Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Trying to grocery shop

In fixing our insulation problem, unfortunately DH is going to have to take out some of the soffit boards. He's not to happy that he has to do this, but he knows there's no way to get our builder back here (not without a huge fight and then it would probably be months before he'd send someone out) and do it and it's not the insulation guys responsibility for that part of the problem, I guess. Anyhow, DH decided buying a tool (some kind of saw) would save him tons of time and still be cheaper than hiring someone (ya, good luck with that) to do it or help him with it.

So, he decided to go into the city to Lowes and pick it up. Since he had to drive in, we figured we'd wait until I got off work and also pick up a grocery order at Walmart. This was decided in the morning, this morning. I got online with Walmart grocery to get my items ordered.

Oh geez. I'll bet at least a 1/4 of the regular stuff I buy isn't available and a good portion of what they do have in stock they are putting limits of like 1 or 2 on most things. So, I can buy 2 whole loaves of bread. No crescent rolls, no rice, no pasta noodles, no cheese slices, the list goes on. So, I get everything ordered I can, substitute where I can and go to check out to pick out a pick up time later afternoon/early evening. Nope. Not until FRIDAY. Cannot get groceries for 2 days! This is insane. And if I tried to go shop inside the store I'd most likely have to stand in line outside to wait my turn to get in. But I guess it's worse for trying to do grocery pick up where I used to live. My friends are saying they have to order a week in advance.

We try to stay out of the stores, trying to just eat up what we have, so we aren't contributing to the demand that's been going on, but at some point we need some food and paper products! And if they've been limiting how much people can buy at a time, then why isn't there plenty available now?

We have been wanting to buy a chest freezer to put out in the garage, but  DH put a hold on it awhile back, because he was still trying to decide if he was going to be able to do an epoxy coating on the floor, like he did in the shop and he didn't want to have to unplug a freezer and move it. But, this morning we decided to get a freezer. We had looked at one at Lowes back then that is a decent size, like 15 cubic feet. It was showing on sale (in store purchase only) at our Lowes for $512 and free shipping on appliance purchases over $399, so I called. He said they have it in stock and it is free delivery, even out to where we are, and I could order it over the phone. And the price was $499, so saved even a bit more. It is supposed to be delivered next Tuesday. We'll probably see about buying some meat from the local meat place. I just don't want to buy like a 1/8 or 1/4 of beef. We only have a few types of meats we like/use. Thin cut ribeye steak and hamburger meat. So, I think I'll just buy what we use, even though it's probably pricier, it would be a waste to have all these other cuts we don't eat.

This socialism like life sure is fun, isn't it?


  1. This life is a real bummer, but consider what it is like for poor people. I have what I want and need and my needs are low! I am glad you did not wait until the day you needed items.

    1. it's a planning process to shop these days, LOL.

  2. Shopping has been very frustrating-in several ways, my Walmart was only letting us schedule pickups a day in advance, and limiting everything to 2. It was impossible to get a time slot. This week they finally are allowing pick ups to be scheduled 5 days in advance, and don’t seem to have limits anymore. I have never been able to get a pickup time the day I order, but usually the next day. I put an order in Sunday for a Tuesday pickup and was able to get everything I wanted. I have not had to stand in a line to get in yet-won’t do it. Safeway is doing that too. Luckily we have lots of food so all I have needed is perishables. Hopefully this is over soon so we can start getting back to normal. Montana is in pretty good shape compared to other parts of the country.

    1. I wouldn't mind the delay in getting a time to pick it up if they had basic things in stock.

  3. Yeah ours was bad for awhile, but it’s getting better. The only thing I have heard they are out of is yeast and brown sugar, and that was last week. I am going to Winco and Costco (an hour away) this weekend. Not sure what to expect at those places.

    1. It is frustrating to go such a distance and not find basic items in stock

  4. I did a wal-mart pick up earlier in the week. Had to schedule it 4 days in advance and even then was lucky to get a spot. They go like crazy down here. But I did get lucky in that everything I needed - minus 4 items - was in stock. I was quite relieved!

    1. I don't mind the wait time so much, I can work with/around that, as the fact that so much of what I wanted to order was not in stock.

  5. Oh yes, grocery shopping has been frustrating. I always use the pick up, but we can't even do that for a minimum of 5 days now. Before the statewide shutdown my DH had a hunch and decided to go crazy with grocery shopping. I couldn't believe how much he spent, but my goodness am I thankful for that hunch now! My main complaint is that I've had the hardest time finding Diet Coke, I guess it's time to break that bad habit lol.

    1. Our last big trip was just as this all started and since he had just finished our pantry I had bought more than I usually do, planning to 'start' stocking up. I should have done more! Bravo to your DH with the hunch.

  6. I know it can be frustrating, but thank you for trying to limit your trips, your exposure, and your exposing, heaven forbid, you to other people should you actually be an asymptomatic carrier. Being so rural, I would think the freezer will eventually pay for itself over time. I too hope life can become more normalized, but it won't if folks don't help keep the cases as low as possible and you sure seem to be doing your part.

    1. Yes, I'm excited to get the freezer. I think we'll try buying some steaks and ground beef from the local meat place. I texted my friend who has lived here her whole life and she said their meat was good whenever they have bought there and their prices on their website per pound are right in line with what I pay at grocery stores.

  7. It has been like that here for weeks. No time slots, limits on foods, and certain food you can't get. I thought everyone knew this.

    1. I've been trying to be good and staying out of the stores and using up what we had. We try not to make a lot of trips to the city, since it's a 50 mile drive and I guess dumb me, with the exception of TP and sanitizer, thought stores were pretty well stocked with other regular stuff these days.

  8. We have 2 freezers (and there are only 2 of us) and they are both full. Several years ago we came home after 10PM and our freezer was draining water onto the floor. I panicked and we got a new freezer next day. As we started putting the food from the old freezer into the new freezer, the old freezer started working again and has been ok ever since. Apparently I had it so packed there was no 'breathing room'. But we have berries in the summer that takes a lot of freezer space and also Costco goods from their freezer comes in very handy. We live a distance from town also so like to get more when we go shopping

    1. that's great the first freezer didn't die. I'm really looking forward to having this extra freezer space. I'm going to try to freeze milk and see how that goes. Maybe will save us some extra trips into town, too.
