Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Finally fencing

Fence guy and crew (his son and another young guy) showed up at 9:30 (just as I told dh would be the time, LOL). It's a good long 2 day job. He told DH they wanted to work as long as possible yesterday, so they can make sure they are done by end of day tomorrow and are looking for a place to stay the night..hint hint. DH told him we'd get them a motel room in town. I got online with our town's motel and it's $110 a night - good grief - it just keeps going up and up. I think 4 years ago when we stayed there, while looking for where to live, it was like $70. This is like a 2 1/2 star motel, LOL. I didn't want to have to get 2 rooms, but then I noticed they have a "3 bed" room. 2 queens and a double for $154, so I called and paid/reserved them that room. We could have offered them to stay here....but ya, no. We used the guy and his son a few years ago for our fence we put up in that house we had in town. Not like we know him hardly. Plus, then I'd have to feed them dinner. This way they can go have dinner themselves at the restaurant across the street and the motel has free breakfast. Post pounding is noisy business. Makes it a bit hard to concentrate on work matters. I'm glad I don't have any calls to be involved with.

I didn't do any MTurks last week. Just never found the motivation for some reason. I did manage to do less than $4 yesterday. Better than nothing, I suppose.

My vanilla beans and little glass jars arrived yesterday. The vanilla beans come in packages of 10. One of the packages only had 9. A bit disappointing since they are so expensive and I needed a certain amount per jar of vanilla extract. Never having purchased vanilla beans before I don't have anything to compare to. Many of the reviewers commented on the strong fragrance. I hardly smelled anything from them, even after I sliced them open lengthwise. I guess only time will tell. They do look kind of neat in the bottles and a super easy project.

The fence guys worked until like 6:30 or 7 last night. They got the post and rails done on one side and the front. They got here at 7:30 this morning. It's supposed to be about 10 degrees cooler, at 91 today. He told DH putting the wire on the posts and rails goes really fast, so getting started earlier and only one side to put up, then do the wiring part, they should be done today. He has to order the gates. I'm guessing he had to know the exact measurements of where the posts ended up getting put, so that's why he couldn't pre order them. He said takes about 3 weeks.......so that probably means we'll get them up next spring.......

It does look nice so far. I really like how it's going to look.
Making the motel reservation for them gave me a laugh. Have you ever seen the movie The Proposal? One of my favorites and I've seen it a bunch of times. A funny part is "Ramone" who shows up working at every place in the small Alaska town. We have an older gal who works at our grocery store. She has a bit of an accent. She's been there years and years. Everyone of course knows her name. So, I call up the motel and she answers. She apparently also works there, LOL.


  1. We had an Amish man put in our hard wood floors. He lived about 45 miles away. Of course he didn't drive so a van delivered him with his suitcase. We were sleeping on the floor so didn't feel that we could offer him that. Husband took him to a nearby city with motels. At the first one they refused him, because he had no picture I.D. Motel was run by immigrants who didn't understand the Amish way. At the 2nd motel husband had to vouch for him because he had no picture I.D. He paid with cash. We had to pick him up every morning. He ate lunch with us. His wife had sent lunches with him, but I doubt it was very fresh as he was at our home for a week. It was quite an experience, but the floors were beautiful, and we made a new friend.

    1. I would find that very stressful to not know if I was going to have a place to stay while working. I'll bet he did a wonderful job.

  2. Do you really think he was hinting to stay with you? That would never happen if I had anything to say about it. Will he expect you to pay for the motel? I expected a board privacy fence instead of what you have now. However, I suppose the privacy fence idea was silly since you just want to keep your dogs in and other dogs out. I know this project will be a relief to end.

    1. yes, I'm sure he was hinting for them to stay here and no that wasn't going to happen, LOL. We did pay for the motel. We didn't really want a board fence, still wanted to be able to see our surroundings, just don't want the dogs coming in. Plus a wood fence is way too much upkeep - having to re-stain them and replace them.

    2. The board fence was just the only thing that came to mind, but I did not think on it that hard, obviously. The fence you have is great. I would not want the surroundings to be blocked, either.

      I just cannot imagine someone coming to work and wanting room and board. Or, expecting you to pay for it. How far away did he live? Did you buy his dinner?

    3. I think he's about 90 min drive or a bit less from us. They wanted to work as long as possible Monday (I think they stopped at 7) and didn't want to drive back since they had to be back in the morning. We did not buy their dinner or supply any lunch or anything yesterday.
