Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My .02 cent opinion (and some others) and other daily life

I ordered a pair of New Balance tennis shoes online. Same lavender color as the Skechers ones, so they look very similar. I'm just hoping they are a better fit and quality. It's so hard to tell these days if they are slip on/fake tie up laces or actual ties up laces, because in all the pics they make the laces look the same. They were on clearance for $28, reg. $69 and free shipping. I also get back .56 cents in Rakuten rebate and .56 cents in my card cash back rebate.

DH needed some special hammer drill he had rented from the lumber store guy before, but since he sold the store the new owner doesn't have that stuff to rent out, I guess. DH had old owners cell# so called him up and he said sure, he'll rent it to him again, so DH went to his house and got it, used it for a very short few minutes (LOL) and then took it back. I took a quick break from work and started staining the big long beam he just cut. Hopefully I am done with all the staining soon.

I went into town Sunday morning to the grocery store. It was only about 9am and town was busy busy. Lots of cars and people at the store and the motel parking lot was packed. DH was in town yesterday morning and said it was very busy everywhere.

Our FedEx guy dropped of a delivery on Saturday and chatted with DH awhile. He said he had stopped inside a business at the next town the other day while delivering and got in line to get a coffee. He was in line, doing the 6 ft distancing and some guy behind him in line asks him where his mask is. He politely said, I have one here in my pocket, but it isn't a requirement in this county. Then the guy starts reading him the riot act. Telling him he's a doctor from the nearby city (where masks are required now) and this is serious, and on and on. FedEx guy asked him where was going and he said to WA. The FedEx guy said because he was wearing his uniform he couldn't say anything, but he said what he wanted to say was this: first off, masks aren't mandated here in this county, as there have been ZERO cases, so I have the personal choice of wearing one or not. Second off, YOU have your mask on, so that should protect YOU, right? Thirdly, if it's so bad, then why are you leaving your area to go to a known high area for COVID and then returning to your area after being potentially exposed? and 4th - if it's so serious then why are you stopping for a stupid coffee an hour from your home? If wearing a mask doesn't protect you enough then why are you stopping at a crowded place getting coffee? People just need to mind their own business and take care of themselves. This FedEx guy sits in a van by himself all day and drops packages off on people's doorsteps. I'm guessing he has much less chance of having COVID and giving it to someone in line at a coffee shop than that doctor.

I have a friend who is currently spending a week at a racetrack in Iowa for a big race week event. She's been posting lots of pics. Several pics of spectators in the stands. At least several thousand people all sitting side by side. Just a bunch of normal life. I was like wow - that is awesome. Not seeing any masks being worn. She's been posting pics of her and her dh visiting with various friends from here and there, also at the race. They are sharing a car ride to go eat, they are sitting next to each other in stands or right next to each other to smile for the camera. (kind of like when I was walking out of the grocery store on Sunday and a guy and a gal, who obviously knew each other, ran into each other walking in and gave each other a hug to say hello).

And I was just waiting for someone to make a comment on one of her posts/pics and sure enough someone did: "No masks or social distancing? (though apparently she was ok with it). I loved one guys reply: "No probably not, the virus is a problem only in states that have blue governors". LOL.  Yes, COVID-19 is contagious and yes, it can be serious for people who have other health conditions going on. Those high risk people should do as much as they can to protect themselves. I know people who are higher risk and even most of them do not want to stop living nor do they expect others to stop with their work and lives. My neighbor is 70 years old  and works in a job where she is exposed to the public every day. She just rolls her eyes and says whatever, if I get it I get it. Of course she practices safety, but she's got to work and got to live her life. I honestly believe that if she lost her job and they couldn't afford their home/bills, etc, that would have FAR more damaging consequences on her health than the slight chance she might get COVID-19. One of my nieces is a school teacher and she's ready to get back to the classroom. Anyhow, it's good to see people getting back to living.

I got 2 eggs yesterday. One today so far, but another hen appears to be laying when I just went out there.


  1. I wear my mask, and I think others should too. I am not going to waste my breath on folks who don't want to wear them. Its sad that some folks won't take it seriously until they know someone personally affected.. And while folks are enjoying their lives normally, millions are not, and I cannot see my sister in the US until things settle down - folks are thinking of themselves only, and of no one else, in my opinion.

