Thursday, April 9, 2020

TGIF a day early

Oh poor mom. Usually when she's doesn't remember something I don't really let her know. I just act like it's the first time she told or asked me. But, when I called her yesterday afternoon she says "oh, I got an email with a video about my new apartment". I said yes, they sent it yesterday and I called you so you could watch it. She didn't remember. I figured if I tried to jog her memory by reminding her we had to figure out how to turn her volume up on her computer speakers, she might remember. Then she said "oh yeah, I guess I do remember that". Then her concern, after watching it, was that her apartment is too close to the elevator and she doesn't think she'll like that if she can hear it all the time.

Then about 10 minutes later she called me back, all serious and says "I know I didn't watch that video yesterday". Oh geez. I should have just said oh, ok. But, I just (in my cheeriest voice) said oh, ya, you must not remember it right now, but I was on the phone with you and you watched it. So, she says "well, then why didn't I say something then about the elevator?" I said well maybe you just didn't catch it that first time as we were talking while you were watching it.

So, I emailed the gal at the senior living place to express mom's concerns about having an apartment that close to the elevator. She said it's kind of kitty corner across the hall and she won't hear it. The person that lived there before lived there for 18 years and never heard the elevator or complained of noise from it. She then went and took a picture to show me the distance from the elevator door to her apartment door. She said she also went and asked a couple of the other's in nearby apartments if they ever hear it and they told her no, they don't. And she said their apt doors are thick fire doors, so they deaden sound pretty well, too.  So, I think mom's mind is at ease now. We'll see.......she might not remember it tomorrow....

I also went and paid her credit card bill out of her checking yesterday, rather than wait for it to auto pay on the 19th. That way the balance won't be showing anymore when she logs into her bank online and she won't have to keep asking me what that large charge is for on her credit card.

DD tries to give grandma a call about once a week (sometimes less), but yesterday I asked her if she could maybe try to call her a couple times a week. Since she can't go down for meals and socialize, she's not getting anything much, other than our calls. She called her last evening and they chatted for about a half hour, so that was good. I know I call her every day and my uncle calls her about every other day, but I'm sure it will help if DD calls every so often, too.

The owners of the company I work for have decided to give us all Friday off for Good Friday. Usually we do close a little earlier that day, mostly because many of the manuf. we rep are east coast and it's common for them to close for the day. Anyhow, it will be nice to have the day off. Or maybe most of the day. It's payroll processing day and with our weird set up, I can't do it a day early, unless they change something on their end. I emailed my payroll support person to see what she can do, so I can do payroll today, instead. Or maybe I can just do it Monday. I haven't heard back from her yet. I'm guessing she's just going to tell me I can do it on Monday, which will be fine, too.

My eye was not for a good night last night. I had 2 good nights prior. I had decided to try to go 3 hours before my first alarm for more drops, instead of my usual 2 1/2. I didn't even make it 2 hours before I had a pain episode! Then it did it again at 1:30am. So frustrating. I just want some damn sleep.

DH is coming along with the shed. Lots of measuring and board cutting, which takes time, especially for the angles up in the gables. He put on what are called "belly bands" at each gable end. Long boards, so I had to help him hold it up on one end so he could get it placed before he nailed it in. Then he did get started on putting some shakes up on the gable end, above the belly band. This morning he is waiting for the mason guy to get here.

When he went into the town lumber store yesterday to order the extra siding he needs the owner had a box with a security camera sitting on his counter. DH said, tell me that's not for here? Owner said yep, been having theft and trying to break into our trucks. Good grief. This is a town of like 650 people. I guess they did catch some recently. There is an alley behind the lumber store and some houses on the other side. One of the houses is a state trooper. His wife happened to be up late with their new baby and heard/saw stuff going on and woke up her husband who went and caught them. It was a local guy, but he had 2 guys from out of state with him. Like dh told owner, 3 years ago, when we moved here and I came to rent the forklift, you were able to just say, "it's out back - keys are in it". Sad.

I see my health insurance processed my claim from my specialist visit last week (I have $20 copay) so maybe they will have my claims I submitted processed next week and reimburse me soon.

I'm out of sugar! I thought I had a partial bag behind my containers, but nope. I have maybe 1/3 of a cup left. But, I have lots of powdered sugar (which I don't use too often, just if a recipe calls for it). Maybe I can just use up some of this powdered sugar in place of granulated sugar (mostly in my morning coffee!). I'll have to try that.


  1. You can certainly use powdered sugar in your coffee, but it might make it a bit thicker.
    Pictures of all the things your DH is doing to your yard!!! Kids are so close to finishing the chicken coop. Turns out, nurseries are essential here, so I went and bought some ground cover for shaded the strip of dirt between our walk and house. I am trying to think of what I can put in there for color.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I tried the powdered sugar in my coffee this morning. Works fine for me and will be good to use some of it up. That's good to hear nurseries are essential. We have so much we want to plant! and I want to try a few veggies in containers on my back patio this summer. I'll have to start taking some pictures.
