Monday, September 14, 2020

Relaxing Sunday

It was mostly a quiet indoor day yesterday. We started getting the smoke from the CA and OR fires. The sun was kind of eerie all day. Just a big orange ball behind all the haze. You could almost look right at it. We did make a quick run into town later in the morning. I needed milks and a couple things at the store. DH wanted to drop off the pop cans at the house that takes cans for recycling and also fill up his lawn gas cans. After we got home dh did do a bit of hand watering with the hose where we had added some grass seed near the fence and a bit on neighbors side. I was out checking for eggs and noticed my neighbor lady was out for a bit to try to do some yardwork, so I took her over a dozen and a half eggs I need to offload. 

Off and on I worked on a jigsaw puzzle I had started the day before. 500 pieces. I took a nap. Read a book. Made a no bake cheesecake. I haven't had one of those since I was probably living at home with my parents. My mom used to make them. Cheesecake is one of my favorite foods. Well, apparently since then I have become a cheesecake snob, LOL. Real cheesecake is way better, haha. I have made real ones a few times (sometime I purchase them) and while this jello cheesecake is ok, I think next time I have a cheesecake craving I'll either make the real thing or buy some from the bakery section. Even frozen is better than this, haha.

I also received a post card in the mail from my health insurance that I could get a $25 gift card by filling out a health screening questionnaire. Took me about 10 minutes and this morning I received a $25 Amazon gift card. Perfect timing as dh just sent me link to some Stihl 2 cycle oil he needs that is $50 for a six pack, so I applied the $25 to that.

I've also been looking for a console table to put in one of my guest bedrooms. The room needs more decor, for sure. When you walk into the room there is a wall along the door, then the wall comes out as part of the dormer. The tables I found online last week were $100 on up. This morning I remembered we have a $50 Home Depot gift card. I have been to Home Depot like 3 times (last trip was for paint/staining supplies) and kept forgetting to use it. I know they have some furniture and decor they sell online so I looked at console tables. Found one that I think will work great for only $60. 

Plus, the color looks like it will match the posts on the bed's wood. And I like how it is curved so when you do walk in the room you don't have to make sure you avoid the corner of the table. The website had an advertising of sign up for emails and get 10% off home decor. Grand total out of pocket, after applying code and gift card was $4.97. I think I'm going to put a small mirror over it, a small fake plant on the table, next to a buffalo sculpture I found online that I will buy next.

The other happiness yesterday was the bird bath was busy busy. A group of birds with blue on them we had never seen before, arrived for a short visit. I guess they were just passing through. The water was getting low so I went to fill up the pitcher. By the time I got it filled the blue birds had left and the regular birds had returned. I slowly walked up and a couple stayed and a few more returned while I poured. It's so neat :) Being so close I noticed their beaks are strange - the top and bottom beaks cross over each other. They are kind of a red colored bird too, so in my research it appears they might be "red crossbill" birds.

I finished up the puzzle in the evening. It's a nice diversion when there's nothing on tv (most of the time!) or I don't feel like reading. I had to order some stuff from Walmart and needed to get to $35 for free shipping so I ordered another puzzle. Trying a 1000 piece this time, so hopefully it takes me a little longer.

I'm not a sports fan. Used to be growing up. Watching football was big in my family. We had season tickets to the pro team and for a few years 2 of us kids got to alternate going with parents to the games. DH used to enjoy watching basketball. But as we got busy work, school, kids, etc. watching sports stopped. And then I got tired of these guys making millions acting like jerks. Now with all the politicizing of sports, I'm glad I gave it up a long time ago. I was watching the news the other night and they showed a pro football game, with fans in the stands very limited. They took their knees and the fans (what little there were of them) booed like crazy. So, if those fans booing are so against that (glad they are) then why are they spending their money to go support them? Just makes no sense to me. But, most of the world makes no sense to me anymore, so there ya go.


  1. Racial unity is not a political issue. It is moral one. Without it, we are doomed as a nation. As for taking a knee, if you are referring to the game I watched, the players were booed when both teams linked arms and observed a moment of silence for racial unity. And, taking a knee is not disprespectful...nothing MORE respectful than kneeling, particularly during your National Anthem. In fact, if I ever find myself in a place where the National Anthem is being played, that's exactly what I shall do. Our country can be so much better. "Protest peacefully," they say. "Oh, wait, not THAT way." These players are human. Fans can't expect to have a part of their talent and not their humanity as well. Shame on those who booed.

