Sunday, April 26, 2020

Weekend boring stuff

It's been a very relaxed and average weekend. Yesterday morning I just did my normal housecleaning stuff: dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms, ran the dishwasher, etc. DH took the day and rested, for the most part. Just hung out on his computer. I got a good nap in, too. I managed to do about $8 in MTurks.

My mom had called in the morning saying she didn't feel very well, so ended up calling my son, who was supposed to take her to the grocery store, that she wasn't going to be able to go. He did some shopping for her and dropped it off. I could tell when she called she was a bit worried about the virus, but her issue seemed to be more with her stomach. After we chatted she took her temperature and called me back and it was normal. I suggested maybe something she ate just didn't agree with her, as she had mentioned the previous couple of nights she didn't think the dinners tasted too good. She did call DD in the afternoon and was doing fine and I talked to her this morning and she was all good, so that was a relief.

Around 4pm our retired friend from town stopped by for a visit for about an hour or so. After he left DH said "I had a feeling he'd stop by "(I think it's been 2 weeks,  haha) and I said I figured he'd stop by tomorrow, since he usually comes on Sundays. DH says "isn't it Sunday today?!". No! LOL. Don't cheat me out of a day out of my weekend, LOL.

I made steaks for dinner. I didn't realize there were 3 steaks in the pack I bought, so now I don't feel quite so bad about the price I spent on it. I finished a book last evening and watched a little tv. Then I had no books to read as none of my books on reserve had become available yet. This morning one of them became available so I downloaded it. It's a science fiction and book 1 of a series of 3 and right away I was enjoying it and knew I'd finish it fast, so got back online with library to reserve the other 2, in case there was a wait, but both were available now, so I should be good for this week, LOL.

This morning I spent some time getting another (smaller) walmart pick up order set up for when I have to go in Wednesday for my eye doctor appointment. I've also done about $4 in MTurks today, so not bad for a weekend. One thing I'm having trouble buying still is white rice, elbow noodles, and green beans, but I'll keep checking online, as I have until late Tues night to add/change my order.

I then made some more tapioca pudding. I can't seem to get enough of that stuff. I should just make a double batch, I eat it so quickly, but it uses so much milk that I haven't wanted to use up so much of my milk at one time. I also made up a fresh pitcher of OJ (from frozen can) and took out some chicken breast to thaw for dinner. I have one bag of white rice "boil in a bag" left, so I'll either make a chicken/rice/veggies casserole or maybe save the rice and make it with stove top stuffing instead.

DH decided to take a nap on the couch after lunch while I was reading. Then I got sleepy and took a nap on the bed for about an hour or so. Woke up when I heard him going outside, as he decided to mow the lawn again, since it's such a nice day and really growing. I'm still trying to wake up, I think. Can't seem to get my energy back, now.


  1. Glad to hear your mom is doing OK now. Sounds like you've had a nice weekend. Hope you are able to get your rice and green beans, etc.

    1. thank you. I think the rice and beans are going to have to be like tp...just keep refreshing the screen, LOL

  2. At my great old age I’ve had to give in to the need to nap in the afternoons! When I was a child I used to watch with impatience as my parents snored away after a big dinner. Now I’m one of them! x

  3. I loved naps when I still had my husband and kids at home - it was just a little "me" time I guess. I don't do it so much now but it is one of life's small pleasures isn't it!

    1. naps were few and far between when I had kids at home. Making up for them now ;)

  4. Replies
    1. I ate the last of it (already!) for breakfast, LOL. The homemade stuff tastes so much better than the store kind. Not even the same taste.
