Wednesday, October 12, 2022

No title day

Sometimes I think of a blog post title even before I start typing. Most times it's after, after I see where my ramblings ended up. Sometimes I just can't think of a title and the post sits here on my computer, unposted for hours, because I'm trying to think of something! So, here ya go. No title. LOL.

I start do do payroll yesterday and the payroll company completely changed their program. OMG! I knew from some emails they were "updating" their system, but just thought it was some minor cosmetic type changes. Oh no, it was now all layed out in a completely different format and they even changed the names of things. I used to go to the tab "create paydata batch". Now it's called "worksheet". I had to watch a couple of videos they had to figure out what is what now. My boss asked - well did they at least make it easier with the changes? Nope! LOL.

I pinned my mom down for a call after she got back from lunch. She seemed ok, not confused like the prior day. I say I'm just calling to see how you are doing today? She says I was going to call you this past weekend, but I guess I got busy or forgot. I said we did talk last weekend, we talk just about every day :)  She says "oh we do?". I had hoped the new "Flipper" tv remote I ordered yesterday would be here by Friday, but it's showing next week sometime, so I guess getting that to her and seeing if it will help, will have to wait until the following visit.

My Christmas trees decor arrived, to go with the reindeer. 

And guess what?! The desk ordered from Pottery Barn last March is finally supposed to be here Thursday! The delivery company called to schedule it. I'll believe it when I see it, as we are scheduled for their last delivery of the day and if this is the same company that has delivered big stuff to us before, they have canceled on us because they ran out of time and then we had to wait another week until they were out in our area. They start out leaving the city, drive right past our house, then he said their first stop is waayyyy up north end of the state, then a couple stops at towns on the way back down and then we're the last stop they will have. He said it might be like 6pm when they get to our house, is that ok? I said yes, it is totally ok. Just deliver it, LOL.

Today we have to run into the hospital lab in town for dh to get his PSA blood test done and stop at the pharmacy for some antibiotic he needs to take the day of his prostate biopsy next week. This will be the test to see if that supplement I've been having him try has helped any. My guess is the results will be inconclusive, like his biopsy and PSA levels will be the same, so we won't really know if that's because it's just not getting worse yet, or if the supplement is what was helping it not get worse. Though...from those articles I initially read about the studies done on this supplement, some showed a reduction in their PSA levels and even a reduction in their cancer cells. Maybe he'll be one of the lucky ones and get a benefit from it.


  1. I think those Christmas decorations will look beautiful with the reindeer. Very rustic! And fingers crossed for your hub's results!

    1. Thanks, they weren't as rustic as I had really wanted, but I think they are pretty and will look nice.

  2. I'm glad she had less confusion today, but still hard. Cute trees. I like them a lot.

    1. The trees have lots of glitter that was already getting everywhere, LOL. We put the plastic bags back over them and back in the box for now haha

  3. Sometimes "help" is anything but helpful. Those are cute trees! I am glad your mother is not confused today.
    Hopefully, husband's test results will be better.
    Maybe the delivery company will get it right this time!

    1. I'm hoping the results are better, or at least stayed the same as last time, for sure. DH is really excited to get his new desk, finally!

  4. Thought you’d get a chuckle out of this. I saw your “No Title” title and immediately thought, “Oh, no! There’s some paperwork issue with the Mule they bought or the new car!” Sometimes I am way too literal in my reading.😀. Glad to realize you’re not dealing with that kind of aggravation. Love the trees. Ginger

    1. LOL - that is funny! I'm glad it's nothing paperwork related, too!

  5. ( Anne Brew )
    Good to hear your mother’s having a better day. It’s upsetting for you when she’s confused but it doesn’t seem to linger in her memory which is one good thing.

    1. it is upsetting to me and always makes me wonder what triggered it. I suppose, though, it's going to start happening more often.
