Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The new sheriff

When dh had that incident last week with the old sheriff, he had called right back to dispatch to say it wasn't fireworks and was the ex-sheriff with a gun, shooting, so no need to come out to respond. Then he asked he would appreciate if the sheriff or a deputy could call him back when convenient, no rush. The new head sheriff did call yesterday. He was just appointed sheriff recently (so he's the second sheriff since the #*$&head ex sheriff resigned). First he apologized for not calling sooner, he's been out of town a few days. Then when dh said that while he realizes this isn't anything that can/needs to be done, he just wanted it known, in case there are other future incidents and then they will know it's not the first. 

New sheriff replied "that guy should NEVER have been elected to be sheriff of this county in the first place and this county is so much better off with him gone". DH was kind of surprised he'd be that blunt, but told him he 100% agrees. The guy is a just a complete ass. Sheriff said he would let his deputies know what happened, that way if there are any more reports of him shooting in areas not supposed to be shooting, they will respond to him and know it's not the first incident. DH said to sheriff - while we have no issues with guns or shooting in the area (like dh said, he though it was fireworks, not a gun), there is a law that you cannot be shooting within like 150 yards of residences and he definitely was within that distance of the 3 homes on our street.

We and neighbor are guessing maybe he did it so close to our neighborhood thinking he was going to annoy his old friend, our neighbor (who wasn't even home). Who knows. He's the type of guy who thinks he can do whatever he wants, and no one is going to question him, exactly why he never should have been a sheriff. He can stay a security guard. He wasn't in law enforcement before he was elected sheriff and after he resigned he didn't try to find another LEO position in another county or town. Our neighbor has also said he has heard things that the new sheriff is finding equipment inventory missing that was purchased by/for the sheriff's department when #*$&head ex sheriff was in charge. Did I mention that as dh was trying to nicely and calmly explain to #*$&head that he of course didn't know who it was and he was concerned it might be some idiots doing fireworks potentially starting a fire in the forest, #*$&head told dh like 3 times "get the F out of my way". I guess dh told him at the end, yes, I'll get out of your way, but you are a F-ing asshole and walked back to his car. 

DH said the new sheriff acted like he expected a sheriff of a small community to act. Respectful towards a good law abiding citizen. I had forgotten about another encounter we had with this #*$&head ex sheriff. Back when we were having all the problems with that renter neighbor in town, who was grinding fenders and starting up race truck engines at midnight, night after night, 10 feet from our bedroom window. We had gone in to the sheriffs station to inquire if there was a noise ordinance (turns out it was like no loud noises after 10pm or something like that) and the lady at the counter gave us a complaint form to fill out and show us to this little room on the side to go fill it out in. As we are filling it out #*$&head ex sheriff and his under sheriff (who was not rude, ever) open the door and he's all rude and pompous. Like what in the world are we doing there bothering them. DH started to explain and kept getting interrupted by him. He outright lied and said we've never had a complaint or been to his house.....well your SISTER in law right across the street told us herself SHE had called on them! and the previous house owners told us they had called in the past. Not to mention the stupid renters themselves told us "ya the previous owners used to call the cops on us". DH told the #*$&head ex sheriff "The common denominator with this seems to be the renter. I'm not the problem".

My 1000 piece puzzle is proving much harder, which I guess was the point, haha. At least I'm not done with it in 2 days.

Tomorrow I have the day off to go to see my mom, do her virtual dr visit and take her to open her new bank account and most likely she will need to go to a store for some things.


  1. I m glad the new sheriff is a decent guy. Be safe!

    1. definitely. A little respect for others goes a long way, doesn't it?

  2. It's like the sheriff in Macon County Line-remember that old movie?

  3. At least honest law officers are aware of this guy. I guess he steals from the dept, too. what a mess!

    1. it's kind of sounding like he did, but of course no one will do anything about it. It appears the purchases were probably really personal purchases for hunting equipment.

  4. This guy sounds like a real piece of work (being nice) and he also sounds dangerous. I hope they keep a close eye on him... Have a good morning with your mom!!

    1. you'd think someone that has grew up in this very small community and took a job to serve the public would at least be civil and respectful to the law abiding citizens. Just glad we typically don't have to interact with him for anything.

  5. In French they call someone like your former sheriff "le petit chef" - the little boss. Sometimes they are so far up their own backsides it's unbelievable. We have a municipal police officer in town who the kids call Robocop - all up himself and full on swagger. I've only ever seen him directing school buses! Stick some people in uniform huh!

    1. oh, that's what I am going to call him from now on! LOL.
