Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The chickens

Blogger and reader, T'Pol asked for pics and names of my chickens. No problem!

Left to right: Gladys, Penny, Queenie, and Loretta

and these are my "chicken shoes" LOL

Here's me collecting an egg the other day. DD had asked for a video of them squawking when an egg is layed. I was trying to get that as I walked out the door and you can hear a couple of loud clucks.

Our propane tank got filled up yesterday, for the summer fill. The rate is $1.19, so not bad and we only needed 350 gallons (last fill up was January). Then I guess next month we will do the winter "pre pay" program, to get the summer rate for our winter fill up. Two big bills basically at the same time, but saves money in the long run. This will be our first year doing the winter pre buy, so I'm not exactly sure how they determine the number of gallons, but I did read if they don't end up filling up that much, you just get a credit on your account towards next fill up.

I have today off work and am heading in to get my mom and take her to get her ID card. We'll grab lunch at a drive thru somewhere and she also needs a few things from the store again. 


  1. Nice to meet your chicks! I hope you have a nice weahter ay. Getting take out and sitting in a parksound slike a lovley lunch outing.

    1. The weather was really gray and windy so we just ate in my car before we went into Target, LOL

  2. Oh Wow! Great video!!!
    The chickies are cute & pets for sure. They have top of the top living quarters. This has to make you happy. :)

  3. How nice to meet them all. Good girls! Love the cicken shoes :) Thanks for sharing.

  4. Replies
    1. Aren't they?! Though I'm kinda wishing I would have gotten the over ankle boots for winter

  5. In my mind I think I would love to have chickens, but I am not positive I would. Thankfully we have to get a chicken license and have all the neighbors agree to it before we can own 3. Too much hassle for me!

    1. That does sound like a hassle. Though actually having them isn't as much work as I thought they'd be

  6. Chickens are so much fun! Love the shoes! TSC?

    1. I got then from Amazon but I think quite a few places sell them. The brand is Sloggers

  7. You just have to have chicken shoes, and I like those. Eggs are so pretty.

    1. I like the brown eggs compared to white for some reason.
