Friday, September 25, 2020

The day off

So, the other day I get that bird guide book I ordered in the mail. I kind of thought to myself I wonder why all 3 books and the dvd I purchased on same transaction weren't just all mailed together. Then today the package comes with the remaining items, only it also included the bird book. I was like what the heck - how did I order 2? Then I thought I'll bet my boss/friend that had told me about the book had one sent to me. I just texted her and sure enough, the first one came from her! Aww. That was so sweet of her. Plus, the copy she had sent is in almost perfect condition. The one I just got is an old library copy, so it's quite a bit used and has the library tags and stamps on it. I will just leave that copy in the library room where my mom lives. The other 2 books and dvd I got look to be in very nice condition, though. I need some bookshelves!

My day off yesterday with mom went well, though the drive in was in rain. I had enough time before needing to get to her place to stop in and pick up my chicken feed order. I got to her apartment about half hour before her appointment and got the ipad mini connected to her wi-fi. Then the dr's nurse called. I wasn't expecting that, so I'm glad I got there early and wasn't trying to do that chat while driving. She just had some general questions to get out of the way. The dr. was about 5 minutes or so late getting online, so I was starting to get worried I wasn't doing something right on my end. It was kind of a waste of time really, LOL. But at least saved a trip to the dr. office itself. But of course now she needs blood work done, so I have to make another trip for that sometime soon. I still need to get mine done, so we'll get it done at the same time.

Then I had to call Bank of America to have them remove the account freeze so she could write a check to set up her new checking with new local bank. It took awhile on the phone to get this done, but finally it was accomplished. The customer service lady was very nice and apologized for taking so long, but she was having to message with her supervisor, who was the one "un freezing" it. So, we chatted awhile while she was waiting, LOL. At the end she said she really appreciated my patience with it all.

Then we drove over to the bank (where I also bank). I didn't realize they had decided to close up their lobby's again, by appointment only. Good grief. So, as I'm calling the ph# on the sign to see if we can get in for an appt. a lady comes out to the door and I explain we want to open new account and she says they can do that through the drive through for us. Okie dokie. That took awhile, too, of course. But the guy was super nice. He also thanked me for being so patient as this was actually his first time doing a new account set up that way.

I just decided to have her write a check for $10,000. There is still about $3500 in her BofA checking and almost $3000 in savings. Once she has her new checks and debit card I'm going to transfer the savings to checking and have her write a check for the balance to her new account and then close out the BofA accounts. They did give her 4 starter checks and a free box of checks is on it's way.

We then went to Target as she needed a few of the usual things. Milk, cookies, granola bars, tissues, toilet paper and crossword puzzle books, LOL. After was lunch time so we did Arby's drive through for a beef n cheddar sandwich and vanilla shake to take back to her apartment. My Walmart pick up order was scheduled between 1 and 2, so still had time to eat and visit a bit more. She had just received 3 of her 4 prescription bottles in the mail the day before, and still had a few pills in her previous bottles. I combined them into the new bottles and threw out the old bottles, so she didn't have so many, which I sure could/would just cause confusion.

I left a little after 1 and stopped at Home Depot for some weed killer dh wanted me to pick up. When I got to Walmart I remembered to check my emails to see if they were out of stock with anything with my order. Crap. They were out of like 8 or 9 things and several of them I had to have. Like chocolate milk, lunch meat and water. Out of water? they were out of both the bottles and gallon jug with nothing to substitute? I find that hard to believe. So, after getting all that loaded I  had to make an another stop to the nearby grocery store to get those items. I also decided to try to bring home some ice cream in the cooler with the other frozen stuff. I want to make a cake this weekend and dh only likes cake if there's ice cream with it. It made it home fine, so that's good to know.

Last stop was the co-op store to get one more bag of the grass fertilizer. My car was totally loaded up! I got home just before 3 and at least the rain had stopped and sun was out for the drive home. It takes me probably a half hour to get all the groceries put away (dh unloads and brings into the kitchen). Then I took a nap! For dinner I just made dh a big salad and some watermelon pieces on the side. I had a bowl of cereal later on.

Today I need to figure out how to change her social security to deposit to this new account. I also need to contact her health insurance to change the auto payment to this new account. 

And it's payroll processing day, so I need to get to it. If it hadn't been payroll today I would have also just taken today off to have a long weekend. Oh well.


  1. Your days off are busier than your work days. I am glad you took your time to nap. Hope, your weekend will be relaxing.

    1. that's what my boss said, too, LOL. I'm hoping for a relaxing weekend. Twice this week I've overslept a bit, so watch, tomorrow I'll wake up early...

  2. Maybe your mother would like to look at the book, too. This makes me want the book for us. What is the name/link if you don't mind. Do you have binoculars? Do the dogs show interest in birds when outdoors or through doors/windows?

    1. I don't think she's much interested in birds. The book is The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds, Western Edition (so I assume there is one for Eastern North America). We have a kind of crappy pair of binoculars that we use to look at the bald eagles next across the river (and other wildlife). The dogs really aren't interested much. The oldest dog is very gentle and yesterday we walked out onto back patio where one was catching it's breath after hitting the window. He had to sniff and gently nudge it with his nose to make sure it was alright, LOL. The other dog is just interested in chipmunks.
