Sunday, April 19, 2020

Weekend activities

Yesterday was another work on the shed/coop day. Last weekend we had stained the concrete base around the chicken coop with the stain I used on the posts and we liked it, so we decided to stain all the visible concrete foundation. We have tons of this stain leftover from the house, so might as well use it. DH caulked all his nail holes everywhere and I touched up with the trim paint. Up and down ladders for several hours. Boy, my back felt it by afternoon/evening. All my muscles in my back pretty much seized up on me (reminded me of the first few years after my car accident).

We decided to plant some wild flowers in an area of our driveway island and some small areas in back. I found some online for $10 that will more than cover the area we want. They don't start shipping out until the week after this one. Our neighbors just planted two maple trees in their backyard, near their dog run. Hoping to provide shade for the dogs. I'm afraid they are probably going to have to wait a very long time before those will be big enough, LOL. She ordered some online from Home Depot and they are bareroot and only like 3 or 4 feet tall. DH wanted to know what they were and where they got them. We want to plant a couple of maples out front, but I think we'd be better off to spend the money on larger trees. But, just trying to figure out how to get home with them. We can't drive 80mph home on the freeway with them in the back of the pickup, LOL.

For dinner I made chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and country gravy. I didn't really feel much like making a big meal, but I had already taken the cube steak out to thaw the day before and it needed to get used before it went bad. It was tasty and afterwards I went to lay on the bed, which always seems to help relax my back muscles. I eventually fell asleep and woke up at 7:20pm LOL.

Tomorrow the wire for the coop we had to order is supposed to be in. Our lumber store guy said he ran out quick, as it all of a sudden was chicken coop and baby pigs pen season (apparently for 4H kids) and he sold out.

My eye has been good now for 4 days, so I am thankful for that.

I see the natives are starting to get restless with quarantine life. It is time to start getting back to work and life, especially in areas, like here, where we have had zero people infected with it in our county and only 399 in the whole state. If staying home for over a month hasn't helped, well then nothing will. I was talking outside with my neighbors Saturday morning. They are in their late 60's. She works at a bank and her bank decided to put them in 2 groups, one week on and one week off, that way if one in a group gets it they will only have to have that group stay out of work and can have the other group back full time. She said she knows her age group is more susceptible, but her words were "if I get it, I get it. The country and the world shouldn't have to crash because of it". I said that's my thoughts exactly. We all can do what we can to try to protect ourselves and those most vulnerable to it, but to crash an entire economy is insane. This past month has been wise and prudent, but it's obviously not a sustainable solution for this country and for people to survive economically.

Our little town restaurant and cafe should be opened back up. I have been to that restaurant dozens of times and honestly, it was already doing social distancing, just out of the usual amount of customers they get and the size of the place. I'd say there are about 16 tables in there and other than a Saturday morning (which they could regulate # of guests allowed in at a time) there has never been more than 4-5 tables filled up at a time and of course, just out of people's natural tendency, everyone spreads out (it's a seat yourself place). They don't get a ton of business, but obviously it was enough to keep open all these years. There's no reason they can't be open now, practicing spacing out the dining guests and sanitation. Our little town is dead enough, as far as business go, we don't need to lose any more.
That Michigan governor (sorry Lucy!) is something else. And a friend in Washington shared a post of a "protest" in eastern WA, at a lake. Bunches of boats spaced out on the water, fishing. One sign said fish don't have covid. I have another friend with an ocean beach house. She can't even take a walk on the beach.

I've got $10 in Kohls' cash to find something to buy. DH was in need of a new pair of tennis shoes to rotate into his "good pair and work pair" cycle and I earned $10. I'm not even sure what to buy. Maybe a new summer t-shirt for me. At least there is a free shipping code for card holders.


  1. I don't understand some bans on going outdoors. It seems that if people are prudent on beaches, it should be safe. I WILL go outdoors in my yard. LOL...I have to go out to get to laundry in utility room. And, my garden is in back yard. In some countries, little children must stay indoors and some have for a month. As for myself, I can keep this ban on being around other for two years if that is what it takes for me to stay safe. Other people can go out to eat and to church. I will stay home.

    1. I can't imagine taking a walk on a pretty quiet beach is going to give someone the virus. I could understand closing a playground, where children play on toys. And that's exactly what you should do, take care and isolate yourself as much as possible, while the others, who can, get back to work.

  2. We haven’t had a new case in almost 3 weeks. We could be open here. The problem is we are close enough to bozo (an hour) that those people have already been coming over here to grocery shop “because it’s safer”. If our bars and restaurants were open we’d be getting even more bozites over here. It’s nothing to drive an hour to most people. I think the governor will start lifting the restrictions when the current order expires on the 24th. I just hope the tourists stay out of here.

  3. I think you have a crazy poster unless you started giving marriage counseling.😂

    1. Haha! No marriage counseling here. She was busy leaving comments

  4. I'm thinking more places will open up soon as the natives are getting restless. My friend may have been one of the protesters on a boat in Washington--they can't get much more socially distanced than yards apart on their boats but the lakes are closed to fishing anyway which makes no sense!

    1. I guess they just wanted to make their point that sitting in boats yards apart isn't a problem.

  5. Don't even get me started on Michigan's governor, but let the record show that I did NOT vote for her! Enough said...for now! Grrrrr!!!

    1. She is a good woman. Why would anyone expect you to vote for her?

    2. I knew you didn't vote for her ;) I would sure hope that there has got to be some people that did, that are having second thoughts.

  6. Your friend who says if she gets corona, she gets it is right. That is the kind of community spirit to be praised. In earlier centuries old folks passed on around 45-50 and leave properties and jobs for their children. Now they live on and on, hogging everything and so the youth cannot get a footing in life.

    This Coronavirus is the earth trying to right itself, as Dr Oz said on Fox. Too much selfishessness has resulted in many youths losing hope because they can't earn a living and taking to drugs while the over 50s, 60s, 70s even 90s continue to clutter up the place. This is happening in my family now. My gran is clinging to life although she is poorly and my parents are hogging all the economic wealth to themselves instead of sharing with us who cannot get good jobs because all the middle-aged folks are hogging those jobs.

    This shutdown is wrong and should never have happened. Hopefully Trump will grow a pair and open back up the country. Let Nature reduce have her way. I am so glad to see that some older folks are not as selfish the rest. I will share your blog post around.

    1. One Family,
      Did you really just affirm a commenter who is basically saying that those over 50 should just die and leave everything to their kids? And who also said that middle-aged folks are not sharing wealth and "hogging those jobs?" Ee gads.

  7. There's no sign of a let up here and I have to admit, 5 weeks in, it's getting old. Can't even take a drive.