    A hardworking doctor deserves a coffee, just like the FedEx guy, and Covid can stay on surfaces, so I would not be so sure he is extra safe. Perhaps the doctor has seen more than anyone realizes!

    1. well, the great part is we all get to have our own opinions. EVERYONE deserves to stop and have a cup of coffee, if they want, and not be harassed. And my opinion also is that the only reason you are not able to see your sister is because of all the political over reaction to this virus. I wear a mask where required, otherwise I do not. I honestly do not believe a little mask is going to protect me or anyone else. If the particles are in the air and staying on surfaces, well all's I see is people constantly touching their masks and most likely just transferring it to the mask surface anyhow. And I highly doubt people are washing these cloth masks very often. I'm not going to worry too much about a virus that is affecting less than 9% of the population and currently has a .0013 hospitalization rate.

    2. the numbers are serious enough across the US that we cannot allow folks into Canada. Masks protect other people, and the person wearing it too. If folks knew how to consistently wear one, and keep their hands clean, minimize touching their faces - then we would probably see a different story. Excessive crowds with no distancing or usage of masks, is spreading the virus. I attended a protest against police brutality, wore my mask and ensured I used hand sanitizer - that protest did not increase numbers in Toronto, none of the protests have. IT is definitely folks who continued to not wear masks anywhere, then went to do groceries, etc, and were even asymptomatic/symptomatic and did not stay safe who spread it around.

  2. I'm a non mask wearer most of the time except in doctors offices and only because I have always been a germaphobe when it comes to medical places. This whole mask thing, I just don't know. What I do know is that a mask or a piece of cloth does not stop a virus.. The media and certain people in government have people brainwashed that they do, democratic gov's have turned their people into the modern day gestapo (now we know how Hitler was able to brain wash so many people). My thinking is, if you want to wear one fine if you don't fine. If you are or I am getting so close to you that you can spit on me? We have a problem if I don't know you and if masks work then you're protected if you have one on and if masks work why do people need to 'socially distance"? And if social distancing works why do people need to wear masks?... Is the virus real? Yes it is.. I've personally had four doctors tell me I had it back in January and it lasted to mid March and I can also tell you that I did think it was going to kill me on more than one occasion and I have been chronically ill for over 25 years so I get it.. What I also get is Freedom. Free people make their own choices. Government doesn't make them for us.If people are so scared to get it then they should stay home and keep their mouths shut when out in public. Most people who understand, know this is not about mask wearing, this is not about reducing the virus.. it's about SO much more than that and the more they let these nazi governors etc get away with taking their freedoms away the quicker they are walking themselves to the slaughter house.....There I said it and, I'm not sorry.....

    1. 100% agree. Obviously a lot of people feel this way - or I wouldn't be seeing my friends pictures she is sharing where all these folks are gathered and not worrying about it.

    2. I completely agree with Robyn!

    3. You said it way better that I ever could! I completely agree with you, Robyn. I would also like to note the increase in suicides. Why is this being ignored? Oh, I could go on and on. While no loss of life is good, there is far, far more to this than COVID.

  3. I personally didn't say Covid is only a problem in dem states. I said it was a comment made on my friends facebook post/pictures in reaction to someone questioning lack of masks/distancing. My point being was I'm apparently not alone in my opinion people should be allowed to gather, work, etc. The difference in the states is people are living their lives, not letting politicians dictate. Thankfully, we are all entitled to our views, just as you are.