    1. if you don't think racial unity is being politicized you aren't paying attention. As far as taking a knee during the national anthem, well, I guess a whole lot of people, including myself, disagree. If taking a knee is respectful, then why did the players stand during the "black national anthem?" So, you are saying the players are entitled to show their opinions, but those fans that boo aren't? My question was for those booing - if they don't agree with what the players/teams are doing, then why are they still there supporting/paying them? Though a 30% drop in viewership of the opening Sunday night football season has got to account for something.

    2. Yes! 100% correct! Protest peacefully... oh wait I don’t like that either. It’s horrible

    3. First, I didn't say it hadn't been politicized (racial unity) I said it is a moral issue. As for entitled to show their opinions--well, again, linking arms and observing a moment of silence, taking a knee are peaceful. Booing is a blatant act of belligerence. The fact is that these people, "fans" want no part of these players', many black men, humanity. They simply want them to perform for them. In this culture, I hate to say it, we have elevated our sports figures to an almost god-like status, and called them role models. So, here they are, showing the best role model ever--linking arms and observing silence with their competitors, for a common cause--racial unity. If sports is the great metaphor for life, (as Rush Limbaugh is so fond of saying) then this was a great metaphor indeed.
      In summary: Moment of silence, linking arms, kneeling = peaceful. Booing = belligerence and disrespect. Also, research where taking the knee came from...
      Finally: I will tell you an abbreviated tale--about 3 years ago I and a neighbor woman were out late, late late (2 a.m., perhaps) hiding clues in a public park for a community scavenger hunt. (Have to do it under cover, as people literally stalk the hiders for a leg up.) I was waiting in the car while she and her boys hid them, so I could call her if someone came by. Someone did, the the police. I stepped out of the car and said "hi, I'm so and so and I'm with the Great Hunt, and that's my friend and boys over there hiding." He said words to the effect of o.k., but hurry up, and I'll wait by your car if you want to go help them.
      It was only later when I relayed this story, that a friend's son, who was taking criminal justice classes, (is now working on his JD) that I realized how bad racism is. As a white woman, I didn't think for one second about opening the door of the car and getting out when the cop showed up. This kid told me that had I been a man, or worse, a black or Hispanic man, there is a very good chance I would have been, at best, in cuffs, at worst, shot. NOT ONCE did it enter my mind to think anything other than this cop was there to help me. That is privilege. It exists.

    4. You aren't going to change my mind about respecting the flag and national anthem and I'm certainly not going to change yours. Again.... my question was to those that boo and disagree with what the players are doing - why are they still there supporting/paying them?

    5. Because they are stupid bigots, who have no ability to think critically. Bigotry usually goes hand in hand with stupidity. And, critical thinking on behalf of the masses typically doesn't end well for those in charge, now does it?
      Think. It's free, and freeing.

    6. Those blacks have no right to protest, peaceful or violent. At of all countries they are treated the best in America

    7. Kneeling for the anthem is a right, and the guy who got Kap to kneel was from the army if I am not mistaken. If you don't want to see them kneel, don't watch - but those who are booing, love the idea of booing and making their voices heard (they probably wish they went pro but never did, and live with their bigotry proudly every day)

      Racial unity is a moral issue indeed!!!!You hit the nail on the head!

    8. Fran, your comment epitomizes why Americans protest.

  2. As a liberal, I do not like the "taking a knee." Just play. Take your politics off the field. However, I am not a sports fan. I think standing during the anthem is respectful no matter who you are or what you support. Don't be disruptive. People sometimes want it both ways--let me in and let me be a part of something and leave me out of your customs. Figure out what you want and be consistent.

    1. In my opinion, saying "Just play" is showing white privilege. Everything is political, from a president who has boasted of his political accomplishments since his meager inauguration to grown men playing sports. Don't forget, these many of these young men have had racist experiences that the rest of us cannot imagine. Imagine being born in a country where you don't feel at home. I think everyone has the right to try to make a better life for themselves, and for all of us. And that's what they are trying to do.

    2. LEfting,

      Yes, yes and yes. The "Just Play" attitude to an institution in which 70%*of the players are black is the pinnacle of privilege. I firmly believe these "fans" believe that the only way blacks have worth is if they play--for their amusement. Makes. Me. Sick. That's one reason I never watched professional football, or could tolerate the monetization of college football. The schools didn't want to give these men an education, they wanted them to bring in $. But, these men in the NFL are using their visibility to make this country aware of its ills. And, it is only through awareness that we can recover.
      *70% of the players are black, but what percentage are in management of the NFL? THINK!!!

