Friday, April 10, 2020

Frustrating day

Well, for $&^% sake! This payroll processing is just a joke. I again, spent all day yesterday waiting, trying to get it submitted. Every step, some different issue comes up. I email her at 9:45 am with 2 questions/issues. 2 hours later she responds with some explanation as to what caused it, that makes no sense, but she fixed it, so I should be good to go now. I promptly reprocessed the batch and then have 3 new issues come up. I emailed her back with in 3 minutes of her reply, listing out my 3 issues.  An hour and 40 minutes later she replies back, but only answering one of my issues, which was half answered and I replied right back..........nothing back from her.

I don't know about most people, but if I'm in the middle of emailing back and forth with someone to resolve a problem, I email them right back and get it all taken care of. I don't let them sit there for hours waiting for my reply.

Finally, at 2:45 I tried to call her. As always I get a recording saying she's not available, so I chose the option to leave a voicemail. As has been happening the last 2-3 months of trying to call her, I don't get her voicemail, I get a busy signal.

Now it's 3 pm and she finally responds. I run the payroll register, so my boss can review it and we notice that two of the employees my boss thought she had processed terminations for were still showing as active and would get paid. She's 99% positive she termed them in the system. So, she goes in and terms them and I start over (again) and sure enough these 2 termed employees show up with an error message that they have hours this cycle (even though term date is 3/31), so now I'm back to emailing our payroll person, so she can fix those, the same way she however fixed the 3 earlier.

Seriously, all these fixes and back and forth literally could have been resolved over like 15 minutes of time, max. We didn't need to spend 6 hours waiting for replies to fix it and get it processed. Just dumb.

I had texted my boss a funny picture of one of my dogs laying next to my desk chair, looking like he's just had it with the day. I said Max has had it with payroll today, too! LOL. I then told her the most frustrating part of all this is the fact that it take usually 2 hours between each email trying to resolve these little issues with our payroll coordinator. I said calling is useless, as she is never available, and usually I can't leave a message, anyway. If she would just address the issue and stay with it for like 10-15 minutes she'd be done with me and we'd have payroll done and on it's way to processing. It's extremely frustrating. My boss keep saying she's going to address it, but that never gets done. First it was we were being audited the first couple months of the year, so (which I understand) all her time was consumed with that. Then she was busy trying to move our 401k from one company to another. Then this virus crap hit. Now she says "when we are back to normal, we'll get this payroll issue worked out". Ugh. Now seems to be a great time to deal with it - not as much else going on and time to address it.......

My eye seems to be either two steps forward and one step back or one step forward and two steps back. Last night was a two step back night. And when the eye started hurting, instead of it being for like 5-10 minutes, like it has at least been lately, it was back to an hour or more, which then seems to also mean it's worse and I wake up with blurrier vision again. I'm so glad I have today off. I'm trying a new tactic tonight. If I'm going to have pain anyway, might as well see if I can get more sleep in one shot than 2 hours. I'm just going to put the ointment in when I go to bed and see how long I can sleep before it might start hurting. Maybe I'll make it several hours. Last night it was actually the alarm going off and me opening my eyes because of it, that scraped off the healing, again (twice, though first time was minimal pain).

Our mason guy didn't show up yesterday and no call until this morning. I guess he's doing a chimney that he thought would take a day and a half to do and he's on his 3rd day, so now he's not coming until next week. So, dh is going to work on putting up the shakes on the gables, then. Then the gutter guy dh had left a message with called. His boss sold their gutter machine, so they aren't doing them anymore. He's going to get a hold of the new guy but he doesn't remember what the brown gutter color is called.

It doesn't seem people is our little small neck of the woods are staying home completely. Weekend before last our older retired friend that usually stops by every few Sundays, had to stop by, LOL. I was wondering how he was managing all this - he is such a social guy! Then yesterday, right as I was about to make dinner, someone pulls up in a motorcycle. It was one of dh's friends (he had gotten to know him well when he did all our rockery work) out for a ride and decided to stop and say hello. It was such a nice 70 degree day that he thought we'd all be ok visiting outside, LOL.

I had thought about maybe using my free day today to start on Ancestry for a month, but with the vision, I'm not going to do it yet. I'll just nap and watch some Netflix today, I guess.


  1. I am having one of those days too. Was supposed to start working this week (Wed) so I make myself avail and nothing...I have spent at least 4 hours on paperwork let alone all the time being available that I won't get paid for. Oh well, feels like "found" time. Have a great weekend!

    1. that sounds very frustrating too! I hate incompetency.

  2. The very thought of me doing what you do--working remotely, on the computer day in day out makes me want to crawl out of my skin. Add to that a slow response time? ::shudder:: Back in the day, when I worked, if I received a request, I *always* responded as soon as I got it, even if only to say "I have your request, but it may take a bit to process, I will let you know as soon as I know."

    1. Working remote has different challenges, but there needs to be agreed upon expectations of communication and time. I would go a little crazy though getting a bunch of acknowledgment of receipt (unless I turned that system on) but without action. I'd rather just get the completed action verified once done. I cannot tell you how many e-mails responses I have to open that are just "OK" or "Thank you." yet, I still have to open them up us tin case there is pertinent information-it's a time suck.

    2. Meg - I'm the same way. I respond immediately, and if it's going to take me a bit to process or answer I always email and let them know that. Courtesy!

    3. SAM - this issue really has nothing to do with working remotely. I have been dealing with this now since last September! Twice a month, every payroll. I think my boss needs to get together with her main person from this company and get some agreed upon response times in place for our account.

    4. and SAM - I hate those "thank you" emails too LOL.

  3. I do not have your problem, but the slow response time would made me nuts.

    1. it totally drives me nuts to wait 2 hours for someone sitting at their desk to email me back.

  4. Ugh!
    We have brown gutters too. Like a milk chocolate brown. We just had some covers put up & the color was CLAY. I thought it was weird/wrong but the color was right. I guess it depends on the company etc.
    I would seriously dread doing your payroll. Do you have another appt. with an eye doctor? That really isn't getting well.☹

    1. We think we figured out the color name: Tudor Brown. I don't have an eye appt until May 1st. The specialist wanted me to follow up in 30 days. He seemed pretty certain I'll probably end up needing the surgery, but their surgery part is closed for now.

  5. Uuugggh I remember the days of trying to get the payroll out. We went through 3 different systems while I worked in HR. Then they outsourced much of the informatics and while I can say that the staff were pretty good it's not the same as having someone come over and sit with you and SEE what's screwing up. Don't miss that at all.