  4. I've been a long time reader, and maybe a commenter once or twice over the years. As a non American it's been shocking (I hate to use that word but that's how it feels) to watch the states not be able to manage this disease. One of the richest countries with probably the best medical facilities, and yet one of the highest death tolls and surging infections. The advice for prevention is so basic that 4-5yr olds can manage it, cover your mouth, don't touch your face & wash your hands. If everyone has a mask on then you can get away with standing much closer than 6ft. The "freedom" to not wear a mask takes away the freedom of those to actually be safer when they're out of their homes. It takes away the freedoms of business owners who may have to shut down or close to throughly clean their business because infected customers were on premises hacking & breathing all over everything. And then there's the medical staff who are exhausted & tired of being scared all the time. You CAN go about your day & live your life, just put on a mask. It truly dumbfounds those watching the states as to how so many people think this is a freedom issue. It's not,it's a medical one.
    And at the end of the day there will be a financial reckoning. Everytime your government has to issue more funds in whatever form because this is on going is a future tax bill or reduction in services. The big one I would be worried about is loss/reduction in social security. The US is being left behind by the rest of the world. The rest of us have flattened the curve & when it pops up again we all link arms and double down. Americans are unable to travel anywhere except for a small number of countries that are willing to risk it. And very few people from outside the US would risk traveling to your shores. One of your commentators mentioned freedom. How free are you when you can't even leave your own country because no one will allow you entrance? Watching from the outside, I'd say your own actions are jeopardizing your freedoms.

    1. I'm curious what country you are from and what different yours has done to have less cases? Are you required to wear a mask everywhere you go? Not being judgemental, just honestly interested. As far as freedom goes, I'm only speaking for myself as an American, but I do not equate freedom with being able to travel to another country. When people speak of our freedoms they are referring to our rights as US citizens - rights of free speech, gun ownership, equal justice, religion, etc.

    2. Anon- you also mentioned just wear a mask and you can go on with your day and your life, but that is not the case in many areas of our country. Many areas people cannot go back to work, businesses open back up or if they are allowed to open they are limited. I agree - just wear a mask - and open the country back up and get the kids back in schools.

    3. The actions of some are jeopardizing the freedom of the rest. My town has seen an uptick after almost 3 months with no cases. I would say 65-75% of the people here were wearing masks before it was mandated. My husband is a COO of a company with locations across the state and he made the decision to require his employees and customers to wear masks before our governor mandated it for the exact reasons you stated-to keep his business open and his employees safe. A grand total of 2 employees out of 250+ refused to wear them and were fired. He took a zero tolerance stand, gave them notice, and followed through. Our country’s response to this pandemic has been an epic failure from day one. It’ll just go away, it’s a hoax, fake news, we’re doing a great job. Most people listen to the scientists, a few choose not to and all the while the virus just keeps killing people.

    4. Epic failure is what aspect(s)?

    5. You’ve got to be kidding, right?

    6. Nope, honest question as to what aspects you believe are an epic failure.

    7. An epic failure in the sense that Americans can travel anywhere, in the country and now outside of it - and they spread Covid with little thought as to how it impacts other folks in other areas. Once people wear masks outdoors, and avoid the large gatherings until necessary, things can change. But not when places don't close, send kids back to school, force parents to go into work when they could clearly work from home. Some Americans just look very selfish, they cannot sacrifice for the greater good of the country. Like I said, some folks won't realize it until someone they know literally dies from it -

    8. I don't know any who are forced to go into work when they can work from home. Just about everyone I come into contact with, who can work from home, is. Including the insurance customer service gal I talked with yesterday - with a rooster crowing in the background the whole time, LOL. I'm glad I don't have to try to work a full time job from home AND do homeschooling at the same time. And there are people in Canada who have different opinions then you, too, just as in US. I have relatives who live in Canada.

    9. i read an article about a Florida university saying work from home is over, even though they can provide their employees with that option. Bigger companies can certainly keep folks home. I think most will. And Canadian folks who think the opposite of me, I would say the same thing - guess they want to be affected personally to take it seriously! I am lucky my family is ok, but i would feel horrible if i got any one of them sick.

    10. I think most smaller companies can do the same. The company I work for is about 60 employees and all work from home, even our phone receptionist. My side job co has about 25 employees and all are also working from home. Everyone of our 100 mfg's we work with, large and small, have everyone working from home that they can (obviously to mfg and ship out products some need to be in their warehouses/factories). The one I feel sorry for is like our self employed lady who is our office cleaner. We haven't had to pay her in months :( Being self employed she wouldn't get unemployment benefits, either.

    11. I mean, your company could pay her out of the kindness of their hearts? Or figure something out for her? But they haven't I am guessing? Which I think is more sad, it is people like that - who have to choose between life and death to make money.

