Monday, September 21, 2020

No sleep

I had an awful nights sleep last night. I think the cup of tea I made myself around 8:30pm had caffeine in it. I was literally awake all night with my heart pumping fast. Even at almost 8am this morning I was still feeling the effects, not to mention I now have a headache. I had some loose tea bags in one of my pantry containers and now I kind of vaguely remember buying this box of green tea quite awhile back and not realizing it had caffeine. I would only drink it very rarely and only during the day, but when I put the tea bags in my cute little air tight container I threw out the box and must have forgotten this wasn't decaf. I threw out the remaining bags this morning. I can have a little bit of caffeine, but when I do it's only mornings. Needless to say I skipped my morning cup of coffee this morning and took 2 tylenol. Then I try to get started working. Try to log into my side job and the remote connection is not working again. Welcome to Monday.

I did get my chicken coop all cleaned out yesterday. A quick scooping of it all into my little wheelbarrow with this "rake" that just has a flat edge and works great. I just pull it all to the edge of the big door in their nesting/sleeping area and it falls into the wheelbarrow. Then throw in the new bedding and good to go. DH empties the wheelbarrow into our big garbage can for me. It looks like this rake on top of this picture

DD dog sat a couple of dogs for some friends over the weekend. It worked out ok because her dh went to spend the weekend at his parents, helping them with a project, so he took their 2 dogs with him. Friends were supposed to pick up the dogs yesterday. Then they called and said they'd come and get them Monday. Her dh gets home, with their 2 dogs, and of course one of the guest dogs didn't want to get along. DD ended up calling them to come over, so they got there at 11:30pm. Not fun when she and her dh get up at 5am, but dd is glad they are gone as she wouldn't have been able to deal with 4 dogs ot getting along and working from home.

I'm working on my grocery list so I can pick up a load of groceries when I go see my mom on Thursday. Still trying to stock up on things. Still can't find canned pears. And then Amazon was out of two of my monthly items, which is getting really frustrating. 

IT guy called (he sure is a nice guy) and they updated their VPN log in for everyone on Friday......but as usual they forgot about me. Now it works.

I've slacked again the past couple of weeks and haven't done any more MTurks to earn extra money. I decided I'd better get back to it. We aren't going to get any bonus this year, so I might as well try to make up for some of the loss with that income.

The dr. visit for my mom on Thursday is a virtual visit so I'm trying to make sure the ipad mini is working correctly with zoom so DD is going to send me a meeting invite so we can make sure the camera and microphone are working. This is my mom's ipad mini she never uses and doesn't even remember she has.

ok, I'm really feeling the tiredness hitting me from lack of sleep. Still a long time left in the day.


  1. For some reason the caffeine in tea doesn't affect me. But, I can't drink caffeinated coffee at all and can't drink regular sodas after 1:00 p.m. or I won't be able to sleep. The affects last for a long time with me. Sometimes I can't sleep for two days. I can drink all the decaf coffee/soda I want.

    1. usually tea isn't too bad for me, but it was almost bedtime and a big mug, so I guess just too much. I don't drink soda (or if I do it's like Sprite). I've had this caffeine issue for about as long as I can remember. One time I took some Excedrin at work that a friend had. I had no idea it had caffeine in it - boy! did that stay with me like 24 hours. Never took that again.

  2. I am like you, cannot have caffeinne after noon or so, or it heavily affects my sleep. At least you should sleep good tonight!

    I am wondering what kinds of things we will have trouble finding in the stores this winter/in the near future. Strange times.

    1. I'm ready for sleep now, haha. I'm worried things are going to get worse after the election (if not before) so I've been gradually trying to get us stocked up better.

  3. I stopped drinking caffeine in anything. Now, Caffeine Free Regular Coke is not being produced. I drink the Coke with Caffeine, but not often and not late. I have never seen a rake like that. I wonder what it is called.

    I was going to sign up for Mturks, but there are so many listed that I don't know which one is the real MTurks. So, I did not. Wish I knew!

    1. I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning and half the time I don't even drink the whole cup. The Mturks site is just
