Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Hoping for an uneventful day

When I log into my mom's checking account this morning I can see a copy of the counterfeit check. Her last name is spelled wrong on it, LOL. it's -son, not -sen. Address and my name under hers (I'm on her acct) are correct as her previous address (that is still on her checks as we didn't order new ones with her new address yet). See! I guess she is right to be so adamant on spelling her last name for everyone! HAHA! It's made out to an Alex St. Pierre. Their signature on the back is kind of scribbled and then they wrote #17 next to it. What does that mean? Weird. I just find it the most interesting in that the check # was her next check # that she hadn't written yet (well, she ended up writing it to me on Monday, but the last check that cleared her bank account was 9871. It's almost like someone had access to her online banking to see the next check#.....I also changed her log in password.

A cool thing happened to me the other morning. A bunch of birds were at the birdbath, but the water in it was really low so I went and filled up my big pitcher. Usually they will fly away as I approach. This time 2 of them stayed sitting on the edge, so I slowly reached over with the pitcher and slowly started pouring water in. They all started coming back and one even landed on my hand for a couple of seconds! It was so neat.

The neighbor's son took their dogs home with them. Finally. DH chatted with Mr. a few minutes when he got home from work yesterday and dh said you can tell he is wiped out. He just said "it didn't go well" (having them visit for that long of time).  I'm sorry, but when you have 4 kids under the age of 5 (he might be 6 now) you can't have your phone in your face 24/7.

DH has been doing fall lawn maintenance. Last Friday after picking mom up I stopped at Lowe's and picked up weed and feed bags. Then went to the co-op place and picked up fertilizer bags. Whew! those made the car smell all the way home. We had to drive with the back windows rolled down and I even had mom put on her face mask. Monday he put down the weed and feed and in a couple of days he'll do the fertilizer. I also ordered another big bag of Casoron weed killer that will be delivered Friday and he can put that down in the gravel/rock areas. Then he should be good and ready for the winter to come.

I was messaging with DD, something about dog dna testing. Then I asked her when she did that ancestry dna test for herself did it say she had any close relative matches. She said she didn't think so, but she'd look again (it was awhile back she did it). She sent me the screen shot. Her reply was "it says I have 615 4th cousin matches. No thank you, LOL". Then she sent a little cartoon gif of a girl crawling in a big cardboard box house, closing the flaps, and sitting in the corner reading a book. She cracks me up. I told her she's getting worse than me not wanting to be around people! I said I don't even want the relatives I do know. haha!


  1. The fake check business of your mom's is freaky. It sounds like someone had enough info to almost pull it off. That's scary.
    The birdbath story is really neat!!

    1. it is freaky. along with her last name spelled wrong, her address is correct except the 4 digit code after the zip code isn't same either as her checks. I hate not knowing how something like this happens.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 615 4th cousins? There is a reality show over here that I occasionally watch. Few weeks ago a man came to find his long lost family. Apparently he ran away from home when he was 6 and never found his way back. Although he told the police the names of his father and mother, names did not match the records and he was placed in a government facility. As I understood, the name he gave for his mother was the name of the woman living with his father out of wedlock. During the same program, a man phoned in and told him, he was his uncle and he jumped in a cab to see him. The program host was beside herself and so happy and the guy was very surprised. The next day, it was revealed that he had 10 other siblings born after him. His father married three times and had all those children. I think the poor man regretted his decision to come on the show and look for his family.

    1. I can remember watching Oprah shows years ago where she'd reunite relatives, like given up for adoption, etc. Then I remember seeing or reading some statistic that the "honeymoon" of being happy finding each other typically lasts about 6 months and then they don't keep in touch much. Same thing happened with my dh's daughter from a relationship he had before me. She stuck around about 6 months and then that was that.

  4. Gosh I'm so glad your mom's bank was on the ball with that cheque! That would have been an awful lot of money for her to lose!

    1. I did tell the lady at the bank I talked to how impressed I am with their fraud control, for both her credit card and checking account with them.
