Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ready for the long weekend to start

Oh goodness, I don't know what/where weather report my mom was watching on tv last night, LOL, but she called me up and said have you seen what the weather is supposed to be like this weekend? I said I thought it was supposed to be hot? Well, it's supposed to be really bad weather, she says. A huge rainstorm. I said oh ok (LOL) and then she says, so if you wanted to wait and come get me another weekend that is ok. I said no, I'm sure the weather will be fine. Then she's worried it will be pouring rain when I come to pick her up, she doesn't even know if she has an umbrella anymore. I said well, I can pick you up under the portico. I hung up, double checked my weather app and it's supposed to be in the 90's Friday and Saturday, haha!

DD and her dh are going camping this weekend with some friends, back to the spot where they got married. They have hardly used their camper this summer. They've spent most of their weekends doing house projects. Painting rooms, new back patio, etc.

A couple of times over the past years I have ordered dh some packing tape for his tape gun. It's 3" wide tape. He was out, so I went back on Amazon and found my 2 previous orders and clicked on buy again, but what I didn't realize is now that link takes you to 2" size and I ordered that in error. Apparently they don't have 3". Grrr.

DH killed my lilac bush. He got his weed killer spray bottle mixed up with his bug killer spray bottle. Bummer. He realized it after he did it. I did have him spray it all down with a bunch of water, hoping that might dilute it off the bush, but guess not.

Most of the hummingbirds have left town, but I'm still enjoying the heck out of all the birds using my birdbath. The other evening there were so many on it, in it, around it, LOL. Might have to get a second one to have next summer.

First of each month is 2 "rewards" LOL. I get a Verizon up reward of a $3 Amazon gift card and through Amazon I get a free book to read, from their choices that month.

Since I'm also picking up a grocery order after I pick my mom up tomorrow, I need to get that placed so I can reserve the pick up slot.


  1. Do you think you'll have time to check on her laundry? I wonder if she has done any? Or is it just literally to pick her up and go. I know it is not a short drive for you!

    1. I plan to get there about half hour before I want to leave so I can see if we need to bring any laundry to do. (she said on the phone today she is going to do some laundry, so we'll see!). I also want to figure out why her internet isn't working

    2. yes, hopefully you can figure her Internet out! and hopefully there is not too much laundry.

  2. Sometimes, I see a weather forecast that is shocking, like snow or low temps. Of course, somehow the tv got on a wrong channel. I hope she puts in detergent when she washes clothes. Washing off the plant with a hose is the thing they tell you to do if you accidentally put herbicide on a plant. It may die back and then come back next year, I hope.

    1. I'm going to give the plant a dousing of miracle grow. Hopefully, like you said it might come back next year.
