Sunday, August 30, 2020

The long quiet day

Yesterday was all about moving and placing that load of dirt, LOL. We were out by about 8am. There was a bird in the front lawn that had probably hit a window, so he while he seemed ok, he wasn't up to flying yet. Our dogs are the best. Our black dog barely showed interest, but he's also the one who instantly listens to commands, so I wasn't worried. The older dog loves little animals and birds (he used to kiss and lick our parakeet) and is always very concerned if they are hurt.

Then I was watering flowers and came around the end of the garage and Mrs. Neighbor was standing outside with one of her grand twins. I said hello and asked if she could use more eggs. She said sure and that they were standing there looking at a bird in their driveway that wasn't flying off. I said I had one of those, too. I went to get the carton of eggs and when I walked over to give them to her saw the bird. My older dog came up past me towards the bird and Mrs said "oh no!" I laughed and said he won't hurt it at all, which of course he didn't. She's like our dogs would have already eaten it.

She also said that little guy screamed and cried all night long, so they didn't get any sleep. He's nearly 2. DH and I worked outside, adding dirt into the ground at most of the fence posts, just to make sure they are snug in the ground. This took most all day and all day it was completely quiet from neighbors. No kids outside. Even the dogs barely came out into their run. By afternoon we were working on the fence posts on their side. Mrs had come out for some reason and DH said over to her "it's been awful quiet over there today" and she laughed and said "oh no, it has not! LOL". She proceeded to tell us of all the things the 2 youngest (twins) have broken and gotten into, etc. We are like oh boy, they are keeping you on your toes!

After she went inside a few minutes later Mr. drove in. He had been at work all day. He pulled up alongside dh in his truck and told him he's not going to make it another week with all of them there. He's about to lose it. Then he said his son in on a plane right then on his way over. So, now son is there. Not sure if that was preplanned, but I'm guessing it must have been. He'll spend this final week and then drive back with his wife and kids next weekend. Still haven't heard if they are taking their dogs back with them and we haven't asked.

DH also spread some of the dirt where there were some bare spots out near the fence line (where we had planted seed before, not the sod areas) and put down some more grass seed. I also walked the whole fence line pulling out staples from the posts, from when they were all just stored on our property and dh had covered with tarps and stapled down, so some of the posts still had a bunch of staples in them.

My mom had called earlier in the morning, something wrong with her computer, but said it was no rush so call later. I talked to her later afternoon, but couldn't figure it out. I'm wondering if her internet was down. I couldn't even get remotely into her computer. As usual it was super frustrating trying to do over the phone and even more frustrating that Team Viewer wouldn't work on her end to give me a log in and password so I could access her computer. I also could not explain to her how to see if her internet was connected.

I was tired and getting ready for bed around 8:30. Going to settle into bed and read a bit. Then my uncle calls, but I missed the call as I was in the bathroom. He left a voicemail that he just talked to mom and has a question for me and to call when I can. Oh great, what is she telling him now? I wasn't in the mood to deal with it that late, so I will call him later on this morning.


  1. He is going to tell you your mom's internet isn't working and you either need to go there and fix it or move her to another place.😂

    1. haha! I figured it would be something like that, but apparently he was telling her he watches old movies all the time on YouTube and she said she likes old movies. he wanted to know if she had access to Youtube.....well ya, but she has NO idea how to get on it and search, watch etc! She can't even remember how to use a washer and dryer anymore :/ I told him her cable tv service probably has a channel for old movies and I'd find that for her.

  2. It is very poignant how she is still very much vital and wants to do and see and use all this new-fangled technology, yet lacks the ability to engage her brain to use it. Hopefully, you can get her set up with movies. We use TCM for movies, watching Ben Hur right now. Maybe she gets that. A movie channel of some sort would be infinitely easier than navigating Youtube.

    You said the mother of the four kids and the dogs does not pay attention to them outside. I bet she is negligent when in the house, too. We once invited a couple over who had an 18-month-old. I stayed on my feet their whole visit, getting the kid out of things. Neither the mother or father moved a muscle to care for their own child. I was the baby sitter. When they left, I told my husband "never again."
