Thursday, September 17, 2020

Some days are just too much

Well, I totally bungled renewing my mom's remaining prescriptions! It's all fixed now, but I realize now what I did - when I went to the messaging section of "mychart" I saw her Dr. listed and an FNP listed - I thought the FNP was her doctors nurse and sent her the message. This FNP was the person we saw for her rash/wound care. I got confused who this was and that they are part of the same medical group. Now her regular dr. is refilling and she should have her meds in the mail soon. Ugh. I need to pay closer attention!

DH is really tired of spending every day indoors when there is yard work to be done, but the unhealthy air quality bothers him when he gets out there, so he's just staying inside. Watching you tube videos about various things. Taking an afternoon nap.

I was texting with a friend about all the birds at my birdbath. She texted a picture and info out of a bird guide book she has. I was like oh neat! I need a book like that. I'm always looking up birds on Google. It's an Audubon Guide to North American Birds. She sent a picture of the books cover. Looks kind of old with a leather/like cover. She said she thought she got it from her dad years ago. I found it used on Ebay for like $4. The ebay store was also having buy 3 get 1 free, so I looked through the list and got 3 books and one dvd for $12.62 total (free shipping). Not bad. I want to start building up a library, so eventually when we get some bookshelves either bought or built in the upstairs wide hallway area, I can start filling the shelves up.

Today my little table for the guest bedroom is supposed to arrive. The little sculpture I ordered to sit on the table won't be here until next week. Did I mention DD is giving me the marble chess set she got on Marketplace for $5? She decided her cat is too annoying with it. Her cat likes to steal small things, LOL. She was definitely eyeing the pieces, haha. I had gave them an owl winestopper for their anniversary, that was up on an open shelf in their kitchen. Cat got up there and took it, LOL.

And while sitting watching tv/relaxing last night my mom calls.......for the 30th time "I wrote a note to ask you something about medicare cuts coming to seniors next year"...........

And she's back to saying all the meals are the same thing. I'm fighting a losing battle with this one, too, I guess. When I show her the menu and that it has variety she will say "oh, well now they are, but they weren't before". Days or a week later, when she's saying it's all the same, I will say, we just looked at your menu the other day and it was variety and she will say "well, there were doing variety, but now they aren't"

Some days are just gonna be like this, I guess. It's certainly not going to get any better, that's for sure.  I had honestly hoped (because that's what all the experts say helps) that her exercising several days a week and doing activities and socializing would help her memory - or at least slow the progression down. It seems like she is getting worse since starting more activity, not better.


  1. Maybe she is just more active mentally so sees things to complain about. Print off the menus and show her. I wonder if uncle quizzes her to see if her food is better. Maybe it will take a while for reverses to show up. Or, maybe the exercise will help her not to slip further away.

    Most guys would love napping, sitting, and not working in yard. I suppose you are lucky he is active. Maybe you could see if the vacuum fits his jk

    1. you could be right, I haven't thought of that with her memory. I think uncle probably just tries to make chit chat (he usually calls in evenings) so probably says "what did you have for dinner?" LOL.

      And sadly, no, the vacuum doesn't fit it his hand. HAHA!

  2. You should be able to find a bird book of the birds both native and migratory in your area. I have one specific to Alabama that is divided into birds of different areas of the state. It is a wonderful reference, especially for the migrating birds that I only see one or two days a year.

    1. good idea, I'll have to find one. The other day we had a group of birds with blue on them I have never seen before take over the bird bath for a short time. Then they were gone and the regulars came right back. I guess they were just passing through.

  3. I'm horrible with birds, but I do enjoy looking at the different varieties. that sounds like a nice little hobby for you. I love tha tyou want to build up a library-that's righ tup my ally.

    1. I think I remember bird names better than plant or flower names LOL. I also enjoy their different sounds they make.
