Friday, April 17, 2020

It's Friday again, already?

My claims with my insurance company for my eye doctor visits are confusing me. I submitted 3 claims. One for the first eye doctor visit. One for the second eye doctor visit and then one for when I went back and he charged me for the "therapeutic lens" he put on. Yesterday I got an email that I had a message from my insurance company. I logged in and it said your claim has an invalid diagnosis code, but I couldn't tell which of the 3 claims it was, because I couldn't click on any of my claims to see the details. I called and she told me it was the claim for the second doctor visit (though when I look up that code online it appears to be valid "recurrent erosion of the cornea" or something like that. So, I told her I'd have to call him the next morning as he's only in his office mornings now. This morning I get a bunch of emails that I have new messages, so I log in again. Now, it looks like all 3 of my claims have been processed, but I don't understand what/if I'm getting paid back. The 2 office visits they show processed says member responsibility $0 but doesn't show them reimbursing me anything. There is nothing under "insurance paid". The visit for the lens shows that $45 is all my responsibility. So, now do they still need the dx code on the one that now shows as processed? Guess I'll have to call again.

I had to run to town yesterday to get dh more saw blades, so I went to the grocery store to tide us over a bit longer than having to go into the city, though I will have to do that soon, probably some time next week. The egg prices were insane. $5.69 for 18 large eggs. They seemed fairly well stocked with most stuff, other than still no TP and low/out on a lot of soups. They had a bunch of Kraft mac and cheese, so I got 4 boxes of that. Makes me wonder what some of the people that live in town, and only are able to shop there and not in the city are doing to get TP. Our town is majority older, retired people on very low incomes, so a lot of them probably can't get to the city. I did read on a Facebook page that a couple of young local gals were shopping for people that can't get out, so maybe they are helping with that situation. My dd and boss said TP seems to be pretty well back in stock in their area.

I think there's just been too much info coming at my mom this week. Hard for her to process and remember it all. I've mentioned before she writes notes on little scraps of paper and then will have dozens of them paper clipped together in her desk drawer. When I was there in December, while she and DD were off to take stuff to Goodwill and sat and went through those notes. 90% of them have such little info that who knows what they were about or even how long ago they were written, and she's certainly not going to remember now, so I threw away a good portion of them. But of course she has new one's she's accumulated. She called me yesterday afternoon to have me help her go through them to see if she could throw some away. I think she had like 15 and I got her to throw away like 14 of them. Some of them I had no idea what they were about, there was such little info to go off of. I'm pretty sure one of the notes was from like almost a year ago, LOL.

DH is still working on the shed/coop, but he spent most of yesterday taking out the tongue and groove soffits on 4 areas on our house ugh. Mold up there, because it was not insulated right. So, back to having the mold mitigation guy come out to fix. He can't come until Monday, which now will have to delay the insulation guys who were supposed to come Monday to fix. After he got all those taken out (and hopefully in this nice weather we have now, it can dry out up there) he worked on the shed some more finishing up the siding on one end. I helped a bit off and on, holding the tape measure on one end and helping him hold up the siding (long boards) while he got them nailed on.

Still a no show with the mason guy. Week 2 now.

at least it's Friday and my eye was good again last night and the blurriness is better today.


  1. I hope you have left horrible reviews about your builder - more mold is just terrible.....

    1. anyone that has asked if we'd recommend our builder we just say we wouldn't use him again. His son is the framer and we recently found out his crew of a couple of guys he had for quite awhile don't work for him anymore. and the lumber supply company he uses for a majority of his materials is going out of business. We are like how is that possible? it's been a building boom around here for several years? The one time DH talked to him after our house was all done (I can't remember why DH had to call him) he actually expected us to have him over for dinner/BBQ., how about YOU do something for US, your CUSTOMER as a thank you for the business we gave him. Unbelievable.

  2. I cannot remember everything I am told because I was getting info from about five doctors, lab, eye hospital, insurance, multiple agencies, things I saw that I wanted to remember. PLUS, I took names of people and what they told me from places--same list as above and from complaints I had about merchandise. I took a spiral notebook and dedicated it to notes. I even put in appointments until I could get day planner out of purse in other room. When I had to call ATT back, I had name, date, and time of the person and EXACTLY what I was told or promised. This notebook made a difference in my life. No longer can ATT or whoever tell me I did not talk to them on the date I say. It would work for your mother, I think.

    1. I had the same idea for her as you, a single notebook to keep track of things, but it just does not work for her, unfortunately. I had taken out a lined notepad for her and told her to just start writing her notes, with dates, on it and then cross things off as she takes care of them/or gets answers. She forgets she even wrote the note, and if she does remember to look back at it, she can't remember why she wrote it or what it was about, now. We have over and over put her master list of login's and passwords on a yellow sheet and in her desk drawer. Every time she has moved it or buried it in papers and doesn't even remember she had the list to begin with. While it all seems a logical way to remember stuff, to us, her mind just doesn't work that way anymore.

  3. Wow, the price of eggs you consider expensive! If I get 6 eggs for €3 I consider that good!

    1. Walmart has a dozen eggs for $1.50 and an 18 pack for $2.22, which is normal price. Usually my little town store has a dozen for like $2.29 or so.

  4. At my Walmart a dozen white eggs costs $2. They had signs up apologizing for the rising costs. I don’t buy eggs, but I noticed the signs so I looked at the price. The cost of chicken food has not gone up so the prices should not be jumping.

    1. I was wondering why the doubling of price, but only noticed it at my little town store. But when I was last in Albertson's they had no eggs at all. Then we stopped at Target and I noticed they did have eggs, so I got 2 18packs, since I wasn't sure what was going on with eggs supply.

    2. I think eggs got hit by the hoarders and their panic buying. Either those people came to their senses or they ran out of money, but it seems to have stopped and grocery stores are starting to get restocked.

    3. that's what I keep thinking - either these hoarders will finally feel like they have enough or run out of money, LOL. Our little town store seemed to be stocked normally with everything but TP and some soups.