    12. I'm sure she has numerous business clients she cleans for (we are located in a large office complex area), but yes, we did just send her a check earlier this week. I'm not sure how she is choosing between life and death to make money - her working time is at night when there is no one else in the building/office. Can't get much more social distanced than that.

  5. Oh, and as for the people in Iowa not wearing masks-yeah there are bunch idiots there. I am from there. My entire family still lives there. My mother is in a nursing home there and was one of like 10 people of the 89 residents and countless staff not to get Covid. Many died, last I heard like 19 residents. I would not be holding up Iowans as a shining example in this pandemic. Their governor never shut them down but most businesses closed on their own. They have had Nearly 50,000 Cases to date, and break daily records for cases all the time. My family have all been wearing masks for weeks and are disgusted by the leadership in the state. She is now mandating that all schools reopen even though their cases continue to rise. So yeah, Iowa has done virtually nothing right, and they are paying for it now.

    1. just because people have a different opinion doesn't mean they are idiots. I do not think you are an idiot just because you have a different opinion on how it should be handled. I don't think my friend visiting Iowa or her husband, or her son and DIL who are also there, are idiots. They are smart, hard working, caring people.

    2. If people are traveling, gathering in large groups, ignoring science, and just going on with their life like everything is fine then they are ignoring facts, then yes I stand by my statement that they are idiots. What do you think is causing the increase in cases here in Montana? It’s travel and large gatherings. We’ve had almost 200 tourists test positive this summer-and that’s just the ones who took time out of their vacation schedule to get a test. If the average person infects 3 people all the sudden there are 600 more, and on and on. My son and his wife canceled their honeymoon. My two DD’s canceled their vacation. We have canceled two trips since February and are probably canceling another one in September. We had a death in the family and did not travel to Iowa for the funeral because of this virus. My niece was supposed to get married last month. They did get married but canceled the reception, not because they had to, but because it was the only right thing to do. We haven’t been traveling because none of us wanted to bring anything back with us. THAT’S what smart, caring people do.

    3. I live in a state with a democratic governor who thinks it is perfectly fine to put COVID patients in nursing homes. I won't resort to name calling, but I wouldn't exactly call that move very smart.

  6. I've read your blog for awhile and commented one time. I live in the Midwest in a large city. I do have to say most are wearing masks in public. But when I see people going to county fairs or the big parties at lake of the Ozarks, no masks, no spacing, I'm flabbergasted. My 33 year old daughter got covid and was so sick in March. Then her husband and son were sick. They have no risk factors, don't smoke and live in a rural area. I feel the huge groups are just going to cause rates to go up. I'm a teacher and would LOVE to go back to school but its going to be virtual. Not ideal by any standards but who wants to tell a child that their teacher died or their friends are sick? My 10 year old GS had this. Wearing a mask and distancing is just like having car insurance or wearing your seat belt. I've not had an accident but I sure don't want to be unprotected if I did. I don't want covid, so I'm wearing a mask and social distancing to do my best in keeping myself and others safe.

    1. I'm sorry your family was sick and glad they recovered. That's too bad you won't be going back to school. I was glad to see my friends in TN, who have their 10 yr old niece living with them, got to start school today.

  7. I live in the hot zone of South Florida, Miami-Dade county. We are required to wear a mask inside businesses and also outside when you leave your home, including taking a walk around the block. Being caught without one, can result in a $100.00 fine.
    Wearing a mask is actually to protect people from you, not to protect you from other people. But, if everyone wears a mask to protect others, maybe we can beat this virus.
    We stay home as much as we can only leaving when necessary. We had a scare when my daughters MIL ending up with covid and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. My husband and myself ended up quarantining for 14 days because DD had been around the MIL and us so everyone quarantined, hoping we didn't get it. Luckily we had enough food in the house so we didn't have to go out. And thank goodness, we didn't have any symptoms during the self quarantine.
    Please wear your masks to protect others!

    1. it appears every state has their own decisions on what to do. Where I live masks are mandated if there are more than 4 cases in the county. Since my county has had zero cases, we are not required to wear them. We also are a stop along the interstate for visitors - truck drivers to get fuel/food and a motel and restaurant for out of towners and are seeing an increase in travel.

