Saturday, September 12, 2020

Friday turned into a Saturday

Well, yesterday ended up being mostly a non-work day. Not planned! Friends showed up around 11 or so. I figured ok, they'll stay a couple hours. I'll take a long lunch. No, they didn't leave until 4:30! Thankfully, other than doing payroll 2 days a month, my work is flexible and I can do that. My boss was off anyway, so I didn't have to worry about her emailing me about something.

It was great to visit with them. This is only the 3rd time (in past 6 years) I have met his wife (his 2nd wife). The first couple of times she seemed a bit quiet, but this time she seemed more comfortable and talkative. Plus the last 2 times they had been driving in their car all day, so I'm sure she was tired. This time they had spent the night at nearby motel (we didn't know this or would have invited them to stay here!) so they weren't tired from driving.

For my side job I mail out checks monthly to their salespeople for auto allowance and expenses. Now they are getting mailed to their home addresses and not the office. At least a couple of times one of them has asked if I mailed it and when as he hasn't received it yet. I know it usually takes 4-5 days to get there, but now it's been like 9. This morning I went to get online remotely and print a new check to send, only I can't get into the remote computer. So, I guess I'll just handwrite the replacement check so I can get it in the mail this morning, but I need his address. I know several months ago he had emailed me his home address, so  I found the email. Then I looked him up on the payroll system. The zip codes are different! The one he gave me is a town next to his. I googled his address and it shows zip code same as payroll system. I'm guessing that is what is causing his check delays.

At least before the friends arrived yesterday I was able to get my meatballs and sweet and sour sauce in the crockpot and didn't have to cook dinner. We invited them to stay, but they had plans with some other friends in the city and were spending the night there and then heading home today. The sweet and sour meatballs over sticky rice (just microwave kind, but was quick and tasted good) was a good change to have for dinner. Haven't had it in years and years.

I need to clean out the chicken coop today, but want to wait until they are done laying eggs, which usually isn't until around noon. I don't want to disturb them while they are wanting to get up in the nests to lay. Yesterday was a 3 egg day, which seems to happen about once a week. The rest of the days are 4 eggs. I need to unload a dozen on a neighbor.

DD had bought a new l-shaped desk for her home office that arrived yesterday. She had a small student type desk we had gotten years ago at Ikea. It's in like perfect shape. She decided to list it on the free local website in her area. An appreciative mom came and picked it up for her young daughter who is schooling from home. She said her daughter was going to be so excited to get the desk for her bedroom.

DH got up for awhile and went back to bed. It's good he ended up with a day off "work" yesterday. 

My mom called and still somehow she is writing herself notes to ask me about "medicare cuts coming to seniors".......ARGHGH!!!! It has to be a commercial she is seeing while watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy every night is my guess.


  1. LOL about the medicare cuts. I wonder, too, what they are talking about but am sure something is in the works to sell me.

    The day and visit sounded pleasant. The sweet and sour meatballs makes me hungry for them. Got a recipe you can share?

    1. that's what I keep telling her, they are probably just trying to sell some service or insurance to seniors. The recipe is just a jar of apricot preserves and 3/4 cup bbq sauce. Mixed together in crockpot. I added frozen homestyle meatballs and let sit all day in the crockpot, stirring a few times. The sticky rice was frozen type. Microwave 5 min and I put the sweet and sour meatballs and sauce over rice.
