Thursday, August 13, 2020

A day of errands

I left home at 9am yesterday and got back at 4pm. Taking my mom places is kind of exhausting, LOL. First off the "make an appt" at the driver's license office (that took a month to get) apparently is more of "you now have an appt for today, get here and wait". We waited over an hour for her 11am appointment. Got out of there around 12:20 and then decided to get Wendy's for lunch. Of course the drive thru line is out the parking lot, but we got in line and it moved really fast (usually this place is pretty quick). When I got to the pay window the young guy looked back out to see the line still out to the parking lot entrance and said "it's been like this for 2 hours!" I said, well you guys are doing a great job moving the line fast.  We went over to the Target parking lot (our next stop) and ate our lunch.

My mom is a sllooooww mover, haha. Little tiny little baby steps, so it takes three times as long to get around. While we were waiting at the DOL I took a look at her list of what she needed to get. She had on it Advil. Well, I know we just bought a bottle at our last trip. Then she had on the list "sleeping pills". oh goodness. I thought I had gotten past that one (ie the Tyelonol or Advil PM's), so I reminded her the doctor said she can't take those OTC "sleeping pills" anymore and if she needs a sleeping pill we can have the doctor prescribe something that is more suitable for her, than benadryl. Then of course she says "oh, I'm sleeping ok, I don't really need them". After Target we went to the feed store and did my curbside pickup of some layer pellets and then I filled my car up with gas.

By the time we got back to her place and checked in, it was almost 2. I stayed until 2:30. For some reason she keeps asking me (on phone past week or two) something about "medicare cuts are being made next year, make sure you have your parts a and b". In her little notes she writes, I found like 2 or 3 with this written down, but I don't know where she's hearing it from. No emails that I see and no mail. Maybe a tv commercial she keeps hearing, I'm guessing. I tossed the notes out, so maybe she'll quit getting reminded of it.

I still had a few more stops to make. I needed to go to Home Depot for a gallon of paint and roller brushes. Then I needed to find a liquor store to get the vodka for my vanilla extract. Maps on my phone showed down on the corner of her street. I pull in (traffic was awful) and it looks to be under remodel but sign says still open. After I park I see the sign that says the casino part is open but the liquor store part has moved to another address. Ugh. I knew there was another liquor store down a ways so I got back out into the traffic and went down there. Got 2 5th's of vodka for like $14 total. Last stop was I went through the car wash.

After the burger and fries lunch I wasn't super hungry for dinner, let alone didn't feel like making a big meal. I defrosted some hamburger meat and just made DH nacho's with taco meat, cheese, onion and tomato. Later I had a bowl of cereal.

DH got to collect the eggs yesterday. Isn't it fun?! I asked him. haha. He got 3 eggs, not 4. I checked one last time before I closed their door, but I'm thinking we missed one. This morning, after they hadn't been up too long and I went to give them their bread treat, I found one kinda off to the corner of the nest box, almost all the way under the straw bedding and it was cold (it got down in 40's last night). We'll see how many we got today :)

This morning I get a few hours to myself (well, still gotta work, but still....) as DH has to go into the city. I'm kinda hoping maybe he'll decide since he's all the way there, he might as well stop by and visit with his brother......a girl can hope, haha.


  1. I remember the last few years when my mom would leave the house, the errands took a bit longer-and I had a preschooler usually with me. Her last three years she rarely went anywhere but to get her hair done, church, and occasionally out for a meal or to oneof our houses-but coming to one of our hosues was rare as all of us had a certianamoutof steps to nabigate, and for manyof us, no main floor bathroom somade it even worse. I hope you get your day to yourself.

    1. He should be home soon, haha. The first hour was spend involved in an email discussion with work stuff, then a meeting. Seems like he just left ;)

  2. That is exactly what traveling with my great aunt was like. all trips became 10x as long, and she tried to continue to buy things she did NOT need. and got mad when i told her she didn't need them, but she doesn't get out much.

    also, how long do chickens lay eggs for? like, their lifespan?

    1. My mom will put things on her list and then we'll walk over to that aisle or area of the store to get it and she'll say "oh, I don't really need it right now". I'm like we are here, lets just get it!

      I think I read chickens live 7 or 8 years and lay most of their lives, though maybe less often when they get older, I'm sure.

    2. my aunt would buy all sorts of meat etc - she has not cooked in eons! she just kept forgetting that fact, poor heart. oh that is interesting, you should be getting eggs for a while!! how wonderful.

    3. its so sad when they can't remember normal things. My mom did buy a couple of tv dinner type meals. We'll see if she remembers to eat them.

  3. One day I timed Mom when we went to the grocery store. After 15 minutes we were still in the produce section. I learned to never be in a hurry when I took her anywhere.

    1. definitely can't be in a hurry. Plus she has a hard time deciding what to get now when faced with choices.

  4. My elderly grandmother is in a large independent living facility and is declining quickly because we cannot get in to see her and her daughter (my aunt) cannot go in and help her with her laundry/changing the beds so my grandmother is having more falls trying to do her daily living stuff all alone. It is sad.

    1. My mom is also in an independent living place. They are allowed visitors and the residents can come and go. Each entrance into the place we have to check in and have our temp taken. Even when things were more quarantined, I was allowed to go in as her "primary care giver".

    2. If her place was doing total lockdown where I couldn't visit her I wouldn't have even moved her in there - I would have just moved her to my house.

  5. Ha, I can get in a cart and shop quickly...if I can find the item. Walking is impossible!

    Maybe some of the other residents keep warning each other of the a and b stuff.

    My hens laid eggs for six years. The first two years, they laid year round. Then, they slacked off to about 5 times a week. At the end, I got one or two eggs a week, which was fine. It all depends on the breed, conditions, and feed. When you get eggs, store them small end down. I wish I had chickens again. You will love the great egg search! The next hen who lays pushes the egg present to the side sometimes. It is still good to eat after being out there for a day. Even if you don't want to eat it, the dogs can if you feed them eggs. Cook it for them or give it to them in the shell.

    1. My hens were all gone at the end of six years, so who knows how long they would have laid?

    2. It got pretty cold last night, not to mention the eggs are ok not being refrigerated for quite awhile if you don't wash them off, right? Figured the temps last night was almost as good as the fridge, LOL.

    3. Unwashed, eggs are just fine left out. I never had a bad egg, no matter what the outside temp. You've got me wanting chickens again, but it is just not practical where we live.
