Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fence 95% complete

Day 2 of the fence installation was a bit slow in one section, as I guess the ground is very hard and rocky there, so they had to work their machine harder/longer to get the posts pounded in. While the 2 young guys did that, the main guy put up the wiring on the finished posts/rails. I did see DH helping him a bit on a couple spots, but mostly he was just doing clean up. I think all the noise from that side stressed the chicks out a bit. Early on I found them all up on the roost and I only got 3 eggs today, instead of the usual 4. They did seem to settle down, though the rest of the afternoon, after all the noisy post pounding was done.

My electric egg cooker was delivered, but I haven't tried it out yet. Though a hard boiled egg does sound really good. So does an egg salad sandwich. I have had one of those in ages. DH was hot and tired (another 96 degree day) and it was around 6pm before he was ready for dinner. He just wanted a sandwich again, so another easy dinner. I put off the steaks again, haha. We'll have those tonight. I made myself a fried egg sandwich for dinner.

We did a partial pay to the fencing guy for the work completed. He still has to order and install the gates, which he said will be about 3 weeks, so we will pay for the gates and installation when he completes it (I should start a pool on betting when he'll actually be back!). Good thing I keep good records. One of the gates is a small gate in between us and our neighbors. Since we visit a lot, we don't want to have us or them walk all the way around, LOL. Way back when we paid for the posts and rails (that have been sitting on our property for almost 2 years! I thought it was last year but it was the fall before that) I remember he called to tell me how much the material was and he needed that paid. He had said $3260, but for some reason I sent a check for $3300 (I think because I thought he was coming back in a few weeks to put the fence up!). Well, his paperwork yesterday showed my deposit as $3260, so I gave him a copy of the canceled check I had stapled to the quote/bill and we deducted $40 off what I paid him yesterday.

Woke up to it raining this morning, which was nice. Still going to be 90 today, but having everything watered already was a nice break.

As I'm occasionally checking my mom's cell phone call log, I see that on Monday afternoon she called an 800 number and talked for 11 minutes. Oh great, what now. I called the number. It was for AAA, which I know she used to have, but obviously doesn't need now that she doesn't have a car anymore. Maybe she got a bill or renewal notice in the mail and knew to call. I can only hope, LOL. I don't see any new charges on her credit card or checking account.  Every time I go to see her I keep forgetting to finish signing up for the USPS informed delivery. It needs her cell# and send a text to finish the registration. I tried using my cell#, but I'm guessing since I'm already registered with it, is why it won't work. I need to remember to do this when I go see her on Saturday, so that I can start seeing what she is getting in the mail.

She also got a billing from a medical supply place. When we had visited the wound care specialist she had ordered some bandage supplies to be sent directly to my mom, so my mom ended up with a copy of $18 on the supplies. Of course she has no memory of it, so I have to explain why she owes it. I told her to put a note on it that I will take care of it on Saturday. And I have to keep explaining that medical billing is a slow process and why she's getting bills 6-8 weeks later. I said the dr. has to bill the insurance. Then they have to wait for insurance to process the claim and pay what they are going to pay. Then you have to wait for the provider to get a bill sent to you. It usually takes a good couple of months for the whole process. And I have to explain this each time she gets a bill, LOL.


  1. Isn't it wonderful that in this day and age you can "check up" on your mom remotely. Not everyone is that lucky!

  2. When I get these bills, I always wonder "What now?" I keep meaning to sign up for the "informed delivery," too, for myself. Well, you saved yourself $40! I am glad you are not paying for the gates and installation until the job is done.

    1. I'm sure if we had paid for the gates and installation we'd not be seeing him back. As it is we'll be lucky if he comes back to finish!

  3. Will be nice to have your fence (hopefully?!) finished for the winter. We have had our entire acre yard fenced since December and we (and our dogs) love it.
