Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday inspiration

Woke up to another 3 inches of snow on the ground and woke up to almost normal vision in my bad eye. The snow will be melted by afternoon, hopefully my vision will stay. It was a little different with my eye last night. Just before bed I felt a couple of little tiny twinges of pain and though oh great, it's definitely going to hurt tonight again. I put the ointment in, went to bed (9pm - because I'm so tired from all the interrupted sleep every single night) and at 10:30 my eye started hurting. Crap. But, the pain went away very quickly and I just put a couple drops of thera-tears in it, rather than more ointment. Kept my alarm for 11:30 on and throughout the rest of the night just kept adding some thera tears, instead of ointment. I didn't have any more problems and was happy to see my vision is much better this morning. I also woke up with a headache, but hopefully I can shake that quickly.

I also managed to get back in doing some MTurks yesterday after about 2 weeks off and was able to do $8.75 pretty quickly and easily.

I just walked to our mailbox this morning and took this picture
It will be almost 50 degrees by this afternoon and look like spring again, LOL.

I need to do some of my laundry today, as well as do some housecleaning, since I haven't felt much like it the past week or two, with my eye bothering me so much (and the prior 2 Saturday mornings were spent driving into the eye doctor). DH spent most of the day yesterday out in the garage cutting up boards for the shed soffit. He's still waiting on nails and some other supplies from our lumber store as they were out. They are supposed to deliver those and a couple more boards he needs on Monday.

Last weekend my DD made a really cute shelf for her kitchen window. She had an old shelf (from her bedroom growing up) and she spray painted it brown. She took some twine type string and hung it up in her window from hooks up on top of the sill, and is going to grow some pots of herbs there. It looks so cute. Kind of hard to see in the picture because of all the light coming in.

She also wanted it high and hanging like this as her cat eats or chews up just about everything, so this way she can't get up to the herbs she will have up there.


  1. We had that snow and ick yesterday morning and it stayed cold, though today should be warmer, and even more so tomorrow. I'm glad your eye is starting to improve. I haven't done my Microsoft points yet today-moving a bit slow.

    1. I'm moving a bit slow today too, but did just at least get all the vacuuming done, LOL. I guess I should have put my laundry in the wash while I was doing that ;/

  2. One,
    I am so glad your eye is not so painful now. I was amazed that for all your mother's forgetfulness, she was able to diagnose what is the probable cause.

    Won't the cat be able to stand and try to get onto the board hanging? I am wanting to get a curtain for tommy's kitchen window so I can put plants on the window sill. Now, there are shutters there. I am not going to take down the shutter, just put a tension rod up for curtains. It was 80 here today, so very nice out. I am trying to get my new smart phone activated and autopay set up so I can make money from it, get directions and phone numbers in the car, and coupons to use. I never signed up for Mturks because there were several sites with the address you gave me and I did not want to attach my bank to it.

    1. I think she's hoping her cat won't try to get up that high, so far so good. My mom can still understand, know how to do things, etc. She just can't remember if she did it or talked about it an hour ago! Crazy how the brain can work. Yes, in order to get paid for the MTurks work you either have to give them your bank account info so they can send the money to you, or just take it as an Amazon credit on your amazon account. I have been doing this several years and have never had an issue with them depositing to my bank account. Always done on time, too.
