Sunday, August 23, 2020


Yesterday morning I went and saw my mom and picked up groceries. I stopped at Target first as I needed a couple things there (that Walmart was out of) and my mom wanted some more cookies. I was trying to get ready to leave to go see her yesterday morning and she called. It took me quite a few rings to answer because I didn't have my phone on me, so when I did she says "oh, did I wake you?" I'm like no....I'm up and leaving in about 10 minutes to come see you, LOL. She knew I was coming but she was confused as to what time I had said. I had told her I wasn't staying for lunch so somehow she remembered I was maybe coming after lunch.

She's doing good. Her groin rash is all healed up, so that his a huge relief. I will keep an eye on it. Of course she hadn't done any laundry since last time I was there, so we got that started. She told me she did do it one time, but I'm about 99% sure she didn't. The room has 2 washers and 2 dryers. The 2 washers are next to each other, then the 2 dryers. When we went back to put the clothes from the second load into the dryer, we had left the first washer top up (as they are when we go in there to use). She starts taking the clothes out of the washer and puts them in the other washer next to it! ooops. wrong one! My next visit there is in 2 weeks to bring her here for the long weekend.

While I was gone DH visited with neighbors, who have their DIL and 4 grandsons (all under like 5, the youngest are twins about 2) visiting...(for 2 weeks!). The boys wanted to see the chickens. DH said the older 2 were asking lots of questions and the older one asked where do they lay the eggs. So dh showed him the nesting boxes and to look in. "OH! There's eggs in there!". DH got the 4 eggs out and gave one to each. They were thrilled. LOL. Hopefully she is taking her 2 dogs back with her when she goes home.

Also while I was gone our retired friend from town stopped by to visit. We haven't seen him most of the summer, but I guess he's been on 2 trips to visit family and had family visit him awhile.

I was back home at 1pm. It always takes about a half hour to get all the groceries put away. I'm still trying to stock up bit by bit. After we drove into town as dh was out of gas for the lawnmowers, so he loaded up his 4 gas cans. I also cashed in my big winning $4 lottery ticket. We stopped at the grocery store for some popsicles and I found a box of tapioca there. Of course way more in price than Walmart or Target, but I've been wanting some so I got it.

After we got back I took a nap. I've had a bit of a stomach ache every time I eat the past few days. It's getting annoying. For dinner I made home made pizza and salad. I haven't been able to make my pizza in months and months. This is the first time I've found my pizza sauce in the store since March. I've been trying to find Yellow Windex since then, too. Walmart said they had it finally, but ended up substituting the new white/vinegar kind. Oh well, that kind did seem to work well on some windows.


  1. What brand pizza sauce do you use? If it has been scarce for so long, I would have gotten at least a couple more! I think it is funny the kids all got eggs. They will never forget that, at least the older one. I wonder if the eggs made it back without being broken. I am worried about your stomach pain. I am glad your mother is doing okay and her groin.

    1. It's Classico pizza sauce and it only let me order one jar. One egg didn't make it across the yard and to neighbors house. LOL. One of the toddlers couldn't quite manage the journey with it, said dh.
