Friday, October 14, 2022

Late delivery

At 3:15 yesterday afternoon the delivery driver for the desk called to update me. Said they were delivering at a town (about 2 1/2 hours away) and assembling some furniture and then headed to our stop, so it will be in the evening. So, I figured, ok, an hour or so at their current stop and 3 hours (being generous) to drive here, they should be here around 7:30 or so. 8pm rolls around, then 9pm. Good grief. Finally at 9:15 dh calls the delivery driver's phone # from my cell phone. Like are you guys almost here? He says they are still like 90 minutes away. Dh was like guys think it's ok to deliver to someone's home at 11pm? Anyway, they finally showed up at 11pm with the desk.

Finally, after 7 months since I ordered it (ordered on March 11) and 2 tries to get it, the desk is complete and set up. Dh says he really likes it and it's a nice solid wood desk. I'm not sure I'd ever order furniture from Pottery Barn again, though. What a hassle this has been.

Mrs Neighbor gave dh a whole bunch more Iris bulbs (his favorite), like 2 buckets full! My plan tomorrow is to cut all our iris's down for the fall/winter and I guess dh will be planting more, haha. Most of the ones she gave us 2 years ago to plant grew like crazy huge this year and also are spreading. 

My weekend plans are to do some yard maintenance (iris's), housecleaning, and go see my mom on Sunday and pick up a grocery order. I'm still trying to decide what to time to go on Sunday. I like to go in the mornings, between breakfast and lunch, but she drives me nuts with the constant asking me about eating. I think I may just tell her I'll be there at 1pm, but get there a little early so I can go through her apt and fill up another bag of stuff to get out of there before she comes back to her apartment for lunch. But most likely she'll still spend the whole time asking me "did you eat? did you get lunch?" At least with ordering from Albertson's, I can go pick up my order anytime that day, as long as I'm there by 7pm, so if I wake up Sunday and decide to go see her after lunch, I can change my mind and not be tied into the set hour of pickup, as with Walmart. I've always tried to imagine what it must be like for "time" in her brain now. My guess is that basically she's pretty much always in the present few minutes, so if I've been there an hour and a half and it's time to leave, she doesn't think I've been there that long, at all. On the flip side, I guess, is that if she hasn't seen me for a week or more, it doesn't seem like that long to her either.

With dh setting up his new desk he had to turn off his computer and unplug, so at least this morning I didn't have to try to remember to do his weekly restart that I'm trying to remember to do on his computer now. 


  1. So, you finally got the other piece of the desk. Which piece were you waiting to be delivered. It is a pretty desk. Sturdy is good.

    My grandmother would lament to my mother that George never visited her. Sometimes, he had been there that morning or the day before. So, who knows if time is a concept people with Alzheimer's can even deal with. Of course, as she was complaining about her son, she did not know Mama was her daughter and thought she was her sister. My mother and uncle were always distressed by her lack of awareness from their own mother.

    1. We've been waiting on the middle/corner piece of the desk. I'll sometimes ask her if she's talked to her brother lately but she just knows to answer generic answers, like "oh I think it's been like a week or so". She will ask me about when the meds needs refilled in her dispenser and I will say I just did it when I was there 3 days ago, but she has no memory that I was there.

  2. That's a really nice desk. I like the style. But what a hassle. Gheez
    It's almost impossible to figure out the mind of someone suffering from dementia. They're here. They're there.
    They're not. :*(

    1. It's definitely a forever type furniture desk quality. Looks so much better than a dining table for a desk! LOL. We are going to put the old dining table up in the bonus room to use as a game/puzzle table. I'm kind of excited. I have several puzzles dh gave me last Christmas that I haven't been able to put work on because the only place to do them is our regular dining table and I don't want to spread a puzzle for weeks out over that. Now I can just go up into the bonus room when I feel like working on it.

  3. Your desk is beautiful but seriously? Delivery at 11 p.m.? Poor you, but poor delivery guys too! That would NEVER happen here in France!

    1. I didn't think it would happen here either! But we have been waiting so long for this darn desk that dh wasn't going to turn them away and say don't come that late.

  4. ( Anne Brew )
    It's arrived!
    It looks great and your dh will have a lot of fun making use of all those drawers for his stuff. Well done for persevering with the order.
    Although it is sad to see how your mother's memory is diminishing I'm very glad she is still amenable and friendly towards you. I had an elderly neighbour who looked after her even older mother till the end. The old lady would talk to her about this "awful daughter' who never came to see her which was very upsetting for the daughter.

    1. the desk is great - though all the drawers are a bit fake - haha! it's really just 3 drawers. The top drawer is short for like pens, etc, the 2nd drawer is a little deeper and the bottom drawer is large enough to hold file folders. I read so many posts on the Facebook page I follow where the person is sooo mean and talks terrible about the person. So far I haven't had to deal with that and a few times I have overheard her on the camera talk about me, she has been very sweet, thank goodness. It will be very upsetting if she changes, that's for sure.

  5. It's a very nice desk- better have been, right. I should get bulbs planted.

    1. I know! I was so worried it would arrive and then something be damaged or broken on it. Whew!

  6. Nice desk! Post a picture once you get everything set up!
