Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A nice welcome and other stuff mom's new retirement apartment put together a cute welcome video for her and emailed it. Showed her around the place a bit and showed her apartment. Really personalized it. She loved it! (once I told her how to view it and get her speakers turned up, haha!). I hope we can get her moved there soon. I think she's really going to like it. They seem to pay a lot of attention to the residents, where I don't think her current place does as much. You are kind of on your own, if you want to join in fine, if not, they don't seem to encourage it much, that I have been able to tell.

My DD follows my half sister's DD on Instagram. She's about 30 years old now. She posted a pic of when she was a teenager and my dd thought it looked so much like me when I was a teen, that my dd said send me a picture of when you were a teenager. So, I found her a couple. Yes, you sure can tell we are related, LOL.

I had another good night with no pain in my eye last night. I'll be so glad when I don't have to keep waking up every couple of hours to put in drops. I can't remember what it's like to sleep the whole night through anymore.

DH continues to work on the shed. Yesterday he got the siding started. We don't have quite enough left over from our house build, so he's going to have to go buy several more boards of it. Most likely something our local lumber store will have to order in, so he's going to go in this morning and see about that. I think the mason guy is coming tomorrow to do the stonework. It will be nice to see him and DH will really enjoy spending some time with him again. Plus, I love his southern accent and he usually brings one of his bird dogs with him to work.

Last week I had supposedly been able to order some cheap Great Value TP from Walmart. That was on the 2nd. Of course today, like a week later, they send me an email it was canceled. Hey, how about just not have it available to add to the cart, if it's not available to ship?! Novel concept. I'm quite sure my find of a case of Charmin online with them yesterday will suffer the same fate.

Yesterday morning I wasn't able to log into our work VPN until a half hour after I usually start as they were doing some server updates. Well, whatever it was it changed something for the better with the VPN. Previously, if I'm logged into my work VPN and then I log into my side job's VPN, it will disconnect me from my work VPN for a few seconds, and then it reconnects. Now, it doesn't disconnect me anymore. Just nice not to have that annoying little thing happen anymore.

It's foggy this morning, but it's burning off and looks like it's going to be a beautiful day and 62 degrees by this afternoon. I see the lawn where it's all sod is starting to get greener a little more each day. It's going to look so nice once it's all looking like it's supposed to. I don't know when the sprinkler guys are coming back to finish up from last Fall with the sprinkler system. Soon, I think. Will be nice to get rid of all those little flags everywhere.


  1. Have you heard or seen anything of the guy that was pulling up a flag? The way you describe getting up all night long is like having a newborn to get you up where you never get a good night's sleep. I am glad you are all looking forward to getting your mother moved in.

    1. No, have heard nothing from him. Just as well, as far as I'm concerned. That's what I was thinking too, it's like having a newborn to get up with all night. I'm too old for that crap! LOL

  2. Glad to hear that your eye seems to be getting better. Being able to sleep through the night is such a blessing! Sorry to hear the TP order got cancelled! Hope more will become available, soon!

    1. I'm going to see if I can go 3 hours in between eye drops tonight.
