Thursday, September 10, 2020

Catching up the rest of the weekend

I was gone from about noon until 3pm Monday, taking my mom home and picking up my grocery order at Walmart. At least it wasn't cancelled, like it was on Friday. I was re-reading my post from Monday and it appears I left out the part where I did find the yellow Ethernet cable in one of her drawers next to her desk, LOL. Can't for the life of me figure out why she would have unplugged it, but at least it's all fixed now and I sure was relieved to have it figured out now.

On Friday we learned who bought the lot down the street, that is next to the couple who live on the last lot. DH had seen a truck drive down the street, but not leave. We can't see that end of the street from our property (trees and the land inclines and then declines on the lots between us). With it being a holiday weekend, as well as all the extra/strange traffic we've been having this summer, dh kind of wanted to make sure it wasn't someone down there up to no good. He texted our neighbor down there to ask her if she was home and she said yes and she wasn't sure who was on that lot and didn't want to go out there by herself to double check - could dh maybe take a walk with the dogs and investigate? So, he did and it was the new owner couple. They had just closed on the sale in the morning. DH said they seemed very nice and of course, since he can talk someone's ear off, he chatted with them quite awhile, though he wasn't quite sure what to make of them, haha. The lady's dad lives in the area, so that is why they bought around here. They plan to build in about 5 years. Then of course our neighbor gal wanted to know what dh learned about their new "neighbors" so she, hubby and kid came down and sat on our front porch while we had otterpops and visited for a bit Friday evening. DH was like well, I know you can't/shouldn't always judge a book by it's cover (lots of tattoo's haha)....our neighbor was wondering if they were "red", like all of us. DH was like red? I said Conservative! LOL. For someone who pays attention to politics as much as he does I can't believe he didn't know what she was referencing. DH said he had no idea from his chat with them. Then he said well, the lady is a teacher and we all said well a good majority of them tend to be liberal thinking side.

Then of course dh, who is Mr Detective, did some research. He only knew first names of them. Here's his trail: they said her dad is trying to sell such and such house in town (been trying to sell it for 2 years). DH knew which house, looks up the owner on the property search our state has. Finds that guys name. Finds his Facebook page, then looks at his friends list and finds his daughter and son inlaw's facebook pages. bingo! haha. Ok, they are MAJOR "Red", LOL. Like the guy posts conservative political posts all day long. Everyone is like, ok, guess they will fit in around here then, haha. Somehow he even found out where they live now and looked at their house on google map/street view, and was happy to see they had a really well kept, nicely landscaped place. But, like I said, 5 years is a long time - lots of plans change for people in 5 years, so we'll see, right? DH did tell them expect it to take close to 2 years to build a house, haha. One thing he did learn from talking with them is the guy needs peace and quiet, as he suffers from PTSD, so at least we know they will be quiet neighbors. Oh, and also they are our age.

When I was gone Friday, picking up my mom, some friends we hadn't seen in a long time stopped by. I was so bummed I missed them. When we moved here they only lived about 10 minutes from us, but they sold their big ranch and moved about 1 1/2 hours away. DH said they really liked our house and landscaping. A big compliment coming from them since they are multimillionaires and live in a 2 million dollar house, LOL. Now friends wife wants curbing around her lawn, haha. I was so glad I had spent the morning cleaning and tidying up before I left to get mom! Not that we have a messy house, but at least there were no dishes in the sink, the spare bed the dogs always sleep on and mess up the comforter and pillows was all neat, LOL.

A couple years ago I bookmarked this shower curtain on Walmart's website I liked for my upstairs tub/shower. I'm pretty sure it was close to $90, which of course is why I never bought it. Last night DD sends me this picture of a shower curtain on Amazon that she likes and it's like $40. I said I think that is really similar to one I had bookmarked but it was a different color and like $90. She said it has the tan/linen color, too and only $37. This morning I looked up my bookmark with Walmart and it's the exact same shower curtain, but $43 with Walmart. I said out of all the probably millions of shower curtains out there, what are the odds DD and I pick the same one?! LOL.

Just got a call from one of DH's friends in Northern California. He said it is so smokey and so much fires. DH was outside, so I chatted with him for awhile and since DH is outside working in the yard, he just said to have dh call him back this evening. Oh good, something to keep dh busy with for a couple of hours tonight, haha! DH has been pretty much non stop complaining this whole week. If it's not one thing it's another and as soon as one "issue" is resolved (like neighbors family and dogs finally left) it's something else. Now it's gun shots going off somewhere nearby all day long for the past 4 days. I can hear it a bit from inside, but he's been outside all day every day and is getting annoyed by it. It's not hunting season, so why a single shot about every 30 minutes? We live in sort of a canyon area and it really echos so it's hard to tell where exactly it's coming from. And then he complains about stuff that "might" happen! Finally, last night in the middle of his rambling, I just got up and said good night, I'm off to bed.

While yesterday my mom remembered about her checking fraud issue and I had told her about having to change her online password. Last night/this morning she obviously isn't quite remembering now. I went to log in this morning and was locked out and had to do a password reset. Then I look at her emails and see that last evening she must have tried to access. She calls me first thing this morning and says "something must be wrong with my bank account, I can't get in to look at it".


  1. Ha, I had to laugh. If your husband ever gets tired of working on the house he could probably set up his own private investigation agency!

    1. that's what I always tell him - he should be a Private Investigator. One day, while the guys were framing the house he told the guy I'll bet I can figure out where you live in about 5 minutes. Kid said no way, my house/property isn't in my name. DH said well there's a clue....came in the shop, got on his computer. Within minutes found where he lives, google view, etc. Walks back out and says you live 1.3 miles down such and such road and you have a bunch of dogs....

    2. I do that, too, mostly for friends who are trying to find someone.

  2. Can you fix it so she gets no access to her account or not be able to get you locked out? She probably did not remember the yellow ethernet cable and decided to put it away. Or

    1. I could fix it that way, but she's still aware enough that she wants to know what her money is doing, balance her checkbook, etc. This morning I just told her we have to stay out of her account online for awhile, until it's all cleared up. Hopefully that will hold her off for awhile, but then again she probably won't remember I said that.
