Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wednesday what not

We had an all company meeting online yesterday. No surprise to hear sales suck. It's apparently more to do with our area of the country, as the market in other parts of the country are not experiencing to the extent we are. The other half of the meeting was to remind people, since most everyone is still working from home, to have some set boundaries between work and home life, so that they are not making themselves feel like they are always working. Like someone said they recently heard a saying "we aren't working from home now, we're living at work". I'm sure it was a good reminder for some of our employees.  Our management doesn't want them getting burned out. I've been working from home so long now, it's something I learned to do a long time ago. It also helps that my job is more internal and it's much easier for me to have a specific start and stop time and I don't feel the need to look at emails in the evening or weekends. Not to say I never do, but rarely.  I work 6:30 to 3:30 (actually 7:30 to 4:30 my time zone) and when 3:30 comes I'm logged out.

I forgot to remind my mom about her rent due 1st of the month, but logged into her checking this morning and see the check already cleared. Yay mom! Yet, I'm waiting for my daily call this week "something is wrong with my computer" LOL. She can't remember we've talked about this every day since Saturday and I will fix it on Friday when I come to pick her up.

I was about out of cat food, so I picked up another small bag at the store in town on Sunday. Of course now, the cat hasn't come back to eat at night for the past 3 days.

I need to text my neighbor down at the end of the street and see if she wants some more eggs. A few days ago they left the empty egg carton in our mailbox, LOL. I gave next door a dozen on Saturday, but now have another dozen I can share (even using up 4 yesterday, one for breakfast and then we had fried eggs and bacon for dinner).

DH continues to shovel rocks into the wheelbarrow. It still doesn't look like the pile has even gone down - poor guy!

I got signed up for the "winter pre-pay" with our propane company. This is the first year we have done this (because I didn't understand how it worked before). I'm still confused, but oh well. I thought they did it at summer rates, but the summer rate fill we just had last month was $1.25/gal and this winter prepay rate is 1.79.  Maybe winter is even going to be higher than that, I don't know. Whatever, it's all paid now.

I'm ready for Friday. I have the day off. Going to pick my mom up after lunch and bring her here to stay until Monday. It's going to be a long weekend, LOL....because having a guest is exhausting to me because I feel like I am having to entertain all day long. 


  1. Poor husband! But, you said he frets when he has nothing to do, so I suppose this suits him even if it hurts him. I suppose your mother not remembering things will be your future. I can see how not having a stove might be a good thing.

    1. yes, he has to keep busy and he is doing a much better job at taking breaks with it. I think he should finish up most of it today. I'm really glad now that she doesn't have a stove in this apartment. Though I doubt she even used it in her previous one, but it only takes one time to forget to turn it off....

  2. I hope DH remembers to rest!! I am sure for some of your co workers- they are also balancing kids at home, home schooling - tough situation all around, I am glad your work is reminding them to keep their work life balance!!

    1. He's actually doing much better at taking breaks during this and spreading the work out over several days. It was good to hear our bosses remind everyone to take care of themselves in this new normal.

  3. I guess the work-life balancing reminder applies to your DH too. He apparently cannot stand the idea of not finishing a job on hand, a.s.a.p. What he is doing is back breaking work literally.

    1. You are 100% correct, he cannot stand to leave a job undone, but he's doing a good job with balancing his muscles use and spreading the work out over longer time.
