Sunday, September 27, 2020

Finishing up Saturday

If there is such a thing as karma, I guess the neighbor dogs provided it. After and during all the barking one of them proceeded to bring things out of the house through the doggy door. Not sure if it was laundry, blankets or what. Then he apparently found some papers or mail and brought all that out and tore it all up. Stuff was everywhere in the run area, LOL. Mrs. came home around 2pm, not a happy camper to see all that, but apparently she left the door between their kitchen and laundry room open........

After breakfast yesterdat morning I made some more tapioca pudding since I'm stocked up with enough milk. Worked on my 1000 pc puzzle a bit. It's a hard one, not to mention my big dog with the big bushy tail swiped a piece (or two?) on the floor and then tried to eat one! (or two). I got it out of his mouth, a bit worse for wear, so if I end up with a piece missing at the end, I'll know where it ended up. Emptied the dishwasher, etc. Was just about to help dh with a bit of re-arranging in the garage when a friend from town stopped by for one of his visits. He was happy to take home a dozen eggs.  During his visit dh started to tell him about the ex sheriff encounter. As soon as dh said his name he just rolled his eyes. HE said he doesn't know why he is like that but he's like that with everyone. He said he thinks it's "short man syndrome". I laughed and said that's what Mrs. Neighbor thinks, too.

In the garage, dh's leftover wood supply is dwindling and he was able to move one over with another smaller pile. That empty space he was able to bring in a pallet of stuff from the shop, thereby giving him a little bit more room in there. He spent the rest of the afternoon starting on another pallet that has big boxes of big trophies the kids had one. I do mean big. Like a few are as tall as me. Several like 4 ft. He will clean these up and put up in the loft area next to the kids race cars he's displaying. I'm not sure all what else is on that pallet but he may be able to get rid of that one too, once he's done. He put so many packing peanuts in these big boxes, that he's only going to be able to throw like one big bag a week away in our garbage can.

After lunch I made a yellow butter cake (from box). Finally had cakes that didn't stick to my glass cake pans and came all out. Then I took a nap while the cake cooled and frosted it after I got up. I don't know where dh is - he's either out in the shop or went down to the neighbors at the end of the street to see their goings on as they are starting to build a detached garage, which I'm sure they will appreciate having this winter.

I chatted with my mom and she sounded good. I actually didn't end up talking to her on Friday. Got really busy with work and ended up working until like almost 6. I figured she'd be ok to skip a day. I had just spent half the day with her on Thursday and heck, she probably wouldn't remember if she did or didn't talk to me.

I'm reading a book I got free from Amazon First Reads. It's sort of a science fiction story.'s really not that great, but I don't have much else to read right now. While sitting on the couch, reading, I turned on the tv and started watching the movie Big. Always good to watch once in awhile.

I actually stayed up until almost 10, LOL. And I actually, for the first time in a long time, got to sleep in this morning until almost 8. I don't know what I'm doing today. Most likely I'll have to dust off those trophies for dh.

Friday and Saturday I had not noticed any birds at my birdbath. I thought well, maybe they finally did fly south, but here they are again this morning. Though I can see one sitting in the tree across from my office window that looks quite different and bigger than the usual, so maybe it's a different group stopping by. I'll have to watch and investigate :)


  1. Let us know if you find a lost piece in the end. Those dogs would drive me nuts. I suppose they were glad that things needed rearranging.

    1. if I ever finish this puzzle, haha. It's bad we were laughing at all the dogs mess, but it's also bad that we have to listen to them, too.

  2. The puzzle we started 6 months ago is still sitting, barely started. I am actually going into the office tomorrow, which will be so odd after so long, but I am looking forward to it. I made pepper jam today, but I am not happy wiht how it is turnig out.

    1. I'm about 1/4 done with puzzle. I'll bet it will seem strange to go to the office! I've never heard of pepper jam,what is it?
