Monday, August 3, 2020

Sunday update

I did not get any more eggs on Saturday but Sunday my egg factory operated at 75% productivity! 3 eggs! It was pretty exciting, LOL. This morning I made dh's egg sandwich with the fresh eggs, but had to use 2 since they are so small. When I went out into the coop yesterday morning, boy they were all squawking up a storm for awhile. One egg had already been left. One hen was up in the top nest and telling me all about it. I checked back a little later and she left her gift. Later another one layed. After all that they calmed down the rest of the day.

We got started on DH's shop loft/shelf yesterday. Basically it's an extension of the loft that is above the bathroom in the corner, it will just carry on down along the whole wall, giving lots of storage space up there. He cut his boards and I stained them up for him with some leftover dark stain we had. He realized he needs some longer heavy duty screws, so he will go back to the lumber store today for them. It was a bit too hot to work out in the shop, but most of my time was spent in the garage (with doors open) doing the staining, so it wasn't quite as hot. At least the project should keep him busy for awhile.

I also mentioned that for next summer/flower season, I would like some pots or planter boxes in front of the garage and shop, in between the doors. It needs something there and he agreed. He said he will build some narrow tall planter boxes this winter and he should have leftover stuff to make them with or if he doesn't they won't be anything fancy or wouldn't cost too much to buy some lumber.

The Skecher tennis shoes I ordered from Target are going back. I didn't realize they are the fake laces, which is fine, except I have narrow feet and for some shoes I need to tighten them up with the laces. They are just too wide/loose on me. Not to mention they are such a cheap feeling shoe. So, I'll have to find something else and get ordered.

It's supposed to be a cooler 85 today and mostly in the 80's this week. That's much better than 100. DD and her hubby had all last week off and got quite a bit accomplished. They got their concrete patio poured. She found a nice 7 piece patio dining set on Marketplace for $400, they got a neat firepit with stones built, and got started on a pergola over one corner of the patio. This morning she said she is back to work - going through over 500 emails. Ugh!

I don't know if I'm imagining it or just wishful thinking but it seems this past week my mom has been remembering a bit better. She is remembering what group she is for dining/activities, she is remembering that there is a calendar she has to look at for what is going on each day. Saturday morning I told her about getting my first egg. She called me yesterday afternoon and asked if I got any more eggs. She's also remembering we are still waiting on the fence guy.

I'll leave you with a picture of some birds cooling down in the bird bath yesterday


  1. I think those first, small eggs are called pullet eggs. The squawking is called the "egg song." I just awoke and could be making things Were the yolks in the eggs a dark gold?

    1. I just went out there as one had just layed. She was announcing it to the world, LOL. The yolks weren't as dark as I expected them to be (from other fresh eggs I have been given in the past).

    2. It’s likely because yours aren’t free range so they aren’t getting all the grass and weeds and stuff. If your mower mulches stuff up good you can toss clippingS in. They also love dandelions and marigolds so you can pick some and throw them in their pen. My chickens used to love a certain weed so I would cut those off at the base of it and throw the whole stem in. My yolks are a very deep orange, but I let them out every day. If you aren’t able to do that then bring the yard to them lol.

    3. good to know! thanks for the tips :) No dandelions (dh would have a cow if one was in his new lawn, haha) but I do have marigolds.

  2. That is wonderful news about your mother! What med is changed other than the benadryl? I think it is affecting Tommy, too.

    1. Just the benadryl stoppage. And I think she is doing much better with taking her meds daily, which probably helps some.

  3. I love New Balance shoes. They are a bit pricey but, I am sure you can come across good deals there in the US. I have four pairs two of which are the expensive 990s. Ever since I have been wearing those shoes, I never had any tendon problems again. However, I do own two reasonably priced pairs as well which I had bought on sale and they are excellent too.

    1. New Balance are the shoes I have now (that are getting so dirty) and I've found them to be very comfortable so I think I'm just going to get another pair of them. I have an older Nike pair (that were my "old" pair) but they aren't near as comfortable as the New Balance shoes.

  4. Could be that now your mom is settled and no crazy changes she remembers better. Hoping so for both of you.

    1. I'm hoping. Also wondering if maybe stopping the regular use of the benadryl (tylenol pm) helped. Even the dr. said that regular use of that in elderly can have an effect on their memory.

  5. I'm glad you're mom is starting to settle. She sounds like she might even be having fun. And I just love that bird bath!

    1. it's great she is starting to do activities and look ahead to see what is coming up. I love the bird bath too, and it lights up at night, pretty colors.

  6. It probably helps that sb and bf are not in her life to cause confusion.

    1. that could be. a combination of them no interfering and me helping make things easier.

  7. I was born HIV the age of 16 I lost my mother because of the HIV infection And I regretted why i never met Dr sunday who could have cured my mum for me because as a single other it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr Sunday herbal center and his herbal exploit online about how he cured all kind of human diseases like Chronic pancreatitis, HIV/Aids Herpes, Parkinson, Asthma, Autism,Copd, Epilepsy, Shingles, Cold Sore, Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia, Love Spell, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Glaucoma., psoriasis, Cirrhosis of Liver, Cataracts, Muscular degeneration, Infectious mononucleosis., Cardiovascular disease, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis,
    Dementia, Breast Cancer, Blood Cancer, Colo-Rectal Cancer, Love Spell, Chronic Diarrhea, Ataxia, Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis, Weak Erection, Breast Enlargment, Penis Enlargment,Hpv, measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria Diabetes Hepatitis and Cancer I was so excited but frighten at the same time because I did not come across such article on the internet then I contacted Dr James on his {EMAIL}. he tells me how it works then I told him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I received my herbal medicine within 3/4 working days and I used the herbal medicine as he prescribed for me MORNING AND NIGHT and here living healthy again can imagine how God uses men to manifest his healing and powerful  works I'm writing this article in appreciation to thank Dr Sunday herbal center and to let you all know there is a cure for HIV/AIDS.THANK YOU  
