Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday what not

Two mornings this week my mom has apparently gotten phone calls (she only has a cell phone) that wake her up. Tuesday was a little after 8am and yesterday was at 7:40 am. I don't think she usually gets up until around 9am. No wonder she's been confused. It turns out the one at 7:40am was from her brokers assistant. Who calls someone at 7:40am? I'm guessing she just called to tell my mom the money got transferred, which then led to mom calling DD asking what this was about and so on. She also doesn't seem to know that when her phone shows missed call she can view the ph#, so when she gets these calls, that she ends up not answering because she didn't get woke up in time, she will call me to ask if I just tried to call her. I'll tell her no, it wasn't me, I don't like to call you that early. Then from her call log I see she will try my uncle, most likely to see if it was him that called.And there is no way to leave a voicemail on her phone. Haven't been able to for a couple of years. We just get a message that says her voicemail is full. DD tried to figure out out and I tried to figure it out on my last visit to her.

I had talked to her yesterday afternoon and she seemed good and chatty. But then in the early evening she called DD again, about her banking/money. We're not sure why she keeps calling DD on it now. DD said she just said to her "oh, mom was handling that for you" and then my mom said oh right, I guess I should call her. Which then she did. She was trying to update her checkbook register and was confused by the money going in and out yesterday, that is showing online. I had to explain again that the deposit was the transfer from her retirement account and the withdrawal was then putting most of that money into her savings account, rather than leaving it sit in her checking for months. Then she said she saw now that the savings balance has that. I totally understand that she might forget/be confused as to what is going on with it, but not sure why she is calling DD. That is new. The only thing I can think of is I asked DD to start calling her a couple times a week (to help since she can't socialize where she lives now) so maybe she's got dd more on her mind, LOL.

My dog is feeling much better today, so that is a relief. He didn't even want to eat anything yesterday and he always wants to eat. I only gave him half his food this morning, to make sure he can keep it down. So far so good. I will give him some more mid day. After dinner yesterday I mopped the laundry room floor up good, where he had thrown up during the night, and while I wiped it up with paper towels (at 4am) and sprayed some floor cleaner down and wiped, I wanted to do a thorough cleaning of the floor. Then I decided to give dog a bath in the dog shower. It must have made him feel a little better because after he shook off and I dried him as much as I could he walked over to his food bowl, where a little kibble had been sitting for quite awhile and ate it. The dog shower is nice to have in the laundry room. But one of these days I'm going to see if DH can install a different spray thing that has a button to stop the water coming out, so I can set it down for a minute, without having to completely turn the faucet off.

So, this IRS stimulus check. It's a mystery when/if we will receive ours, LOL. Due to my side/self employment job, I always owe some taxes every years, so I don't have my direct deposit info on file with the IRS. Ok, so paper some point. Then they just yesterday said they added a portal where people like me can add their banking info. But every time I try to access it, either via my or DH's ss#, I'm getting the message "payment status not available". Apparently lots and lots of people are also getting this and they do not understand why either. So far, no real explanation as to what this exactly means, from the IRS. I'm assuming we are getting $1200 each. While I made more than $75,000 as an individual, we file married/jointly and DH makes nothing, so our combined married/filing jointly income is less than $150,000. At least that's how I am reading if we are eligible or not. At a minimum I would think DH should get the $1200. Just frustrating that I can't go online and put in my banking info so it can be direct deposited.

Well, I need to run into town to mail something for my side job that needs to go out today and my mail already got picked up. So, I'm going to stop at the grocery store and do a bit of shopping to tide us over. I want more apples, grapes, english muffins.

And my 18 roll pack of Charmin arrived today. Better than gold now, eh?!


  1. Around here toilet paper has made a rebound...Lysol wipes are the best currency right now. I myself only want some for the car but there are none to be had. I am sure that this, too, shall pass.

    1. We've always had those travel size packs of Wet Ones in our cars, since DH is a germophobe, so we've been good so far, but down to our last pack almost.

  2. You are flush with tp? I have one little pack of Wet Ones left and two cannisters of Lysol Wipes.

    1. Well considering how much tp dh uses a day, no not flush (pun intended?) but we have enough to last a good while more now and I feel better. I do have two big cannisters of Lysol wipes too that I had bought just before all this started

  3. When I was thinking about getting a dog after retirement one of the things that put me off was not having anywhere to wash the dog down. My bathrooms are upstairs and I wouldn't want a muddy dog going through the house. A doggy shower - what a luxury!

    1. I guess a small dog you could wash in the kitchen sink, LOL. We used to just wash our dogs outside with the hose in the warmer months and pretty much just let them go during the winter and if we just had to give them a bath then we'd do it in our bathroom shower, but at lest it was on the same floor then. I'm so glad we decided to add the dog shower.

  4. The Get Your Money Portal doesn't open till Friday. To avoid the rush/site crashing, you'd prob be better off waiting till Monday at an odd hour :)

    1. From what I read the past 4 days googling new articles and reading twitter posts many were able to use it when it opened Wednesday but many, for no reason they can figure out, are getting the payment status not available. It's even a Twitter hashtag. I did check Friday and got same message, but plan to just keep trying or until an explanation is provided.

  5. You are totes right. Says so on the irs site:

    I guess I got some fake news then. Rude. Haha.
    Glad you were finally able to get on. I was able to input my information on Friday.
