Thursday, August 20, 2020

Friends and relatives

DH has not had very good luck when it comes to his friends living long lives. It sure seems like a whole lot of them over the years and now I have a feeling there's going to be another one go pretty young, at some point down the road.

First, years ago, was his mentor and friend. He was only in his late 40's and died of a brain tumor. Then a friend he had known for years (the brother of a really good friend, but he also worked with this guy) also died of a brain tumor, at about age 30. Then a very good friend was killed in an accident at age 49. Then his best friend died of cancer/tumor at age 48. Then an old friend recently died at age 55, alcoholism related. Now another friend, who is in his mid 40's is dealing with a serious health condition and unless he can get a donor down the road, before his condition worsens, he probably won't have a normal span life. Hoping things go well for his friend as they start their journey to try to get him healthy again.

It seems (as I predicted) DH's renewed relationship with his older brother has about run it's course. As I said, after they got "caught up" eventually they will run of things to talk about and realize they still really don't have a ton in common. The only thing they both share an interest in is muscle cars and that's about the only reason they've still managed to keep chatting, I think. That and DH kept trying (of course) but brother doesn't seem much interested anymore. Like I told DH awhile back, his brother is really only interested in a relationship on his terms and his terms are he has to feel like he has his thumb over DH and keep him in his place (ie tries to treat him like he's still his 6 year old little brother, not his 56 year old brother). Or he's good in relationships where the other person is on his level: drunk/drugs/loser type of person. I've never given 2 craps about his brother, ever, so no skin off my nose. I think DH had just hoped, being adults (way past adults, old guys now, LOL) now it would be easier to enjoy a relationship.  Neither of them ever hear from their other brother, the youngest of the 3. Though it's interesting that they all live within about 40 minutes of each other now.

On a good note my half sister and I still stay in contact via text message. We seem to text about once every week or two, so that is good. It's an easy relationship. We both love the same things so always something to chat about. She texts me as often as I text her, so it's not like I feel like I'm trying to maintain the relationship, which I have often felt like with friends over the years. (speaking of she just texted me - a picture of her chickens, LOL) I was always the one trying to stay in touch and when I'd finally give up that was that. Facebook has made keeping in touch easier though. But, like when I recently found my long lost 2nd cousin. She chatted a bit that first day, but nothing after that. Oh well.

DH took yesterday and rested up. Today he is out "fixing" the neighbors yard on the side where their machine to pound posts kind of messed it up. Nothing super major - it was an area they had tried to plant grass in earlier this summer (it was just kind of natural/wild grass before) that it still trying to fill in. DH needs to rake it up some, then he'll throw some more grass seed down and keep it watered. We tried and tried to get the fence guy here before the neighbors worked on that area. It still all looks better than a part over near there driveway, which for some reason never took the grass seed they planted at all.

I tried my new electric egg cooker yesterday - the buzzer didn't go off when done! I just don't think I'm supposed to have one, LOL. I started it while making dinner so I wasn't paying attention to what time I started (figuring it would buzz when done). By about the time I'm done with making dinner and realize it's still not buzzed I see the light has gone off....hmmm...maybe it sits awhile and then goes off? I wait a bit and then see the light back on. Awhile later it's off again. I had no idea how long it had been cooking. I sat down to eat and then forgot about it. Finally remembered. Took the eggs off and put in fridge. They taste ok. Maybe a bit over done. Stupid thing.


  1. It's scary stuff when your contemporaries start dying, but all the more so when they are "too young" to be dying. I wish your friend well!

    1. Sometimes dh will say he shouldn't get too close to someone new....

  2. My friends are in 60s and 70s when they die, older than his friends. It is disconcerting!
