Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sweet dreams

After 2-3 years DH always seems to rip our fitted sheet. I'm not sure how, LOL. He keeps his toenails trimmed short, but even if he happens to accidentally rub his foot on my leg it scratches! He must have like razor edge nails, haha. So, Saturday night he ripped what had apparently been a small tear into a huge tear. I went to the linen cupboards in search of a spare fitted king size sheet. Found the one I had, but then remembered it too had a tear.....if I recall this happened a couple years ago, right before we moved, so I just started using my spare sheet (or maybe I ordered that one at the time). Usually I just wash sheets and put them back on after wash and dry is done, so I don't keep alot of spares since king sized sheets are so expensive.

This spare one had a much smaller tear, only like 6 inches. I got out the thread and needle and stitched it up, washed it and am using that for now. We'll see how long it lasts. These are Target Threshold sheets I've been buying the past 6-8 years and they only seem to last about 3 years before they tear. I can buy the fitted sheet separately, but only in 300 ct, which is probably what I have purchased the last couple of times, since the top sheet is fine. If I recall the set was about $60-70.

How come the sheets we had while I was growing up seemed to last years and years? Probably because the sheets made all those years ago were made in the USA. I've been so wanting a really nice set of sheets for our bed and have been so close to pulling the trigger on a really expensive set for $195, but I just can't do it. Though now that I'm down to this repaired fitted sheet, I'm on the fence again. Do I just buy another set for $60-110 - that will probably only last a few years, or do I go for the $195 set. Cotton made in the USA and the sheets made in the USA. All the reviews are great and people say these sheets last for years and are like heirloom quality. When all is said and done, I'll probably be out the same amount of money over time, if these good sheets do indeed last a very long time.

We spent over 1/3 of our life (well I do cuz I sleep 9 hours, haha) in bed. Should be nice and comfy. The only thing I wish was that when you buy a king sized sheet set you didn't have to have king sized pillow cases. I never use king sized pillows, just standard. If I decide to order these I think I will just order the sheet set first and if I like them, them order a set of the standard pillow cases later. Plus the website is offering a 15% discount, so with a very reasonable $5 shipping the total will be $170.

DH was out chatting with Mr. Neighbor yesterday around noon. I had gone out to the chicken coop to give them some scratch and check for eggs, so I walked over to the fence where there were talking. He said a friend was in a small town store up north and an old Indian guy was in line with him and said it's an old "tale" that if the pine cones are falling off the trees green in early in the fall, it's going to be a "bad" winter. Well, DH's eye's lit up because the green sticky pine cones have been dropping like crazy the past couple of weeks and to him a "bad" winter is wonderful. I googled it and it's of course supposedly a myth, but I didn't have the heart to tell DH, LOL. I'll just let him keep planning for a bad winter, haha.

Well....this is interesting! I was just posting an invoice from an attorney my company uses and reading what it was for. Possible franchising activities....in my state I live in! Seems like a smart idea. I know when dh and I were first planning to move over here (and I assumed I'd need to find a job over here) I first looked to see if there were any rep companies in this area and there were none, only in the mid/eastern part of the state. It's always something I thought would be good for here, let alone how much the area is growing and construction is booming. I'm sure my boss will fill me in on it at some point. Things like this are usually very hush hush until it happens.


  1. Sometimes they sell really good quality, brand name sheets at a good price at TJ Maxx and Marshalls. King size may be more difficult to find though. I dislike fitted sheets so, I do not use them myself. I can never fold them properly to put in drawers. May be regular sheets will ot rip so easily?

    1. I've never tried a flat sheet on the bottom. I have a feeling with DH's tossing and turning it wouldn't stay put at all.

  2. I used to buy "pretty" sheets at good prices, but then was always disappointed with the quality. Now I look at the thread counts first (the higher the better) and haven't been disappointed at all, even if they are more expensive. Of course our parents probably had pure cotton sheets as opposed to mixed thread sheets too. Failing that, you might want to knit your husband a pair of woollen botties!

    1. these ones I'm looking at at pure 100% cotton. The website is Redlandcotton.com. I'm sure the sheets from years ago were much better quality.

    2. and since I was just looking yesterday they are now sold out, not due to have more in stock until October, so I guess I'm waiting, haha.

    3. I was just looking at their website - you can order a single sheet as well as the sets. I hate the king pillowcases, too.

    4. JMB- I just saw that yesterday (while realizing they are now out of stock) that you can order individually. I think I might do it that way.

  3. I love the Threshold sheets, particularly their percale, but they don't carry them deep enough for our new mattress. The other brand I like is Tribeca Living 100% cotton.
    I (well, DH, really) fell victim to the hype of one of the radio advertised brand of sheets. They were absolutely not worth it, and were returned after one night of using them. I found that they were no better than the 100% cotton "Better Homes and Gardens" sheets I purchased at WalMart for literally, 1/10 the price.
    As for king size pillowcases--it's simple enough to trim and hem, especially if you have a sewing machine. (I hem them with a French seam.)

    1. what is the brand you didn't end up liking? I find I buy some and they are fine.....until they wear out so fast. Well...of course they could be trimmed and hemmed - I didn't even think of that!!

    2. Boll and Branch. If I closed my eyes and felt them, I couldn't tell the difference between them and the WalMart sheets. They came packaged beautifully, though, and fit wonderfully, though! Funny, they came packaged in a drawstring bag made out of what they SAY is their sheets. That bag felt very nice and smooth--utterly different from the sheets. I was very disappointed. Check out Tribeca Living. I love the smooth, crispness of their percale weave cotton sheets. They are 350 count--I find much higher than that, and the sheets are too heavy for me.

    3. Another thought regarding DH: I am a restless/hot sleeper. Something that helped me a great deal was something I learned from my time in Europe. I no longer use a top sheets. We have a Down comforter (Ours is from Costco, but I LOVE Pacific Coast down comforters, which all my kids have) which we cover with a 100% cotton percale weave comforter cover. The cover has corner ties, so it doesn't slide all over the comforter. I don't get caught up this way when I turn as I did with a top sheet. My kids' beds all have the same set up as well. The only kid who uses a top sheet is youngest who uses handmade quilts on his bed. (Mother kitty sort of ruined his comforter before she went into labor--there was no rescuing the comforter, and I'm waiting for Pacific Coast's 40% sale before I replace it.)

    4. I have been happy with most sheets I have bought as far as comfort, it's just they never last as long as I would expect them, too. King sized sheets are pricey and I'd like them to last longer than 2-3 years. DH is set in his ways....must have top and bottom sheets.

  4. Does DH have Restless Legs? That is an actual (and miserable) thing and people suffering with that tend to move their feel alot which can cause the sheets to rip

    1. No, but he has some sort of neurological issue with his muscles, so he tends to flip back and forth a lot and gets up several times a night. Me? I don't get to move my legs because a big old dog lays there, haha!

  5. I have a king size bed to and I bought three pairs of sheets, all cotton from walmart for i think it was 24 dollars a pair and I've had them 3 years now. I know the sheets you're taking about for $200 I've been wanting a pair myself but I'll wait until these finally wear out because i can't justify the cost yet. If you can i say buy them! 😊❤

    1. I've been waiting until mine wear out too to buy these expensive ones. Now they are out of stock, LOL.

  6. I did the same thing to a set of $200 sheets I had about 30 years ago and I had no toenails to cut them. That is the only sheet I have ever torn!

  7. Costco sheets! Cheaper and they seem to last longer for us!

    1. I don't have a Costco membership anymore, but I'll mention this to my dd. She likes to shop there and hates the price of replacing king sized sheets, too.
