Monday, August 31, 2020

Keeping an eye out

The guy who has supposed to deliver the 2 loads of rock (for landscaping) called Sunday and asked if it would be ok if he delivered it now. DH said sure! He's the son of the guy who delivered the original load last Fall. Sure was a nice young guy. DH enjoyed talking to him and after his second load they stood outside and talked quite awhile.

So, now the only thing we are waiting for is the fence gates. We had also ordered a roll up door for the shed, but that is supposed to be a few more weeks.

DH is going to have his work cut out for him loading up all that rock in wheelbarrow loads. He's taking today off as it's raining pretty good. He had a cute text conversation with Mr. Neighbor. He said he was thinking that a rock in each hand x 4 boys and that pile of rock should be moved by the end of the week. He pays in otter pops. Mr replied back they will work for room and board - they are packing their bags right now! LOL. He is so ready for them all to go home, but has another week. He is exhausted, we can tell.

Could it be the neighbor houseguests decided to leave back for home early? Mrs and Mrs are both at work today, but DH noticed the son's SUV backed up to a garage door and them loading stuff in and they left. We haven't seen their 2 dogs either. Though it could very well be that they just went out an outing for the day. Like I told dh, with 4 kids and 2 of them toddlers you need a lot of crap to go anywhere, LOL. We'll see.....


  1. You don't often have people offering to come early, it seems. Leaving home with two kids was an ordeal, so they could come

  2. I feel very sorry for the families with young kids. Every outing seems like a move. Lol! Favorite toys, blankets, tricycles, extra clothing items, food, diaper bag... OMG!

    1. I know! I can't imagine trying to do it with their 4 young ones. I'd be exhausted before we even left ;)
