Monday, September 28, 2020

Anniversary come and gone

When I (got) woke up this morning, I remembered Saturday was my 15th anniversary with my company. The bummer is that used to be a big deal with my company. Heck, 10 years was a big deal. In fact, for about the first 6 or 7 years of my working there, those few that hit their 10 year mark got a paid for weeks vacation to one of the owner's condo in Hawaii! I was sooo looking forward to that as I was getting closer and closer every year. Then about 2 years before my 10th anniversary there was a split with that owner and zip, nada, not even a congrats, on my 10th anniversary. A couple others had hit their 15 year mark back then, too. They both got an extra weeks vacation every year.

Why I got woke up: at 6:30 this morning we both heard a cat meowing at our bedroom patio door. It was still dark out and by the time dh got the patio light turned on it was gone. On Friday, when dh walked down the street to get the mail (it was raining)  he said he could faintly hear a cat meowing but couldn't tell where it was coming from. I went out and looked around. Shined a flashlight into the culverts at our driveway. Didn't hear or see anything. We had been putting the food out but a couple weeks ago it stopped eating and our camera wasn't catching anything (except a skunk) so we stopped putting it out. After Friday, dh put it out again for 2 nights and nothing. If the dang cat it still out there (and now meowing) why isn't it eating the food?

I spent part of yesterday, again helping dh out in the shop. Trying to bag up tons of packing peanuts as he unearthed the kids old trophies he had saved. Then of course, they all needed cleaning/dusting off. UGH. LOL. So, I did them all (many of these are like 3 and 4 tier trophies. Huge. Because he wanted to save the ones from championships and after 9 years there were lots of club and region championships, as well as 4 National championship trophies (the biggest, taller than me). He put them all up in the loft area on display with the little race cars. At least he is slowly making himself more room in the shop. This weekend he managed to free up the space of 2 pallets (as soon as he can get rid of the big bags of packing peanuts, LOL)

I get my 2 prescriptions mail order. They say I'm due for refills to be sent out on 10/1 but I still have like 44 pills of each left, so I don't need for another month. I looked back and it shows they shipped out the last refill mid July. I think they must go 2 weeks early every refill, so now after 2 refills they are like a month early? I'm not sure, so I took it off "auto" refill for now as I don't need them for at least 30 days. Or maybe I should just go ahead and have them sent. Better to have them on hand now then later, I guess. In my old age I now get a bit paranoid, with the country going so crazy.


  1. I had two cats visiting my windowsill. Ever since I bought cat food the first one does not show up anymore. The black and white one definitely wants to come inside. It is a funny cat. Smart, too. Since the windowsill is so narrow, he walks backwards instead of turning around. Today I found him trying to reach the area where I open the window screen. He has been paying attention to how I was opening it. Today he had a feast of cat food and pieces of fatty chicken bits. He has more chicken for a few more days.

  2. Maybe the skunk scared him away from the food. More likely, he wants you to come and sit with him. My friend's cat would sleep in the house and wake my friend for food even when he had food. It turns out the cat would only eat if my friend were sitting there with him.

    That is a bummer about the lack of Hawaii trip on tenth. Who won these trophies and for what?

    1. I'm pretty sure the cat is feral, so doesn't want anything to do with human contact. We have never seen it during daylight hours and the couple of times dh saw it at night it ran right off. Our kids used to race little cars similar to go-carts and won lots of trophies over the years. We got rid of (donated back to clubs to be recycled into new trophies) tons of them, but DH kept the "special" championship ones.

  3. We had a neighborhood of feral cats, but one wanted to be a house cat. My elderly neighbor had one that would eventually come into her house just to eat next to the door. Eventually, it came further and further into her house. Eventually, it liked the warmth and protection, I suppose, but it lived indoors. Yes, it was feral for sure because I saw it running with its feral siblings. When I caught feral cats and had animal control come get them, I had to make sure it was not "her" cat. This place neutered feral cats and released them again.

    1. I keep hoping this cat will start to come around, but we put the food back out by our bedroom patio door last night and nothing eaten again. It's a mystery cat, LOL. We had a fairly wild cat one time. He had never lived indoors but eventually he got closer and started coming inside and soon became a big old house cat.

  4. we used to have a couple of strays come to our place, they were similar looking too. they would eat, then just run off. they have stopped coming by though. i am sorry your work did not remember your anniversary, 10 years should be celebrated!! i am glad you and your boss have a wonderful relationship though, thank heavens for that!

    1. it's 15 years! :) Aside from the 2 owners there are only 4 people who have worked there longer than me! (currently about 53 employees total). And yes, I'll take my relationship with my boss over a happy anniversary :)

    2. 15 my apologies!!! That longevity is definitely something to be admired and rewarded, I can tell your boss tries to show how much she appreciates you, often. It is great to see!
