Friday, August 21, 2020

The nerve of people

People are just too much! Especially this fence guy. First off was the assumption he and his 2 guys could spend the night at our house while working here for 2 days. Then he tells DH I need to use your refrigerator - has this huge bag of food/lunch. I didn't really have room for it in either my kitchen fridge or our little shop fridge! I ended up taking some things out of the shop fridge and stuffing it in there.

I've mentioned before how DH has done little videos to music of each stage of the house build. While he's shared them on youtube, he did these videos for himself - so he would have the videos and pictures to enjoy and remember by. (and because he enjoys putting them together in his down time) For some of them he asked the contractor/workers to pick out a song. If they couldn't think of one, he picked one out (or I helped). Apparently the fence guy knew dh did these videos, because he's friends with the roofer, so he saw his video, but he apparently did not watch/see any of the other numerous videos dh has on his channel. He kind of commented he'd like to use it to advertise (one or two other contractors asked to use his video, I think the garage floor coating company did)

So, when they got here dh told them he takes pictures and videos while they are working so he can put together a little video. He uses his camera, his ipad mini (for time lapse) and his drone. Last night at like 8:30 the fence guy calls up. He says I need you to email me the pictures and video. Dh is a bit confused - like what exactly? a certain picture? No, he wants the video emailed to him. Dh says well, I can't email it. The program I use to create it, the file is way too big to email. I just put them on youtube, you can see it that way. But, I haven't even started it yet! (let alone the project isn't even complete! Still need gates, so dh isn't even going to think about doing it until it's all done). Then he brings up the song and dh says well,  ya if you have one in mind I can probably use it (some songs, even when purchased, will get kicked off youtube as copyright infringement). DH told him the song he was thinking (because the guy had headphones on while working and dh asked him what he was listening to) and then the guy goes "oh...ya. That's the song I was just going to suggest!".

Then he starts to tell dh how and what to put in the video! Dh is just like "umm...sure I'll try to do that. I haven't even looked at the pictures or videos yet. Most of it all gets edited out, since songs are only about 3 minutes. DH again tries to tell him he just does these videos for himself as a memento and then says he won't even start it until the gates are up and it's all done. Guess what the guy then said?! "ok, well make sure when I come back to do the gates your lawn is all mowed". Are you freaking kidding me?!

I told dh next time he has to talk to him about it to just say "This is not a professional video! This is just for me. If you like it and want to use it, feel free". Or say.....ya, I'll have it done in a couple of weeks....then a couple more weeks, until 6 months have passed. Just like he did getting out here to do the job.


  1. That guy has more brass the the courthouse dome! I think your last suggestion was the best--delay, delay, delay. At some point in all this pushing, I would tell the guy I have waited x months to get this work done, and now you call me up and want my video before you even finish. Let him mow the yard, and tell him to bring his own mower and gas. Has he not heard of coolers and ice. Maybe you could include a shot of his food in your refrigerator and say something about his coming set to work hard, sort of a back-handed compliment.

    1. And none of it did he even ask..he just told DH what he was supposed to do for him. Unbelievable

    2. I meant, He has more brass than the courthouse dome.

  2. Sorry, but that made me laugh. "Make sure you have your lawn mowed" - did he forget to add "and the fridge cleaned out a little better"?

    1. I'm surprised he didn't say that! DH said one time he told him to move the ipad recording to different spot to get them from a different angle.

  3. Linda's expression cracked me up. I've never heard that one, but it is apt. Sort of why my daughter will never do wedding videos. She did one as a gift for my niece, her cousin, and it was so much work, and a whole day of prep before, during and at the reception of the wedding filming, then had to edit literally 15 hours of footage into a beatiful 8 minute wedding film. Other people just sort of think she just points and hits record, so should be able to do thiers, or their childrens, for a couple hundred dollars. She is a professional videographer and what she did for my niece would have literally been no less than $1500,and depending on supplmental material, potentially twice that. It's actually harder to create what she did-a fully coherent start to finish story under 10 minutes. Doing the longer wedding ones, with little editing is much easier, but no one, other than parents and the couple themselves would want to watch. At least her cousin was thrilled!

    1. Linda's expression was a good one. I hadn't heard that before either :). Maybe if they guy had said "hey, I'd really like a good video I can use to advertise my business, how about we trade some of the fence cost for it?" The stupid part is my dh will feel like he needs to do it because he's one of those people that wants everyone to like him. (but complain to me about it the whole time)

    2. I was thinking the same thing. Tell him you'd be happy to provide him with a copy of the video, for a reduction in your bill. He may change his mind ;)

    3. Christy - that's sure what DH should do!
