Sunday, September 20, 2020

Rainy Saturday

It pretty much rained most of the day yesterday, which was really nice for a change. It also helped to clear up the bad air quality we've been having the past week. Even though he got rained on dh went outside and finished up with the pile of landscape rock that was left. Another little project he needs to do is insulate the ceiling in the shed. He says it's a quick job (I think he is spraying in), but it's also a 2 person job and he doesn't think I'm strong enough to help, so he tried to find someone to just hire for a quick job. Tried to get the guy he hired who helped build the shed, but of course he didn't return his call. As he was out front by the fence working yesterday our young neighbor down at the end of the street was coming or going and stopped to chat with dh. He said he'd be glad to give dh a hand with it. DH says it's really like a 20-30 minute job, so he's thankful for the offer of help. I told dh I pay in eggs LOL. I know DH will try to pay him (generously) and I'm sure he won't let him.

While he was outside I cleaned the downstairs, vacuumed and mopped. I made a loaf of banana bread after I got up, to use up some very ripe bananas. My mom called to say hello. She was getting her flu shot after lunch. I guess it got postponed from the original day, as they were waiting on the covid test results for whoever lives or works there. She also went and did exercise class, again. It appears from their monthly schedule that exercise class is every day Tues-Sat and she's been going most days. So good for her. She said mostly they sit in chairs but she and a couple others do some of the exercises standing. She called later and said she got the shot and it was quick, easy and painless. She also asked me if she was registered to vote. I couldn't remember! I know when we went and got her ID card the guy asked if she wanted to register and I couldn't remember what she decided. I figured out there is a way to look it up online and she is registered, so I called her back and told her she is and will get her absentee ballot closer to election day.

I ordered dh a new office chair and chair mat from Amazon on Friday. I got sick and tired of looking at reviews, so picked one that had majority good reviews, looks nice, and in my price range. Like I said anything has to be better than sitting on a wood dining chair. The chair mat is for hard floors and is clear, so it doesn't cover the look of the wood floor. 

I started a 1000 piece puzzle. Way harder than 500 piece LOL. There are too many pieces that fit but actually are not the right piece. I was getting frustrated with just doing the edge/outside. I'm still haven't got the outside done right, but no more pieces, haha. On one side that had night sky I had to rearrange all the pieces several times to get them all to finally fit. I'd hook several together that fit perfectly but they weren't the right piece. Apparently I need to figure that same situation out on the other 3 sides.

Today I HAVE to clean out the coop. I didn't end up doing it last Sunday as dh didn't want me outside in the bad smokey air. As soon as they are done laying for the day (usually by around noon) I'll get out there.


  1. Regarding the floor mat: Be careful. In our old house, DH thought we needed one to protect our newly installed genuine oak wood floors. I wanted a flat, gray, "squishy" one, but he wanted to see the pretty new floors, so he bought a clear one with the treads (bumps, really) on the bottom. Well, what happened is the weight of the chair caused the bumps on the bottom of the mat (which hold it steady) to make indentations on our floor. (And to my credit, I did NOT say "I told you so!") I don't know that you'd have that issue with engineered wood, but it's something to bear in mind. Oddly enough, when looking at floors for this place, the flooring people tried to steer us away from real wood due to durability, hence, our acacia floors. I think they are pretty, but scratches aside, the new build is getting genuine wood again.
    DD and I enjoy jigsaw puzzles. Our favorite to build are the 1,000 piece Kodak puzzles. The pictures are gorgeous, and we can usually find seasonal ones. Last fall we built a pretty one of a church in New Hampshire. Made me homesick...

    1. The flooring guy steered us (or I should say DH) from hardwood too. He said when it's time to re-do the hard wood, people rarely do. They just end up putting in new flooring. I didn't want to have real hardwood because of 2 big dogs. I'll have to keep an eye under his chair and see how it's doing.

  2. I was thinking about your mother and reading. Can you find a book of short stories that are short enough that she can finish one is a sitting, however long that may be for her? Did she ever like Reader's Digest?

    I traded eggs for a lawn chair once. Eggs are so useful for trades.

    1. She did like Reader's Digest. There are a whole bunch of magazine in the "library room" just outside her apartment door. I tried to suggest before she get a few magazines from there, thinking she might do better with the short articles, but I don't think she has gotten any.

    2. Maybe you could bring some in to her. She may not remember what you said.

    3. I think while I'm there on Thursday I will try to find a couple for her.

  3. Readers Digest might be a good option for your mom. I wonder if my daughter received her ballott. She ordered a couple Saturday's ago.

    1. We haven't gotten our ballots yet. From what I read this state only mails them out 25 days prior to election.
