Friday, October 28, 2022

Half day, yay!

I'm up a little earlier today, since I'm only working until 11:30 and figure I may as well get started working. My plan is to leave home about 11:30 and stop in Home Depot and pick up the shower head I ordered. Then get to mom's place around 12:40 and see if I can get it installed before she gets back to apartment from lunch. I'm not going to call her this morning and tell her I'm coming. I don't want/need 4 phone calls about it while I'm trying to work.

I had to call her to remind her to go down to lunch yesterday and realized she had laid her clock/calendar down flat but she didn't set it back up. A little after 4:30 I was watching to see if she was awake from her nap and then to make sure she'd go down for dinner and saw the clock was still laying down on her desk, so I called to remind her about dinner time. I tried to get her to stand the clock back upright (there's a little stand that flips out on the back) but she wasn't understanding, so I texted K and asked her to please have the other caregiver (who's on duty for a few days) please set it back upright when she comes after dinner to do mom's meds, and she did. I saw mom ended up falling asleep in her recliner early evening and then got up around 9:30. I thought she was getting ready for bed, but she came back out of her bedroom and had changed from her jeans to a pair of white shorts...and then proceeded to turn the lights off and back to her recliner, where she slept all night. Then she was up at 6:30 this morning walking around with one hand on her back. Yes, I'm sure her back does hurt! It's now 8:02 am and she's still not dressed or ready to go down for breakfast. I'm sure the gal stopped in to remind her a little while ago, but she's off in her own world again. And for this morning, I'll just need to let it be and let the caregiver handle it, that's her job, so I can do mine. And she did take care of it and got mom down for breakfast, but not with the same level of paying attention as I know K would have. K would have paid attention that it was the same top and most likely would have gotten her to change into pants and not shorts (when it's 40 degrees out, LOL)

Last night we had a good dinner of baked salmon and green beans. I wanted to heat up some texas toast, but the salmon cooks at a different temperature than the toast, so I didn't make the toast. That is when a double oven would be nice to have, haha. I'm sure I could have made the toast first and kept it warm, but after working all day I wasn't in the mood to figure it all out. The salmon was good, though. And one of my food items to start eating more of, in my quest for healthier brain food.

I think I have dd's birthday presents completed, other than making her the peanut butter cookies, which of course I won't do until I'm ready to send out that day. I got her the "journal" she can write in and keep track of things when they start building their house, some coffee pods (to take to work), and a big bag of Ghiradelli chocolate.

Ok, well, I'm going to go down and get myself showered and ready. I'm wearing long pants today, not shorts 😄


  1. I would definitely mention her wearing shorts to breakfast when it is so cold. Maybe shorts need to be removed from her Have you ever found her purse? Or, whatever it was that was long gone.

  2. I hope today went well and you got that shower head fixed in.
    Your dd will have a lovely birthday with those presents. The journal for the house-build is an excellent idea; keeping all those plans, thoughts, lists and measurements in the one place. x

    1. Sorry that was me, Anne Brew. I forgot to alter Anonymous to my name!