  8. You seem to believe that those who are more fragile should protect themselves by wearing masks. You fail to realize that masks do not protect the mask wearer but rather the other people around. So for the fragile to be effectively protected, other people need to wear masks. You seem to think that you make the decision for yourself, while in fact your decision has the most impact on others, not yourself. So thank you for not protecting others I guess?

    1. I wear one where required. My post was to also show that not everyone agrees with your point of view. Apparently there are a lot of people out there who don't have a problem with large gatherings (protester's included). I'm a numbers person and .004 of my state's population have had the virus and .00006 have died from it. .0002 were hospitalized from it. The numbers aren't really scaring me into paralyzing my life. Meanwhile one hospital in my state had to layoff 600 employees.

    2. Not everyone agrees with FACTS is what you are saying. Buy you cannot have your own facts, just opinions.

    3. Of course not everyone has the same opinion about facts, but apparently I'm only allowed to have your opinion? It's a fact that Donald Trump is the president, yet people's opinions about how they feel about that fact are all over the board. My numbers above are facts from CDC website, yet my opinion on the severity of them may differ from yours. It's a fact my neighbors dogs bark a lot. It's opinion on whether they should be allowed to or not or how much is too much. We can list facts all day long, but people will still have varying opinions about them.

  9. Just to give a little education update. Masks are worn to protect others not yourself. I wear a mask to protect you. I expect the common, simple courtesy in return. Mandated or not. Again. Madks are worn to.protect others, because that's what responsible citizens do. Care about others and the common good and health. And if my asthmatic son can wear one for hours anyone can. The fact that people believe they should be able to spread germs, deadly often killing germs, mind you, at will in the name of freedom, is, frankly, appalling. Again. My mask is not to protect me. It is to protect you. And yes, one of the many reasons almost every country in the western world is doing better than we are is masks. Along with having leaders who don't feel the need to deny the virus and are willing to advocate national policy.. and as far as the blue state thing? You do realize that the states with the most deadly outbreaks are all led by Republucans who refused to lockdown? Yes? Florida,Texas and Arizona are the worst culprits while Democratic NY has mainly recovered. And my blue state of Colorado requires masks including outside. thankfully, common sense reigns here and even our lousy Republican senator is pro mask for all.To the benefit of all. I am so sick of the "my freedom " argument. The only way to improve anything in this country including the economy is to control the virus. And wonder of wonders, that is best done with masks until a vaccine.

    1. Well, I guess someone needs to tell our governor he's doing it wrong, since we aren't mandated to wear masks here in my county

    2. Ok, if I hear one more time that the masks are to protect OTHERS and not yourself! A mask WOULD "protect" yourself (because I don't believe they are that useful). So wear one if YOU want to. This narrative is being used to guilt others into complying.

    3. K - it's been interesting to hear over the months how the mask protection narrative has changed. It works, it doesn't work, only N95 works, wear it so you don't breath in others coughs/sneezes,breath, wear it so you don't give others your coughs/sneezes, breath. I've always wondered how we've been seeing pictures and video for years of people in Japan wearing them. I always thought it was to protect *themselves* from the air pollutants....so which way do the masks work?

