Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Annoying people

Oh good grief. I submitted the payroll for my side job first thing yesterday morning. I was actually an hour or two earlier than I usually submit it. About a half hour later I get a text from my side job lady asking if I reported hours yet. I said yes, about half hour ago, does something need to be changed or added? No, her hubby (president of company) got an email from someone at the payroll company asking for the payroll. I said weird, since I actually submitted it early. So, I email the lady at the payroll co to make sure she got my submission, because the president said someone was upset it wasn't done yet. She said she got it, she was just asking him if there were no "other" hours (sick and vacation) reported, because it came in with none. Well, geez.....ya - email the president of the company to ask about payroll submission details......don't email the person that actually does the payroll submission! Are people that stupid?

And then my mom's investment account broker. What in the hell do I have to do to get them to remove my SB from her account and put me on it?!! It's been months now of trying to get this done. Months ago I sent an email to him (cc'd mom in it) and explained that her DPOA has now been changed, attached a copy of it and copy of revocation sent to SB, gave my contact info, etc. A month or so later I try to log into her account and with their added layer of signing in with a temp pin code that is texted, it was still set up with his ph#. I email again a couple of times (I think I called once and got voicemail). Then the phone numbers got changed to me, but the next month, in looking around her online account, I saw SB's email was still attached, not mine. So, I email again. He has his assistant (who seems to do most of the work) call my mom and say she needs to send that in writing. So, early March is when DD had my mom sign the letter and she mailed it. I log into her account last week, just to do my normal monthly check on it and it's still his email! I emailed AGAIN. No reply back, but when I tried logging in a few days later I see it was changed. How about a quick email that you got it taken care of? Yesterday I logged in because it's time to transfer some money from her investment savings account to her regular checking account (which is set up linked to transfer). But, of course they have an extra layer of security where I need to put in a PIN # she was apparently mailed, (probably year(s) ago), which of course I know she would not know or know where she put it. So, there is a toll free # to call to reset the PIN, so I call it. The guy tells me I'm not authorized to take care of her account. my SB still is the one listed. OMG! I am beyond sick of this. I called the broker and left a voicemail that I have been trying for months to get this taken care of and to please call me back. I called mom and let her know what is going on, because I wanted to let her know I haven't been able to transfer the money yet. She's not very happy about it. She said didn't we tell them this got changed a long time ago. I said yes, several times. She's ready to put her money someplace else. I really don't want to deal with that right now. The guy/company has done well with investing her money all these years, but geez - how hard is it to change this? I'm sure they didn't have any problem when they added SB to it all............

What is it with people who always have to feel superior or feel like they have to criticize or have an opinion about everything someone else does? Always have to "put you in your place" and make sure they are better than you are, that you are always a step or two below them on the ladder. And why in the world do these people seem to attract to my DH like a moth to a flame??!!

My DH is not like that, at all. I guess I could see someone "reciprocating" if that's how he treated them, but he doesn't treat people like that. We just get rid of toxic woodworker guy out of his life and now it's his older brother he's been keeping in pretty much constant contact with. I said well, maybe it's a "big brother thing" - your poor younger brother has 2 big brothers!" But, like DH said, he never treated his younger brother that way at all. Good point. So, as I always knew, big brother is just an ass, and still is.

But, what makes people like that? DH likes to post and share pictures on his Facebook page. No matter what he posts, big bro has to try to either "one up" him, or try to make him look stupid, with a snarky joke. It's usually one or the other. Like on Saturday DH posted a couple of pictures of all the snow we got (DH LOVES snow). Big bro has to comment with a pic of his daughter and granddaughter (who live in Alaska) of their snow, with a comment "well, they got ya beat." Well, no *&#^, it's Alaska - and they're standing at a glacier!  Pretty sure there is always snow on it, LOL. Not once that I know of has he actually posted a positive comment (like most normal people do) on anything DH posts. And it isn't just Facebook. They communicate frequently via messenger or texting and it's the same thing. Dh told him about his "new" John Deere lawn tractor. Nope, what he uses to mow lawns is better. They both like older muscle cars, so will talk about those or share links to ones they like or something. DH crashed a few cars when he was a dumb irresponsible teenager. Every other comment is "well, you'd just crash it" or something along those lines. He did that on a facebook comment recently, so I went in to DH's post and commented "well, good thing he hasn't crashed anything in over 35 years, I think it's safe to say he outgrew that phase ;)".

