Thursday, April 23, 2020

Trying to plan and trying to get things done

Gosh, I need to get back to doing MTurks. I have not done any for quite awhile. Pretty much since my eye started bothering me and the only computer work I was doing was the little bit of work I could do. Now that my eye is better, though, I haven't had the motivation yet to get back into it. I miss those deposits and addition to my bank account. Part of me was in the mindset of I have to take a break because of my eye and since I got that retro pay of $3000 and an additional $1000/mo from my side job, I can give myself a little break for a few weeks, while my eye recovers.

The insulation guy said they were coming at 7:30 this morning. So of course we get up, showered, dressed, breakfasted, etc so we are ready for them (they will be both inside and outside the house). They show up at 10:45......

Tentatively planning now to move my mom on 22nd of May. Get in/get out. I'm considering just renting a car to drive over there, so I don't have to put the miles on my car that now has 130,000 miles on it. I had hoped for maybe the weekend of the 15th, but DD has plans. I didn't ask what. I'm guessing maybe it has something to do with anniversary death of her SIL. Now that I think about it, she passed away around this time 2 years ago. Mom is going to check with her place to see what if any restrictions they plan to have after the state stay home order is lifted on May 4th, as far as us coming in there to get her things moved out. We also have to plan her 20 days notice of moving out. I guess if something happens after we give the notice and they don't want us in there to move her out, they either have to let us in to do that or let her stay, LOL.

I mailed a letter via usps priority mail yesterday. Says that's "2 day pm" so you'd think that means they would get it Friday, right? Tracking says they won't get it until Saturday. I should have just mailed regular mail, but I guess at least I get tracking for the extra money spent.

I'm guessing these insulation guys will be here thru our dinner time, since they got here so late, so I'm just planning on making us salads when DH is ready to eat. Oh wait, it's just insulation GUY. He told dh he was sending a helper with his regular guy. So, of course now DH has to help him, or at least feels like he does. I said what does he do at all the other jobs he goes to? you know damn well people aren't going to help him do his job!!

The sprinkler guy finally just called dh back. Still nothing from the mason, who was supposed to be here 2 weeks ago. Have I mentioned how much I detest contractors?

Oh and I guess we're also going to need to mitigate for radon at some point. When the mold guy was here on Monday he said he had to go to our neighbors down at the end of our street (they built at same time as us and also ended up having mold issues, so used the same guy) because they tested and had radon levels too high. Their house is slab on grade, so they never imagined they'd have an issue. Mold guys said check with them because they had a good little device to measure it, and maybe we could borrow it to check ours. DH went and talked to them yesterday and borrowed it. Our level showed at like 70 in the house letting it sit overnight. So, at some point in the near future we'll have to figure out what that is going to cost to fix and take care of. Not today though. I've got enough different stuff to deal with the next few weeks.


  1. I had gotten to the point that I told guys to call me when on the way. I just threw on clothes and combed hair and ate something in hand, like banana. The rush was worth it not to get up and get ready three hours ahead of time.

    I am glad to hear your eye is getting better.

    1. I hear ya.I told dh last night we shouldn't even bother being ready because we know they won't come then. He did call when he was supposedly on the way, when he was supposed to be here. Then an hour and a half later he texted DH then that he was just on his way, LOL.

  2. Waiting in for work to be done is exhausting - you can’t get on with anything in case you’re called away.
    I’m interested in your plan to drive your mother from her present home to her new one near you. Is your state lifting any lockdown rules? Here in the UK there’s no plan yet to open up the country for travel. We can only drive short distances for food and medical supplies.

    1. it is exhausting and holds up other things needing to get done. My state is lifting on Sunday, my mom's state starting on May 4th. I did some research yesterday and moving is considered an essential thing, as some people have leases up, house sales closing, etc. We are just trying to delay it as much as possible, but I had just signed her new lease before all this started.

  3. I think actually it’s the same here for moving house - I’d forgotten that. My SIL moved recently because she had to and it was regarded as essential travel. However the removals company cancelled the job. Thankfully the new people in her old house have agreed for her to stack her furniture in one of their rooms for the time being! xx

  4. I'm pretty sure I live in the same state as your mom, and it's true that our current stay-at-home order runs through May 4th. But the governor has not yet announced whether or not the stay-at-home order will be extended past May 4th. So it's very difficult to plan for post-May 4th at this point!