  10. My brother died of the coronvirus on April 13, 2020. He was a retired doctor, living in Florida. He had to travel to NYC between March 9 and 11 to see a cancer specialist at NYU Medical. He took all the precautions. Wore a mask, etc. After he died, they did a tracking on his whereabouts and were able to pin point to where he contracted the deadly virus. he had stopped to get a coffee and a crioissant at one of those famous NYC cafe's. I imagine he removed any mask to drink and eat. Plus he touched the surfaces. This was during the time the NYC Mayor said NYC was safe. It wasn't. He flew back to Florida on March 11. By the 19th he was showing symptoms and had a fever. He was intabated on the 20th. dead by April 13. He died alone. No one was able to visit him. His sons used to call his cell phone and the nurses were kind enough to put the phone next to my bother's mouth and his sons used to listen to their father breath till the batteries wore out. His body was cremated, ashes put in an urn and handed over to his wife. None of us ever saw our brother, father, grandfather, husband, friend, uncle ever again.
    It is abhorrent that America doesn't have a full country mandate. You can not have each state with different policies. Trust me, you do not want to contract this disease. My brother was 74, happily retired and was looking forward to spending much of his time with his 4 grandchildren. That's all gone now. He died a horrible, horrible death and knew it. They were going to amputate his fingers and toes to keep him alive but his wife said 'no'. She knew my brother didn't want to live like that: forever on a machine. She arranged to have his machines unhooked on Easter Sunday, after he received last rights by a priest. The nurse held his cell phone up while each of us said good by to our brohter, father, husband. The nurse said my brother had tears in his eyes.
    Wear a mask everywhere. To heck what inexperienced politicians tell you to do. Everything is political now. Fuck them! (excuse my language). Wear a mask. Use hand sanitizer.Wash your hands often. Practice social distancing. Stay home if you can. My SIL, my bother's wife, hasn't left her Florida condo since her husband, my brother died. She is terrified. And rightly so. Our politicians know NOTHING. And our so-called medical professionals are restrained by politicians to tell us the truth.
    It's sad that unless you know someone who has died of this disease, you have no compassion or consideration. If I have saved just one other person, my brother's death will not have been in vain.
    Thank yiu for letting me speak.

    1. I am sorry for the loss of your brother.

    2. My heart breaks for you and your family. Anyone who does not think this virus is serious enough to be wearing the mask outside, unfortunately cannot have their mind changed until they are sick themselves, or someone they care about becomes sick. I am glad to give up a year of my life in terms of travel, concerts etc - to ensure my family can live for another hundred years. I miss my American family terribly, but I blame other selfish Americans for that.

    3. Sorry for your loss Cindi.

  11. I've read your blog for a very long time and enjoy the every day life you write about and your particular slant on the world. Totally not of the same political ilk but I don't choose my friends nor the bloggers I follow because they are like me. Diversity and different opinions and perspectives are the spice of life in my opinion.

    That being said I have so many things I want to say, but similar to trying to convince someone to perhaps understand my political view and my side of the debate, I know I will never convince non-maskers and COVID hoaxers that masks in close quarters with other people are necessary and COVID is real AND dangerous to all of us simply because it has somehow become political. We all know how colds and the flu spreads but for some reason many think COVID is different? I mean it is because it is way more contagious and deadly and totally unknown as to long term effects, permanence of immunity, if it can reactivate within you, how it works in the body, etc. But we do know how it is spread and how to stop that.

    All I can say is as of today 160,000 Americans are dead because of this virus. They died alone in a hospital or nursing home with no loved ones around to hold their hand. All ages, many without co-morbidities. This virus only survives if it can spread and multiply. It literally is a question of two living things (humans vs. virus) competing to survive. Until there is a vaccine (and a good treatment) the only way to stop the virus is to stop the spread. Period.

    Please stay safe and do what you can to keep others safe.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I too read/have on my blog list several blogs where the bloggers have different political views than me. But, like me (at least I think so) politics isn't the main focus of their blog. Living life is, which is so much more fun and interesting than politics. I even read bloggers (and regularly comment) who aren't from the US and make posts that bash our president. I don't comment on those or any like that. I'm not going to change their mind and it's their blog to say whatever they like/feel.

      Knock on wood, we still have zero cases in our county. A few customers will wear masks at the store (though I saw more worn early on than now). For ourselves, we mostly stay home (did that before Covid) and only go out and about when necessary. My post was to show that there are quite a few out there who apparently share my opinion on the masks (like our FedEx guy). I haven't quite figured out what the guy I saw at Target on Friday's opinion is....he was with his wife and small daughter with his mask covering his mouth only. But, I guess he's protected since everyone else was wearing one, and the rest of us wearing masks aren't protected from him.

      Maybe it's just because I'm a numbers person, but 1.5% population infected with a virus that has between a 97% and 99.75% recovery rate doesn't overly panic me. And especially since about 30% of the deaths all are from NY and NJ. Statistics that alarm me just as much are the number of gun deaths per year or the number of abortions.

      But it's more enjoyable think about going to see how many eggs I got today :) Or look out my window and see the 3 fisherman floating down the river and fishing in their little boat.
