Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tuesday tidbits

Neighbor visitors must have just gone for a short mini overnight somewhere, as they are back this morning, LOL. Well, at least since they are back there is still hope they'll be taking their 2 dogs with them when they do go back. 

After a cloudy, cool, rainy day yesterday we are back to sun and low 80's. Summer isn't over yet and the weekend looks to be 90 degrees.

I'm still getting 4 eggs everyday. I think I've gotten 3 eggs only twice, since they started laying regularly. DH loves the chickens. He thought he would hate them, but now says we should have gotten them a long time ago, LOL. They are so funny to watch.

My mom's computer problem appears to be the power cord got unplugged from either her router or modem. She has 2 black boxes and I'm not sure which, but when I realized it wasn't her computer, it was that she had no internet service I had her look at the back of these 2 and she said one didn't have anything plugged in. She found the loose cord behind her desk, but after supposedly getting plugged back in, her internet still didn't come back on. Something is still not hooked up, I guess, so it will just have to wait until I get there on Friday. She can still use her computer to play her solitaire she likes and she rarely gets any emails that waiting is no big deal.

DD has signed up to start her master's program online. Her company even prepays for it, so she doesn't have to pay out of pocket first and then wait to get reimbursed. I think her first 2 classes start beginning of Nov and run 8 weeks each.

We have an all company teams meeting this afternoon. I was also supposed to be involved in another online meeting, but my boss said I could skip it, nothing I really need to deal with, so that was good.

DH is getting started loading up wheelbarrow fulls of rock to add to landscaping areas where it was a bit thin, etc. That's going to over do his muscles, that's for sure, but he'll just plug along, like he always does.


  1. that is a nice benefit your daughter has. Particularly the prepayment for her schooling.

  2. So glad she is getting a chance to get MA online. Does your husband have a trailer for his mower? That would be a boon.

    1. He does have a little trailer that can pull behind the mower and uses it quite often. It's handy!

  3. I used to love watching my grandmas chickens when I was little. They looked like mini busybodies with extremely important missions.
    I am glad your DD's company is prepaying for her school. It is a smart thing to keep a good employee happy. Those amounts are not much for a company but, surely they make a difference for a person's budget. Oh and I am keeping my fingers crossed for the additional dogs to go back to where they belong.

    1. they definitely are little busy bodies. That's why one of them is named Gladys - the busy body from the old tv show "Bewitched" LOL

  4. Oh your chickens sound like fun - especially if your DH has taken to them right? And how wonderful for your daughter that her company is paying for her studies.

    1. it will be great for her to get a master degree and have it paid for.