DH plays along with it all, but after awhile it gets old. He's like I'm 55 years old. My life hasn't been about crashing cars. Not to mention it's not like he's an idiot who doesn't know anything. He's a pretty smart guy. He's pretty good at getting projects organized and accomplished (ie this house). He's great at landscaping. Like I said, he totally outgrew his stupid teenager stuff a LONG time ago. He takes care of everything he owns better than 99% of people I know.  I say to him they why do you even bother talking to him? I think half the problem is DH.....he feels like he needs everyone to like him, so puts up with crappy people in his life, I guess.

Masonry guy still has not shown up. DH has numerous calls into each: the fence guy, the insulation guy (who, for the past 6 months is supposed to fix a problem the messed up on insulation in our attic area next to bonus room), and the sprinkler system guy. The local gutters guy finally texted him back and said his boss sold the gutter machine, so they aren't doing gutters anymore. No one else will returns his calls and texts. We're tired of looking at all the little flags all over our yard. Get back out here and finish the sprinkler system. But of course, DH paid him in FULL last fall, so what incentive does he have now to come out and finish? But, you know...DH wanted the guy (an old school friend growing up) to like him.......

On good news, 3rd night in a row with my eye doing good and my 2nd cousin replied to my message and it is her. We caught up a bit and she said finding my message to reconnect made her day ;)


  1. Tommy wants everyone to like him, too. Consequently, people do not give him their best. He thinks I "piss people off." No, I just do not keep taking shitty actions toward me or my jobs that need doing.

    One way to get a response is to email folks who do not return, asking them if they want him to get someone else to finish the job and bill them.

    I wonder if the SB is still in touch and trying to say he is still the one to be on the account.

    1. I'm wondering that about SB too, since he's still on the account, but he doesn't know the new password and can't change it because his ph# isn't linked anymore. The lady did say when his DPOA was revoked he did call them to tell them...not sure why he'd need to do that, when obviously we'd be sending them the new DPOA info, but I'm guessing to express his "concerns" he had over her changing it, I'm sure.

  2. For the employee who went directly to the owner of the company, I always felt like that person was trying to make trouble for someone (i.e. you in this case) or trying to show what a wonderful employee they were. Just like when someone screws up (which we all do), if I ever caught a mistake I certainly never "replied to all" if I could help it, just tried to sort it out with the person concerned. As for your DH's brother, do you think he is insecure, particularly as far as your husband is concerned? Sometimes those kinds of people can only feel better about themselves if they put others down. Well that's me done being philosophical I guess, but good luck with sorting your mum's investments out too.

    1. the payroll person isn't a company employee. We use an outside payroll service and she knows I submit the payroll, so why she emailed the company owner, I have no idea. Personally, I think people who act like DH's older brother (at age 63!) are extremely insecure and/or unhappy in their own lives. But why DH always attracts these kinds of people in his life I have no idea.

  3. I'm sorry you have to deal with all these frustrations. Hope it all gets sorted out, eventually.

    1. thank you. For the payroll person (at a separate company who processes the payroll) I just sort of threw it back on myself and said "oh sorry, I guess I should have put a note in the payroll batch or sent you an email, that there were no Sick or Vac hours being reported."

  4. DH can easily go in & put brother in "restricted" mode for his FB so he won't see posts, just changes in profile. He can also set so nobody can post anything on his page. This is an easy fix. Maybe he should do that?

    1. I suppose he could do that but the majority of their communication is direct through messenger and texting so he's getting most of the attitude that way. Facebook is just an added "bonus". Lol
