to him, so it softens up. He has not puked any back up since. When DH was down at our other neighbors, borrowing the radon tester, they said their dog has been picking up ticks, too. I asked DH if he asked them if/what they use for tick repellent, but of course he didn't think to ask. Like our other neighbors with the 4 dogs, obviously what they use doesn't work! The neighbor with the 4 dogs says she uses some natural type spray she gets at Walmart. I'm going to stick with my Pet Armor, it seems to do the job and no ticks on our dogs as far as we know and I have been using it since we moved to this state.

Does any one with a chest freezer have suggestions for organizing the food stored in it? I don't have a lot in it yet, but can see how it can easily become a buried mess, where I don't know what is underneath, once I start adding/stacking stuff. There are 2 trays on top that slide, but the rest is a big huge deep area, just ripe for disorganization.

DH's brother again with the snide comments. DH had posted a couple of pictures the other day, where he got to mow our lawn for the first time. One was a photo he took sitting on his lawn tractor looking out over the hood of it to our yard. Every other friends comments were "looks nice". His comment was "you rich folk sure know how to live". I wanted to comment "ummm...if we were rich, someone else would be mowing our lawn!".


  1. Really, you should add that comment. Or, write "you are embarrassing yourself."

    1. I think it's obvious to everyone (but him) that he's embarrassing himself.

  2. Oh, about the chest freezer organization. Get large canvas bags and put things in those. Different bags could hold different items. If you dig, you dig in only that bag, not the whole bottom of the freezer. Or, use plastic boxes of some kind to lift out so you can get to the bottom.

    1. thats a good idea.. I think I have a couple of those types of bags in a drawer. I did find a good plastic bin idea online, which I may purchase at some point.

  3. Oh man your DH! Bless his heart. I am glad your eye is feeling better, crossing my fingers that it is all resolved. Can you get more trays to stack stuff in the chest freezer? and you label them? :/ I don't have one but you're right it would get easily disorganized.

    1. Bins with handles or bags with handles seem to be the most recommended solution. Easy to move.

  4. I second the bags idea for the freezer but I just use the grocery bags from the store. I put large ideas(whole turkey or turkey breast, ham, briskets or pork butts, etc.)in bags in the bottom of the freezer otherwise I'd never be able to reach/lift them out of the freezer without falling in myself. lol

    1. it is kind of deep down there, I probably would fall in, LOL. I'm going to try my cloth bags for a bit and see how that works.

  5. My niece is married to a nice enough guy. My sister and her husband have helped them out constantly. Let them live with them for 3 years in order to save and have baby sat both children from birth so that my niece could go to work (the kids are 11 and 8 now), all for free of course. Her son-in-law's parents constantly refer to the "rich relations" but as my sister said, she gets a new kitchen every couple of years, out at the pub most nights, frequent dinners out and exotic holidays. Which is why they are now struggling in retirement and my sister and her husband are not. It's just jealousy really!

    1. it's all about priorities with your money and I've never understood why people with different priorities then are jealous. DH's brothers priority is spending money on cars and booze (and previously also drugs). Ours isn't. Don't put me down because I chose to sacrifice some time out of my life and get a degree so I could get a better paying job. Don't put me down because I chose to spend my money on my house, rather than muscle cars and booze, LOL.

  6. the comments seem innocuous to me... and i've been following along your blog. cuz it upsets you if he (the brother) comments on his own nice stuff...and it upsets you if he says the stuff you guys have are nice.... would it help to take a break from being offended by him and see his comments objectively?

    1. have you ever heard of a backhanded compliment? It doesn't upset me at all, actually, it upsets my DH. I think most people know, in their gut, if they are receiving a genuine compliment or not by someone.

      I think we are seeing his comments objectively - he's unhappy and most probably some jealously thrown in there, too, along with some drinking. I'm not really sure when he has ever commented on his own nice stuff or if he did, that it upset DH, at all. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head (but it's early and I'm still getting my coffee in me!), is he said his mower (that belongs to a mowing job he has) is better than the one DH just got. DH isn't the type that would be bothered by someone else commenting on their own stuff, at all.

      My DH would prefer to have a relationship with someone where they both respect each other and both say things to uplift the other. A backhanded comment here and there is no big thing, innocuous, like you said, but when it's every time, it does get a bit old. Just not my idea of the type of people I enjoy having in my life on a regular basis. People like that (for us anyway) eventually tend to suck the enjoyment of being around them, right out.

      And honestly, his brother matters very little to me at all. He and his wife are alcoholics, did drugs, were awful parents. Gave one of their kids to the state and barely took care of the other 2. Ignored DH, his parents and other siblings, for years and years. I've got plenty of objectivity about him, LOL. I think DH had hoped for something I knew he probably wasn't going to get out of this reconnection. I just feel bad for DH, who tries really hard to reconnect and be supportive and positive, but doesn't get the same in return.