    3. I'm deleting Fran's comment to Linda. it's rude and uncalled for.

    4. Nd. Chic--were you referring to my comment?

    5. Meg B- I'm sure she was referring to Fran's rude comment to Linda/Practical Parsimony that I deleted.

    6. Pity you didn't let us have a go at her...but that's the darker side of me wishing that. You always publish dissenting comments, and respond with consideration. (This I know!!!) You shouldn't have to put up with rude comments, either directed at you or another reader.

    7. No, I wasn't referring to you, Meg. It was the other terrible person commenting.

    8. We all have our opinions and you are welcome to share them in the comments, but I'm not putting up with being rude.

    9. Well you can delete it and side with those liberals. I probably hit too close to home but I meant what I said. There are hierarchies in nature whether people want to accept it or not and this hierarchy is not just only defined by whiteness. Many of the white sectors are lower than African desert dust. Nothing separates this wasted white strain from all the other inferior groups; not their poverty, addiction or morals. Economically, they are negative assets. Emotionally/mentally, they are weak and prone to suicide. Morally, they are vice-ridden and inexcusable (looking at you, Jerry Falwel). With these groups hanging around us, the hierarchy of Aryans becomes a BIG joke at which people point and laugh.

      True Aryans are people of honor. They don’t do drug or sit around waiting for state handouts. Nor do they feign sickness for their wives to work and support them. They are the educated elite with the highest moral character. Hitler gave Aryans a bad name. Nothing about H looked Aryan. His phenotype was strikingly inferior. He inserted his low quality, depraved nature into the community, which should have protected themselves and their values against his non-Aryan degeneracy. A man who kills ANY SPECIES unnecessarily is depraved. All the history books show that true Aryans were disgusted with the slaughter. A soldier’s action is honorable; butchery of the undefended is NOT. What is the point of gassing the inferior groups when they could have simply been expelled to some far off reservation? The earth is big. All we have to do is separate ourselves from the undesirables and we should certainly not defile ourselves with brutish, animalistic gore.

      Next time we must know better than to let low quality whites contaminate us. When the current battle has been won, the next fight would be to get proper leaders and sanitize/separate ourselves from the low quality pale strains who want to align themselves with us. But one step at a time. For now we need them.

  3. Oh, I forgot to say that I love demilune tables. You are correct that there no corners to avoid, a good thing for Don't try to match wood since often we fail. Different woods can live together in harmony...within reason. I think that little table is perfect.

    1. I did not know that they are called demilune tables. I have so am y different types and colors of wood in my house and they all seem to be able to live together. Lol

  4. I love football and I was watching the game. I do think that they have a right to kneel during the anthem even though my husband fought in a war where several of his friends came home draped in that flag. I think they have a right to link arms. Fans also have a right to boo when they see behavior they don't support which is what they did. I would like to see the NFL players speak out about domestic violence because that is a huge issue with them.

    I would still go to a game even though I don't agree with the kneeling but I wouldn't buy a jersey of someone who kneeled. I'm a huge Vikings fan. Adam Thielen is a good wife receiver from Minnesota. He gets a ton of endorsements and advertising around here. If he kneeled, he would lose them in our neck of the woods. Its a business for them. Gronk and Mahomes perfect examples of that. For the players who kneel, they are hoping that a left leaning company like Nike will pick them up.

    People talk about white privilege all the time. I would like to see them get lost in a poor white, meth area around here and look for the white privilege. The county that I grew up in is almost all white and has a higher poverty rate than Minneapolis. Sorry people, you have white privilege but you just suck that bad at life.

    1. Oops, Thielen is a wide receiver, not a wife receiver.

    2. The game continues even with the booing, so I don't get their point of doing so at all - except for the bigotry. as for white priviledge:

      I am sure you won't read it, but I always bring it up as a reference. Those poor folks in the area you speak of, are victims of white privilege too, but they can also benefit from it.

    3. The booing us the fans only immediate response to let the players know they aren't on board with what they are doing. If they didn't boo, how would the players know the fans weren't pleased? I will read the piece you suggested.

  5. Seems like a few of you commenters need to start you own blogs.

    1. I wish some would, I need more things to read!

    2. I was including you in that comment ;)

    3. Haha! I did just start blogging again. Clearly I'm opinionated on this subject.

    4. Nd.chic - glad to hear you are blogging again
