Monday, August 10, 2020

I want more Sundays

DH took it easy yesterday (a good thing) but I kept busy. Dusted and vacuumed - though my vacuum (Dyson) started making a weird noise at the end, so now I have to get that figured out. I seriously hate vacuums and they hate me. I thought having a nicer, more expensive vacuum would change things, but nope.

It was another 4 egg day yesterday. I still have some store eggs that I'm using up, as I had bought a few dozen awhile before they started laying. So, I had 14 chicken eggs now, so I put 12 in an egg carton and texted my neighbor. "come and get them". She came over to the chicken coop and got them from me and DH and I chatted with her quite awhile. She brought up all the cars/trucks turning around in our street on Saturday. We can't see if they just pull in our street and then back out into the main road to do their turn around (that's what most do), as our shop blocks that view, but the entrance to our street is right out front their house/front yard. Then we told her about the truck and boat trailer just pulling in right through our driveway loop. She was like omg, why is there all this traffic all of a sudden? DH told her he thinks that the boat launch down the road is so packed and no parking that they have to drive on past and a mile down the road is our street, the first street after the boat launch, so they pull in. We also had 3 or 4 cars pull in really fast, all at the same time, and drive down to the end on Saturday night at 9:30pm. They didn't stay down there, just turned around and left. We discussed maybe putting a sign at the entrance to our street "no river access" or something.

DH got a hold of the fence guy on Saturday, too. Told him he needs to get out here and get our fence and gates up. He's tired of people thinking they can just drive on to our property. He says he will be here next Monday, the 17th. He'd better be.

The birds are just going nuts over this bird bath, it's so fun to watch.

Since I picked up the flooring on Friday and it's had a couple/few days to acclimate I think Dh is going to install the rest of it today, or at least get started on it.

We both got a nap in yesterday, as well as the dogs. I made some tapioca pudding and that is the last of the box and I can't find anymore in the stores now. Been looking awhile as I knew I was down to the last of it. Then I brushed long haired dog as he needed a good brushing. Got his shaggy feets all trimmed up, haha. And gave both dogs their flea/tick treatment.

Has anyone ever made vanilla extract? I think I'm going to try it for my neighbor Christmas gifts this year. DD got a cricut machine so she can make me some bottle labels. I'm going to order the vanilla beans and bottles today and pick up some vodka when I go see my mom on Wednesday.


  1. I made vanilla extract. However, I used mango run the first time and just plain rum the next. It is delicious in banana bread. So, I have no experience with vodka for vanilla extract.

    I took a pencil and put a date, just the number, on each egg so that I would not eat the freshest eggs first. I read that somewhere, and it worked.

    1. I have an 18 ct egg carton that I'm putting them in right now and putting the oldest in the first row and so forth. Hopefully that way the oldest will get used first when I pull out the carton. My neighbor also told me that I'm supposed to put them in pointy side down, LOL.

  2. We have a sign at the entry to our road that says "(name of rd) property owners only" and then there is another one a few hundred feet after the entrance that says something like "private property. No outlet." A third sign mentions a private hunt club, which also might help keep people out. Lol

    1. oh, I like that idea of "property owners only" sign and we should have a no outlet sign, too. I think our whole state is a hunt club, LOL.

    2. Perhaps a "No trespassing. We don't dial 911" sign might be in order then?

    3. Haha. One of our friends who lives back on 20 acres and has a locked gate out at is property entrance has signs with guns on them saying No Trespassing.
