Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Well this day isn't starting out good

After leaving a message Monday afternoon with my mom's broker account assistant person and no call back the next morning. I called again. Finally got to talk to her and get some answers as to what is going on. Apparently, in addition to having the new DPOA on file, the brokerage firm also needs to have THEIR POA paperwork filled out and signed, so that they can change the person authorized to act on her account from SB to me. Supposedly, she called my mom awhile back to ask her if she wanted her to mail her the paperwork to do this and my mom apparently said "oh, let's just wait. I'm not ready yet. I can just do it after I move". I'm guessing my mom didn't even really understanding what was being asked of her. My mom doesn't remember this at all, of course. His assistant said the broker was planning to call her yesterday, anyway, to just touch base with her on her account, so she'll tell him to talk to her about sending the paperwork and transferring the money.

So, I called my mom back and told her this. I had her write down 2 things she needed to remember to tell him when he calls: 1) tell him to send their POA paperwork so she can remove SB and put me on and 2) tell him to transfer $X of dollars to your BofA checking. I thought for sure by the time she got done talking to him she was going to be totally overwhelmed with everything.

But, he apparently called her not too long after I talked to his assistant and mom called me back and sounded good and said he's mailing her the paperwork and transferring the money. I log in to her checking this morning and the money is there.

Then this morning at around 8:15 her time (usually she's not even up by then or just getting up) she calls up DD. DD said it sounded like she just woke up and tells her there is $18k in her checking account she doesn't know what it is. Luckily, since I chat with DD all day, she knew what it was about so she told grandma it's money transferred from your retirement account to your checking. So, I called up my mom to talk to her and make sure she's ok and understands. She doesn't seem to yet remember all this from yesterday. Ugh. Then she said ok, I just didn't know why we needed to transfer. I said because you were down to like $2000 in your checking/savings and you need some money in there to cover your rent and expenses. She just said she's glad I'm keeping on top of all this and thanked me. I just don't think she was even really awake enough yet, so probably still confused, especially to call dd and not me about it, though DD said she did seem to know she was talking to her and not me. I'll give her a call after lunch and see how she's doing/remembering.

The insulation guy called DH back - he's only been trying to get a hold of him for months. Monday DH was at his wits end about it and (I guess his text to the guy was basically like I need to know if you are going to come out and fix this or if you want me to call someone else) was like when he finally calls I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. We spent $50k insulating our house - he damn well better fix this and soon! Well, of course once he was on the phone with him DH didn't say any of that or even act like he's mad that the guy has left us hanging for 6 months now, since DH first told him about the issue.

And my eye was bad again last night - 2 times and blurry again this morning. So frustrating. And one of our dogs has been throwing up during the night and a little this morning and doesn't want to eat anything. I'm pretty sure he ate a bunch of deer poop the evening before, but I've also tried to really check him over well for a tick. He gets flea and tick med and I can't find anything on him, but it's about impossible to check him with his long flat coated retriever fur.


  1. It is amazing that the bank could not have told you this sooner. I imagine that SB has been checking things over the phone since he thought it necessary to call and tell them about the change from him to you. I imagine in the future he is going to try to get more money with his "evidence" of continuing to care for her business.

    It would be good if your husband would be a little irritated with the insulation guy. I have these rants in my head but back it off when I do speak. At least it getting done.

    Could the eye doctor mail you one of those little eye shields that people get when they have cataract surgery. You will need some paper or cloth tape to hold it on.

    1. I guess mom's retirement broker and his assistant thought she didn't want to put me on yet, since they did apparently try to call to get her ok to send the paperwork and she told them not to! LOL. I really don't think an eye patch/shield is going to help at all. The issue when I am sleeping and my eye dries out and the top layer that is healing gets "sloughed" off because either my eye moves or I open my eyelid

    2. and I have to open my eye during the night to add drops

  2. Between you and your daughter, you take good care of your mom.

    1. we are trying, but sure wish we could have gotten her moved here next week as we had planned.

  3. Sounds like “one of those weeks”!
    It’ll be such a relief once your mum can eventually move nearer to you. As SAM has just said, between your daughter and you, your mum is in safe hands.
