Monday, August 24, 2020

Getting in a Monday mood

Not a good start to Monday morning at work. The accounting program won't open up, so now I'm waiting on a call/fix from IT.

DD told me she is looking into getting her masters degree (via online). She figured with the work from home looking to be going on quite a while longer, it's a good time for her to get started, since she has extra time with no daily commute. She just has to get work to approve paying for it. I guess they will after 3 years of employment (she's been there 2) or they might do less than 3 years with work experience. She's had over 4 years of work experience in her field, so she's hoping they'll approve her request.

I had some milk to get used up before it goes bad so I made a double batch of tapioca pudding, in the morning. DH spent a good part of the day creating one of his videos. This was was for the paving of the driveway. Later, after the chickens were done laying their eggs for the day I cleaned out their coop. I didn't want to disturb them with it during their laying time, though it would have been a cooler part of the day to do it, LOL.

We chatted with our neighbor guy down at the end of the street awhile yesterday. His little boy (about 3 1/2 now) is getting so talkative and less shy. And definitely not afraid of dogs anymore, especially now that they have one of their own. One of our dogs walked up to him, licked him on the face and walked off. He just grinned. Then one of the other neighbors grandsons rode his little bike over while we were chatting and the 2 little boys took to each other right away. The grandson left his bike, ran back over to his grandparents and brought over another little bike (training wheels) and they rode around the driveway while we talked.

He said a couple, in their 30's, from WA bought the lot next to them, but apparently don't plan on moving over here, building on it for 5 years. So, who knows what will end up. If I learned anything in life, it's that it hard to plan - especially it was at that age for us, anyway. What you thought you wanted at age 35 isn't what you want at age 40, LOL. DH was a bit worried they might try to spend summers camping on the lot, but our covenants (though a little vague) say no living in an rv/camper on the property, unless building and then only for 6 months.

And as I typed this one of our IT guys messaged me that he fixed the issue. So, back to work.

Another day with temps in the 90's. Then it's supposed to start cooling down to 80's and 70's. They keep saying that and then the 90's keeps getting extended a day.


  1. Your DD is a smart young lady to take advantage of her extra time. I hope, the company is smart enough to accomodate her. I can definitely feel the Fall in the air over here but, I know there will be quiet a few hot and humid days in the 90's before October.

    1. She is a smart young lady and has a good head on her shoulders. I'm ready for milder weather.

  2. I wish I could get a PhD online! And, getting someone to pay for it would be great. I hope she is successful getting permission. It seems there is a neighborhood feel to your place with kids around.

    1. well, for 2 more weeks, LOL. then the neighbors 4 grandkids go back home. The neighbors down at end of street are pretty quiet and we don't really even see them too often. I told dd I'm glad it's her and not me getting a master's degree. I have no more desire to study, haha.

  3. Sounds like your daughter is one smart young lady using her time wisely. I wish it were cooling down here but it isn't. We have been in the 80s but the 90's and hot sun will be back again this week. We have till at least the middle of October before we really begin to get any relief from this heat and humidity. It's the one thing I miss about up north. The shorter summer season. I hope you're having a better start this Tuesday!
