Monday, October 31, 2022

A proud mom

DD has completed her master's degree program! I couldn't remember when she started it, but she said just a month over 2 years ago. Boy, that seemed to go by so fast. But, she is so glad to be done with it. No more studying, LOL. She can have some time to herself to enjoy, again. I'm sure this degree will give her lots of opportunities to move her career forward, but for now she just wants to stay in her current job, which she just had her 4 year work anniversary with. I think for at least the next while, she just wants to relax a bit and not take on anything new related to work. Building a house will be her next focus. But right now she's just looking forward to getting comfy on the couch with a book or watching some tv.

My uncle texted me yesterday about 6:15 that he's having trouble getting a hold of mom on the phone the past couple of days, is everything ok? I said just can't try to call when she's at dinner, LOL (he's an hour earlier so probably isn't really paying attention what time it is here). I told him she usually heads downstairs around 4:30 and isn't usually back until a little after 6 and then she's in her bathroom for 5 or 10 minutes, so wait until after 6:30 to call.

If we get trick or treater's at all, it will just be the 2 little goblins from down the street. We ended up eating the first bag of candy I bought (trying to make sure I bought it early and didn't procrastinate), so I had to buy a 2nd bag, LOL. Hopefully they will be stopping by, because we do NOT need to eat another bag! I just texted neighbor. She said she is driving the boy into the city, where his little sis is at daycare and they will be trick or treating that neighborhood, but she will stop by our house on their way out. 

Well off to do a work meeting to get trained on a new order system. fun..not!


  1. Congratulations to DD. She out her mind to it and Voila!

    1. she's always been like that, since she was little :)

  2. Congratulations to your DD!
    I understand her wanting to catch her breath & just live. ;)

    1. Yesterday she asid she's handing out candy, turning the lights out and going to bed at 8:30 to catch up on sleep, LOL

  3. I know the feeling of finishing MA and wanting to be free to read what I wanted and watch TV. Good for her. Put lots of candy in the kiddos bags so you won't eat it.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter!!! And gosh, I can't believe she's been at that job four years already!

    1. I can't believe it either. She's also happy she gets some more vacation days, haha

  5. Anne Brew
    Well done to DD - she deserts well earned rest now.
    My DD1 and DD3 sent photos of their kids’ sweets stash from trick or treating. Enough to open a sweet shop!
    DD2’s little boy still too young to take part. x

    1. our neighbor siblings dressed up at batman and batgirl :)
