Wednesday, April 29, 2020


It's bizarro world out there today ;)

First off I go to the bank to get that document notarized that allows me to have POA on my mom's retirement investment account. I have to go thru drivethru so she has me send it to her in the tube so she can look at it first (before I sign). She's gone like 5 minutes or more. Comes back and says apparently she has to have me read out the "oath" that is written on it, out loud to her, before she can notarize so she has me pull up by their back door and she comes out and I have to read the whole statement to her from the document! So weird (she thought it was weird too). I can't see anything in it that says she has to hear it verbally! so strange. I've never had anything like that with a notary in my life, LOL. Have you ever heard of that?
Then I pull into Walmart to get my order, pull up next to this big pickup with a lady in her 30's in it. She's waiting and has her phone and her drivers license in her hand and window rolled up (everyone else has theirs down or at least partway. I think well maybe she thinks she needs to show her license to prove it's her order (when they always have just come up and said "are you so and so?". So, out comes 3 people with carts stacked with bins and this huge order that is hers. The girl with the scanner thingy walks up to her door and she puts her license up to the window and is holding her phone up. Girl just nods and turns away and they get started putting stuff in bed of her (lifted) truck. She's still holding her license up and either recording them or taking pics. Strange. Then she's talking on her phone but still holding license in her hand and she keeps looking back as they are getting her stuff moved from bins to her truck. After a minute the girl walks back to her window (which she will not even crack an inch) and obviously wants to say something to the lady but the lady just pushes her license up to the window and holds it there. The girl says loudly - can you turn your engine off? (obviously don't want to breath fumes the whole time) so she nods and turns it off. Then they are still loading (so slow) and not even near her window or paying attention to her and suddenly she's holding her license up to the window again, looking back towards them as they are still loading into the bed of her truck. Why?? LOL. I'm just like what in the world is this lady's deal? Finally mine is loaded and as I'm backing out the girl at her truck is starting to go up to her window again, obviously needs to tell her something else, and she just puts her license up there again. LOL Bizarro! I can't imagine what that lady was doing or thinking!

My eye looked much better to the specialist. He said it still has some "old" scar type tissue on it (maybe from when I scratched it years ago?) and he said it will probably act up again at some point and if it does he recommends the eye surgery fix. He said probably next winter time, when we start having the heat on again in the house and the forced air dries out the eyes. He also said to continue to use the ointment and drops for the next few months, too.

I was watching something on tv last night where the guy said he was going into CVS or somewhere and there was a sign he had to have a mask on. I suddenly thought, I wonder if the eye doctor (or I was also going to go into Lowes) would require one? I looked on the eye dr website and at least they were up to date on their website and did in fact say a mask is required for anyone entering their building. Eek. We haven't gotten any yet. (no one in our county has even contracted the virus and now things are starting to open up again). I asked DH if he had any of those little white paper masks.. I know he used to have some for when he did aluminum polishing. He did have a couple, so I just wore that into the eye doctor. It fit terrible and kept fogging my glasses. I'm just going to find something online to order. I'll need one for when I go to my mom's.


  1. It is definitely bizzaroworld out there! People are acting really odd (I swear whenever we drive it looks like some people have literally forgotten how to drive!), people seem stressed, and general behavior is certainly not getting any better. Bummer.

  2. Check Etsy for masks - lots of cute ones out there! It's also helping some of the stay-at-home people who may have lost an income due to so many closures. Don't forget to get one for your mom, too - maybe youre daughter/son, also? As even if you are able to go visit in her facility down the road I'm assuming masks will be required.

    1. I've been looking at Etsy. My mom has 2 masks (someone in her apt place made them for everyone) and my DD bought some from a person in her neighborhood.

  3. She may well have been a new customer and if you are new every confirmation email tells you to bring ID and card used. I think were opening up to soon. Wint be going anywhere without a mask whether they require it or not.

    1. that's what I thought at first, but why she kept putting it up to the window, was so strange.

  4. I have never heard of that with a notary and we notarize docs at work all the time. Were you punked? I'm sorry but I'm still laughing that you had to verbally read the entire doc at the backdoor. How weird!!

    1. She was pretty young, so maybe she just doesn't have a lot of notary experience and thought that's what she needed to do. It was so weird, LOL.

  5. When I got married I had to go to the British consulate and swear to the notary that I was single and free to marry. I just thought it was weird but without that the marriage couldn't go ahead (should have done a runner then)!
