Sunday, October 23, 2022

Squeaky clean

Mom's caregiver had total success with the shower yesterday morning! Woo! It doesn't even sound like mom put up an argument or anything. What a relief. I knew this gal is good at her job. When I knew she was in mom's apartment I watched a quick video clip and mom was walking into her bathroom saying she was going to go use the bathroom and then I heard K say "ok, when you're done there, we'll get your shower going for you". And that was that. 

At first I'm kind of thinking, boy she needs to charge more than $25/hr, but then I realized she is most often probably making more than $25/hr at parts of the day. Like the stop in to wake mom up in the mornings, literally takes like 1 minute and to stop in after dinner and push the medicine dispenser button and hand her her pills is like maybe 3 minutes on average. Then she is off to the next client down the hall to do the same. So in that 15 min she is probably seeing several clients and just made the equivalent of $75/hr. Now of course, while she was at my mom's almost 45 min this morning helping her shower, she was only making the $25/hr because she was with my mom that whole 45 minutes.

K called and updated me around noon. She said mom did great and her cold is over with and she's ok to go back to normal dining room meals and activities. Said she was down for breakfast and one of her tablemates was grumpy and saying "is she supposed to be here? she's sick". K said she had to tell the lady she's fine now, all cleared, haha. She's going to start doing showers with her on Saturdays and Tuesdays (she works Sat-Tues, the other gal is there Wed-Fri). She did request that I buy a new shower head with the handheld hose, which would make it easier on K, helping her shower. I said of course, I will get it installed next weekend, when I am there.

I love K! She is so good. She also said that the original lady and even the other lady told her mom is sometimes grumpy and K said in the 6 weeks she's been on board, she has never seen my mom grumpy. I said I haven't either and I have never seen her grumpy with them on the camera clips when they come. (maybe they were getting her confused with another client?). Another thing she did yesterday that totally impressed me, too, was about 10 or 15 minutes before dinner started in the dining room, she stopped by mom's apartment to remind her to go down for dinner. I'm sure mom is confused what's what right now after having to stay in her apartment all week. She just stopped in and said "hi, are you hungry, want to go down for dinner?" and mom said '"oh sure, that sounds good" and off they went. Of course she was back after dinner to give mom her meds.

Next post: dh's biospy results that showed up in his "MyChart"....what? am I reading it right?!


  1. Maybe your mother was less than friendly and she called that grumpy. She probably accepts help better now. Or, the woman got her confused with someone else.
    That is funny that someone would question her being there at dinner. It must be like patrolling a grade school cafeteria with the older people and memory problems.
    How are you allowed to alter the plumbing? Tommy says he hates the handheld shower heads as they are always on the floor and he has to reach down and get it. I just grab the hose instead of bending over, plus if it is put back on the wall instead of dropped, it never ends up on the floor.
    Okay, I cannot wait to hear the biopsy news. You are such a tease.

    1. She was a little grumpy when I first hired the caregiver last June, but not rude to them or anything. Plus I think mom just feels more comfortable with K. The new shower head will just be unscrewing the current showerhead and screwing on the new type. Not plumbing altered. I'm going to get the kind that has a magnet and sticks back on to put it back up. K did also say she thinks mom needs another bar to hold onto in the shower and the maintenance staff will add that for her. She's put in the request for it with the staff.

  2. Your mom must feel comfortable with K. That's great!
    What's with the next post teaser? That's so wrong:)

    1. She seems to be really comfortable, but whenever I mention her name to mom, or say "the lady that helps you" she just has this blank look on her face like she has no clue who I'm referring to :(. I felt like being a teaser yesterday :)

  3. Good news on your mom's care. That has to be peace of mind for you.

  4. Anne Brew

    Good old K. I love her too. She’s doing such a great job.
    Fingers crossed for thx biopsy results. x

    1. I'm actually glad the first caregiver turned this over to K - she goes the extra step with everything.
